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Posts posted by HU&W

  1. 8 hours ago, nsplayr said:

    That's just not accurate.

    History lesson: the Dems won control of the Senate in the 2006 midterms and picked up more seats in the 2008 presidential, which combined gave them a substantial majority. The GOP gained 6 back in the 2010 midterms, the Dems got +2 in the 2012 presidential, but the GOP got +9 in the 2014 midterms and re-took the chamber. They've been in power since then, but it's fairly likely that the Dems will be able to retake the Senate in the 2020 presidential, pending results of the upcoming 2018 midterms.

    No serious political analyst or politician believes in thousand year reichs. They all know the pendulum swings back and forth as voters get fed up and want change. In fact that's exactly what drives the most political players to want to break the rules and use their power immediately, long-term consequences be damned...they'll all be gone anyways by time the chickens come home to roost.

    Really, you generally don't accumulate power for power's sake, you build it up so you can get things done and if doing those things costs you the power, well I hope you swung for the fences. It's what the Dems got wrong with Obamacare (they tried to compromise and had to kowtow to conservative Dems not wanting to be too bold) and what the GOP got right when many of them sold their souls to support Trump, knowing they could justify all the indignities in exchange for conservatives on the Supreme Court, tax cuts, and "owning the Libs," all of which have already been delivered.

    It's the same short-term thinking that causes publicly-traded companies to obsess over quarterly numbers to the detriment of workers and sometimes the long-term success of the business, and what causes shitty leaders in all places, including the AF, to do what's best for them and their next career move and care little for the real long-term consequences.

    NS, I'm struggling to respond.  You said my post wasn't accurate, then you described how the Obama admin knew better, but they did it anyway.  I'm in violent agreement with most of your post.  They academically knew better than trusting in their durable reich, but they overstepped anyway and created their own monster.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, Homestar said:

    What exactly did Harry Reid think would happen when/if the majority changed hands?

    I'm convinced that both he and Obama thought it never would.  At a minimum, they felt they had 8 more years of helping the GOP adjust even more to the left before it did.  After all, they had deep state, MSM, and the entirety of academia in their hip pocket.  How could they fail?

  3. 4 hours ago, LookieRookie said:

    You mean HAF is doing a "review" after the AFI mandatory review/coordination A1 had to do in order to publish the new version?

    Aka: We've investigated ourselves and have found no evidence of wrong doing.


    Lip service because while this "review" goes on it's the letter of the law.

    They can publish a GM to immediately 'fix the glitch' while it goes through full review or awaits republication of the next version.  This would restore some level of the institutional integrity that was lost by them saying one thing and doing another.

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  4. 22 hours ago, Champ Kind said:


    Am I the only one that thinks we need (and could have more immediate impact with) a cyber force more at this point?


    I'm hoping that 'space' includes cyberspace.  It's a better fit than what we have now.

  5. On 7/21/2018 at 2:28 PM, di1630 said:

    Hypothetically, if you were debt free, kids college funded, decent investment balance with a military retirement, what would be your annual net income number you’d feel comfortable leaving the workforce entirely for just to pursue your hobbies?

    Half tempted to downgrade my qol after retirement to go fully debt free (including house) so my hobbies and the work I do to generate revenue can be the same thing.

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  6. 22 hours ago, Majestik Møøse said:

    No more booster club.

    Excellent post.  One add.  No more equating morale to donating $5 to the booster club to wear civilian clothes on Friday.  We're the military, and we need to build morale by getting really good at killing bad people and breaking their stuff.

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  7. 13 hours ago, jazzdude said:

    So how is this different than a major deciding they just don't want to play the game anymore and just fly?

    This way they can get pilots to show their cards.  Also, their hr people tell them that when people feel like they're applying for something, they are happier when they're 'accepted'.  Really, this just feels like AMC sanctioning a career strategy that already exists.

  8. Tricare South combines w/ Tricare East.  The only urgent care in our town was previously covered under South.  Couldn't get an appointment on base for an ear infection for my kid.  Lady on appt line said to take her to that clinic for urgent care.  Now tricare says it's my bill to pay because the clinic is categorized by Tricare East as 'immediate' instead of 'urgent'.   Called the clinic.  Billing clerk says they're trying to collect from hundreds of local tricare patients, most of whom are angry...

    They just keep finding ways to chip away at benefits, especially the ones that mean the most to our dependents.

  9. 5 hours ago, YungBuck said:

    Seems like you should be able to learn systems, basic EPs, basic instruments and pattern procedures remotely.  There is nothing magic about being physically present on a UPT base to start memorizing some shit. 

    Sure.  Give pre-commissioning studs a google cardboard and  some 360 youtube videos with pilots doing normal stuff.  Highlight the crosscheck where the pilot's looking.  Cheap fam, gives context, and teaches good habits early.

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  10. 21 minutes ago, HarleyQuinn said:

    There is this thing called a screen protector now you could put over the center console. Pretty sure one could be made in China for $1 to cover the screen and keys, but will cost the AF $500 a pop. Just saved the AF $113K. 

    A Can Of Red Bull Nearly Caused Major Problems For An Air Force Spy Plane


    Not the first time, nor likely the last, a caffeinated beverage has caused significant electronic systems damage to a military aircraft.

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  11. On 6/25/2018 at 3:49 PM, nsplayr said:


    What do you think he means when he says, "Be careful what you wish for Max!" to his very large audience of followers?

    I think he's cautioning her against the legal consequences of encouraging mob violence should her followers follow her prompting.  Or, it could be a reminder that this is an election year, and the political ramifications of people following her advice could negatively affect her chances.

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