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Everything posted by Danger41

  1. I have never been one of those dudes that loves aviation for the fact that it is aviation. However, flying an airplane with "US Air Force" painted on the side is the coolest thing ever. Where you said you enjoy challenges, that makes me think that you would love to be a pilot. You'll go through UPT and think that starting the airplane is going to make you bleed from the ears at first. Before long you'll be doing aerobatics and flying in the weather off of some goofy looking drawing on a piece of paper they keep calling a "plate". And right about the time you get the hang of that, they'll add another airplane into the mix. Once you get the hang of that, you'll move onto a faster jet (usually) and it starts all over. Then when you're mister shit hot pilot dude, you'll realize that all that stuff you just learned for a year is just how to get to/from the actual work in the airplane and you really don't know a damn thing. Repeat the same process through IFF/RTU/2 FLUG/ ACUG/ IPUG/Airdrop/ whatever. Very rewarding and constantly challenging.
  2. I thought it was funny that the article in question was added in 2004 and not discovered until 2012. So 1 person every 8 years reads the actual coursework, apparently. That checks.
  3. I love that her argument is over a technicality on the insurance companies definition of "passenger". If she's trying to argue that, they should counter sue her for damaging their airplane while being a trespasser on the ramp since she wasn't a passenger.
  4. The KC-X/F-35/many other procurement program SNAFU train is departing the station on its regularly scheduled route.
  5. I think one benefit to being a military aviator is that there are different ways of going about that career. Being a fighter pilot is much different from being a cargo pilot which is much different from being a helo pilot. You just have to match up your personality with what mission you choose. Whenever people ask me if I enjoy being a pilot I tell them that it "beats working for a living". Best job in the world (for me).
  6. Followed immediately by heart explosion
  7. Danger41

    Bounty Hunters

    I had no idea this story involved so much covering up and lying on the part of the Saints. Before I heard that, I thought the punishment was way too harsh. After reading about Payton's repeated lies to the NFL, I think he got what he deserved. I've also gotta give it up to Goodell for not playing favorites with one of the leagues most popular teams. Impressive to see someone actually hand out some discipline in today's sports world.
  8. Danger41

    Bounty Hunters

    Who gives a shit. (Couldn't resist)
  9. North Dakota: South Dakota's North Korea
  10. "The Leadership Lesson" on page 5 should be re-titled "How to instantly lose credibility" when the Chaplain can't even spell his ######ing job title correctly. Ugh.
  11. Good effort, but fact check dude. Olds didn't shoot down 4 Russian MiGs in Bolo. He got one, and it was a North Vietnamese jet. Piloted by a Russian maybe...
  12. I don't think it takes Benjamin Franklin to realize that it's a pretty FUBAR situation over there. I think the most interesting thing about all of this is how social media could really bring about some change in an area of the world where people haven't given a crap for awhile. It's also interesting how my hippie pinko liberal friends are all over this cause even though its whole purpose is to get American troops more involved. Reminds me of Par1s Hilton posing for that "Vote or Die" crap and not even being registered to vote. http://www.onlinecer...ven-registered/ Edit: WTF?!?! Type in that Hilton girls name and it changes to Hilary Clinton! Hahahahahaaha!
  13. I'm hoping Peyton goes to Denver to play quarters 1-3 and bring in Tebow to close it out.
  14. I'm not really plugged into the social network like some people, but even I saw this mentioned all over facebook. Pretty interesting stuff.
  15. ^Favorite post of the year, so far. I can't believe they're letting him go, personally. I understand the NFL is a business, but you don't know that Andrew Luck is going to live up to the hype. You KNOW Peyton is great. I predict that the Redskins will pull a classic Dan Snyder and mortgage the entire District of Columbia, sell half the team, and bring Steve Largent out of retirement to be Peyton's "deep threat".
  16. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/indianapolis-colts-to-release-peyton-manning-030612
  17. Momentary thread hijack: Did you know he was a Ranger back in the Vietnam days? I went through one of his "Intensive" camps and he told us all that he structured it on Ranger school. It was a giant kick in the balls, but took me from an also ran to setting the state pin record in one year. 28 of the shittiest/most worthwhile days of my life courtesy of J Robinson.
  18. Classic counter-accuse gameplan. Standby for apology demand.
  19. You said it, brother. Watch this video about the Iowa Hawkeye wrestling team from 2002; Specifically listen to what Tom Brands says from 4:53-5:18. That is the type of attitude we need in this country.
  20. I felt exactly like you until my wife got pregnant, lost her job, and short notice pcs'd. Luckily, I was still in a position to provide, but it definitely is a gut check when you get thrown out of your comfort zone and lose about 40% of your family income and take on a ton of expenses (this kid is going to be 10 feet tall at the rate he eats). I'm in the camp that doesn't mind adhering to ROE but calls foul when they change mid-game. Especially when there are WAY more glaring problems than retirees getting their pills for cheap. No need to beat that dead horse anymore.
  21. You seriously think I was butthurt about making fun of my beloved WGASF? I think the Eagle jokes are funny as hell. I took exception to the joke as it was based on the 4 recent deaths.
  22. I read it, processed it, and didn't find it very tasteful. I do see how it can be funny, though. Gonna knock off this impending mud slinging merge for a bad setup and reset/reload for the next one (that was my Rainman impression).
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