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Posts posted by 08Dawg

  1. 1 hour ago, Duck said:

    When I checked earlier in April they hadn't listed the 150 reduction in June. Thanks for posting that. I guess the timeline has slowed drastically. Good thing since they haven't even posted an update for the '08 board timeline.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums

    But let's have two O-4 boards in a year.  Wonder if the 09 guys will have to wait around a year and a half before pinning on. 

    • Upvote 1
  2. On 4/20/2017 at 9:03 PM, 17D_guy said:

    Well, our ORB dropped.  $15K a year for 4 year ADSC.  All my prior-e friends have signed up (except the ones within 2 years of retirement), and those with 2+ years ADSC's already.  Wife and I aren't decided yet.

    None of the true Cyber Operators I know have.  So this all appears to mirror the same ACP issues you all have with dudes already staying are taking it.

    YGBFSM...the cyber nerds get a bonus but the 12x community doesn't....I guess I'll just resign myself to beating people up at United...

    • Upvote 4
  3. 22 hours ago, General Chang said:

    Precisely why we need airpower leaders in these key positions.  I intend to nonvol my absolute best flyers in the Wing here in Asia to these positions.  I am confident my fellow CCs will follow suit.  We need our best in these critical positions to win this war.  And I intend to reward them career-wise on the backside.

    So you can get the few remaining real leaders in the Air Force killed off and finally have the shoe clerks be fully in charge?  And you paper-pushing desk monkeys are still SO confused why nobody is taking your blood money and running full speed for the door and the airlines instead.  Serious, almost service-crippling flyer shortage, but let's send the best flyer in the wing on a non-vol, non-flying four year assignment to chase goat-humpers and get shot at in a third world shithole.  Seems legit!

    Oh wait...don't feed the troll. 

    • Upvote 2
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  4. 4 hours ago, fire4effect said:


    From the article

    "Thornberry said he’s talked to the military about creating programs that could bring pilots who have left the service back in laterally for a short time to help with the shortage."

     (House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry (R-Texas)

    The devil will be in the details

    It's going to be funny and sad at the same time to watch those guys they try to pull back in laugh and give the Air Force the finger. 

  5. 54 minutes ago, Duck said:

    Memo just dropped today, ALL O-3s twice not selected for promotion to O-4 WILL be offered continuation to retirement as long as they are "Fully Qualified". I didn't see where the memo originated, but bad news for anyone foolishly hoping to get a non-continuation check.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums

    With the current hemorrhaging of manpower, I find this unsurprising.  I had an FTU instructor who retired as a captain...with a toilet boil on his wings.  Weirdest thing I ever saw. 

    • Upvote 1
  6. 32 minutes ago, Guardian said:

    Don't understand a lot of the acronyms being thrown around about the NAVs. Could you explain why it matters what seat they are in? Not being confrontational. Just ignorant on the subject.

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums

    RN- Radar Nav- the left seat downstairs guy in the Buff.  Controls bombs, missiles, radar and pod. Has no control over defensive stuff. 

    EW- Electronic Warfare Officer.  Jams things, has no control over weapons. 

    WSO- Weapon System Officer- historically, the backseaters in Bones and Mudhens.  About a year ago, AFGSC made the decision to relabel radar navs and navs as WSOs because "WSOs promote better because everybody knows what a WSO is but nobody knows what an RN is"....or so I was told. 

    The Striker Vista guys, coming from Bones, are versed in both offensive and defensive skill sets, but the Buff's EA suite is so much more man-in-the-loop than the Bone's that it'd be like teaching the guy Greek or something (wait, can I say that or is it offensive?)  Skillset translates better putting him in the RN seat. 

    There, now you know more than you ever wanted to about the world of the 12B. 

  7. 3 hours ago, Disco_Nav963 said:

    Is that what actually happened to said individual or what said individual was afraid would happen before they left? 

    I have no first-hand knowledge of what the BUFF FTU has done with the B-1 Vista dudes...

    Luckily, I do!   We, thankfully, did not shoehorn him in the EW seat.  He went through IQT academics and a more or less TX-like flightline program as an RN...er, WSO....

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Guardian said:

    From what I heard they had to force people to do striker vista. If you have to force it then what's the point?

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums

    I think the real intent is to create the B-21 initial cadre and senior leadership.  All the bombers heretofore have been pretty stovepiped the last decade or so, sans the Buff to B-2 pipeline.  This gives a bit of a broader perspective for the new bomber. 

  9. 13 hours ago, Sparkle said:

    EN 17-04

    F-35A x 2 
    F-22A x 2 
    F-16 x 8 
    F-15E x 1
    F-15C x 1 
    A-10 x 1
    T-6 FAIP x 1
    T-38 FAIP x 1
    C-17 x 3

    A-10 x 1

    C-130 x 1

    German Eurofighter x 1
    German Tornado x 1
    German T-6 FAIP x 1

    Gawd dayum..."You're bottom of your class....here's a compensatory C-17"

    • Upvote 1
  10. 6 hours ago, pawnman said:

    And working 14 days in a row.  A couple of my reservist brethren keep trying to sell me on it, but then they're in the office all week, through the UTA weekend, and all the next week.  No thanks, the Air Force has already taken enough of my weekends without my complicity.

    Our ARTs tend to take leave the Monday after a UTA...

  11. On 3/1/2017 at 2:05 PM, inward_eye said:

    My first post after lurking for 4+ years. For those selected to crossflow from the MAF to bombers, what should they expect after a 3-4 year assignment? Staff? UPT? Another ops tour? I imagine they would be in a similar situation like FAIPs entering into their first MWS. Would they be too "old" for special programs such as WIC and Striker Vista? What do you think are the drawbacks to this opportunity? 

    Although we only just put through our first two Bone-to-Buff Striker Vista guys, I get the sense they were "could've easily gone to WIC but still on a command track" types, so that's likely out.  Both our guys pinned on major while at the FTU, too, to give you a sense of where they were in the timeline.  I'd expect to stick around.  After hemorrhaging IPs/ACs the last couple of years to back fill 11F white jet bills, nobody is going anywhere this spring/summer.  We're seriously hurting on manning all across the board.   If you want to stick around and fly, it should be pretty easy. 

    • Upvote 1
  12. 2 hours ago, magnetfreezer said:

    Unless something changed there are no WSOs on the Buff - they would have to be qualified on every seat in the aircraft (I think AFGSC has done dual qual but not triple)

    Global Strike decided about a year and change ago to rebrand all the offenders as WSOs because supposedly "nobody knows what a radar nav is but everybody knows what a WSO is and WSOs promote better...".  Whatever....I still think of my self as a radar nav.  Our defense guys are still Electronic Warfare Officers, or "E-Dubs" for short. 

    To the OP's question, the Buff, barring something entirely unforeseen, isn't going anywhere any time soon.  My kid could fly the same jet I'm flying.  There has been talk batted around the community of going from three smash-bug-wing types to two, but  there is no way a Buff will ever fly with no 12s onboard, and we're likely to be in service possibly as far out as 2050.  As for other platforms, from what I understand, AFSOC lobbied very strongly to keep CSOs/WSOs/EWs on all their various new J model variants, so plenty of job security there, too. 

  13. 9 hours ago, dream big said:

    Lots of hideous strippers and the local men try to start fights with you just because you are American.  But there is a beach, and good burgers.

    The locals are American, too...but yes, very good burgers

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