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Posts posted by Danger41

  1. It puts you at an embarrassing disadvantage in a situation like this, especially when you get sand in your vagina and auto flail with a tantrum response to what most people who are secure with their sexuality see as good natured fun among bros.

    Fighting Falcon standard.

  2. I think the CTS is the biggest joke I've ever heard. If you guys really followed the CTS to the letter, how does a guy get every single thing "U" on his first ride in a block when he was able to do most of the stuff decently well?

    I don't care at all about getting a downgrade back in UPT. I just always found it funny that everything is graded to the almighty "course training standards" and it's a straight line of U's that progressively moves to F's then G's then E's.

    Sanity check: I understand you don't want to take the time to zig zag up and down everyone's grade sheet after another basic contact sortie and I wouldn't either. Not attacking you or anyone really, just find it funny.

    But back to the thread! C-17 performance is pretty damn impressive and land at the big runway instead of the little one.

  3. "

    Grumbrecht said that even if his planes did everything right, they weren’t able to get within 20 miles of the next-generation jets before being targeted."

    It doesn't surprise me that Raptors wouldn't be victorious in all wvr merges. It would surprise me if they (Eurofighters) were able to get to those merges without getting schwacked on the way. But shit happens and that's why you practice BFM/ACM.

    And the Eurofighter ain't exactly a slouch. Nor are the cats flying 'em.

    *Edit for grammatical buffoonery

  4. Why would we land at an uncontrolled field?

    Because we didn't back up the visual with 4 redundant ILS's coupled to a PAR and have the loadmaster, FE, 2 nav's, a copilot, and a priest backing up our clear and a million visuals into 11,000 foot runways. So unprofessional to not do that.

    • Upvote 2
  5. I saw this on the NBC show "Rock Center" the other night and had never heard of this man. It was the story of Billy Fiske. He was an Olympic Gold Medalist in 1932 (Olympian in 1928) who also carried the flag in the opening ceremonies of the '32 games.

    He faked Canadian citizenship to fight for the RAF and was the first American born citizen to be killed in World War 2.

    Link to a short version of the story:


    Wikipedia article:


  6. The most rational explanation I've heard for VFR aversion is ATC not being directly responsible for traffic separation anymore. I'm ready for all the AIS grads and Stan Eval weenies to flip shit about that, but that's how I understood the reg.

    I've always preferred VFR flying. Even earned a downgrade in UPT on a checkride for cancelling too early. Still proud of that.

    Just use the mark 1 eyeball and if you're in a jet that has an auto acq, even better.

  7. Certainly there has to be a reasonable expectation that she wouldn't be assaulted if she passed out, but she has to take her share of the blame for allowing herself to get that way. I'm tired of hearing about 'victims' of sexual assaults who's story always starts with "we were drinking and then went to my/his room and..." Not to seem like the insensitive asshole that I am, but you have to know a guy isn't coming up to your room for cookies and milk. If you believe that, there are no amount CBTs or training that will save your ass. When you allow yourself to be out in a situation like that, you SHARE the blame. There are lots of girls who get drunk but manage to not put themselves in a situation like that. Sure, there are legit rape cases out there, but if your story starts out with "I'm 17 and was drinking..." then you are already in trouble.

    Hell, I should claim to be a victim next time I get pulled over for drunk driving saying I drank so much that I ran out of money...couldn't afford a cab...so I decided to drive myself. I blame the club for charging me so much for those damn drinks...

    Thanks for the new sig. Classic!

  8. If you're an IP, you should bring that up to your flight commander and run it up to have check section get their heads out of their collective asses. If you're a flight commander, have some balls.

    If you're a student, suck it up and drive on. Don't give those check sections fags anything to hook you on. Not a damn thing you can do about it.

    If there's really over a 50% hook rate, that's ridiculous.

  9. Did a little search and here is the airnav link to Peter O Knight airport.


    Look at the airfield, then move down to 7 o'clock and see that the runway is aligned exactly on the same heading at Macdill.

    Also, here is the ILS to 22 at Macdill. Notice the note in the upper left of the planform view.

    No dog in this fight, just thought I'd share the info with the bros.

  10. If so it wouldn't be the first time. Happened a few years back, F-16s out of Japan spatial d night tanker coronet silk letdown.

    Either you've been there or you will be there some day.

    Had that happen to me and it was freakin' scary as shit. However, I wasn't over the ocean and didn't involve a new tie from Martin Baker, thank God.

    Glad to hear that he's okay.

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