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Everything posted by DFRESH

  1. Examples of when a good time to use it will be? Not calling you out, just curious what others have used it for.
  2. Here's an even better question... I am TDY En Route, and just got married. Since I have not yet checked in to my gaining PDS, is it possible to get her stuff moved from her mom's house in another state? I've never used my HOR move, so that option is still on the table... I'm mostly looking for the reg to quote when I go into TMO and they try to say they can't help me at all.
  3. So what exactly is it you say you do here?
  4. The only problem with this is how many so called 'merican's will look at that and swear it's one of ours.
  5. This entire page made me sick to my stomach. “In my view, all this stuff is connected. If we’re going to get serious about things like sexual assault, we have to get serious about an environment that could lead to sexual harassment. In some ways this stuff can all be linked,” Welsh said Dec. 4. “I’m not saying every case is linked, but it could be linked, and why would we want to tolerate there even being a chance of that?" Is this going to turn into Minority Report... where the future police are going to lock me up because while I checked out Amn Sexypants' tight ass I contemplated how fun it would be to play "just the tip" or a little "ouch ouch you're on my hair"?
  6. At least I got a response?.... ygbfsm I need to track it because I don't trust anyone that can't handle a simple sentence. I especially can't trust them with making sure my GTC gets paid on time. Furthermore, bros that have dealt with this in the past say finance is notorious for fucking it up. Also, at the local finance office's request, I filed a paper copy with them. More on that at the end. Thanks... that's good info to know. I'll have to see if my email is right in RTS.... Is there a quick way to do that in the portal? It's a TDY en route. I was told specifically NOT to use DTS. No, I'm not reservist. I'm active duty and have used DTS more than I ever wanted to (and that's only like 6-9 times). When I went into the local finance office (shortly after arriving TDY, making sure to lead turn everything here), they gave me a local form to fill out and scan/email along with my orders. I'm just trying to make sure I don't have to pay out of pocket for my $1.5K GTC bill two weeks prior to Christmas. Getting some TDY money two weeks prior would be a bonus.
  7. I sent an email asking how to track my accrual voucher (since they generally fuck it up). How awesome is this response? I copied and pasted it exactly as I received it. Signature shows an A1C sent it. Good Afternoon, You cancheck back with us in a couple of wees and we can check the status of your voucher but as of now, theres no way we can really track it. V/r, //Signed// Randolph AFB Finance Callcenter
  8. Money. I'm way under the weight limit! Taking excessive amounts of time to deal with TMO while the vault is open is a foul, so I try to just figure things out after hours without dealing with them.
  9. Yeah. According to this document she didn't tell anybody about the sexual assault for fear of retaliation, but told everybody in the chain about some porn that was hiding in the shitters.
  10. No wonder she never made it past TSgt. It took her over 10 years just to compile all the good roll call gouge. In all seriousness though, this is a bad one. Mostly because she's taking shit that was legitimately no bueno (actually being raped), and combining it with shit that she shouldn't have been worried about (if the doofer book offends you, don't fucking read it!). Also, why did she make it a point to complain about all the shit that wasn't actually forced on her like opening shit on shared drives that she didn't want to read or porn hidden in the vault, but not bother to tell anybody about the sexual assault?
  11. I read this thread title to mean that they had pics of Broadwell's nips... thanks for nothing Stiffler.
  12. Here's one I can't find an answer to... I'm TDY En route and all of my stuff is in temp storage in Tucson. One of my bros just moved to DM and wants to sell me some of his old furniture that he just had hauled up there. Does anybody know a way to get stuff added to my temp storage while I'm still TDY. I won't be out of here until the middle/end of Jan.
  13. DFRESH

    A-10 Watch

    I assumed you meant one of these: You can see how much time you have left to fly, and study threats that may sneak up behind you.
  14. Lot of good dudes (and a good dudette) in the squadron. But being a recent/former student, that's probably about all I have to offer. What specifically are you looking to have the light shed about?
  15. Nothing? No STS? Special package goes into a Navy dude, less of an asspain?
  16. http://www.infowars.com/social-security-administration-to-purchase-174-thousand-rounds-of-hollow-point-bullets/
  17. Yeah, lots of classy locals... My tire got slashed (have a USAF plate), bro's have recently been jumped leaving local establishments late at night, and other less big-ticket issues have occurred. In all honesty, a lot of locals are fairly obvious in their contempt towards the Air Force. That said, there are some decent people around, but it seems like that number is shrinking. Can't wait to GTFO of here (hopefuly). As to making the best of the location, shack. There's stuff to do around here, you just have to look for it. Finally, WRT living on base, can an old-cranium help me out with this one. I'm due to finish UPT in a month (assuming I don't fuck up between now and then). I hate this dorm. What regs should I reference to get out of here for the time between grad and whatever my follow on is? (drop in 3 weeks, I'll have a better idea of whether or not it's worth moving out then)
  18. Yeah, you can just fill out a 29B and travel on your weekend pass. If you want to leave during the "work day" on Friday, or return during the "work day" on Monday, you're supposed to take leave (aka, bring a 6 pack of beer to the APT SDO so you don't get scheduled for anything)
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