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Posts posted by TarHeelPilot

  1. Most bases besides Bagram have MOG issues especially when you super heavies on the ramp, anytime you have a A330, AN-124's, C-5's and 747's it fills the ramp quick . At OAMS we could only have one on the ramp one time when I was there last year or we parked you outside the wire on the old runway. Plus POL issues you usually only had two R-11 drivers on duty which turned a transoceanic trip fuel load into a 6 hour affair and these NAC guys knew this so they went to Bagram for a large top off. We always passed on to TACC our POL limitations and of course I had better luck trying to get a pig to sing.

    Thanks for the explanation-- it made no sense reading the company statement that they were enroute from Bastion to Dubai and stopped at Bagram for fuel.

  2. You can complete a self-paced segment in hours (or less.) It's the pain of waiting for AUSIS to update, sometimes 24 hrs to days over a weekend before you can self-enroll in the next course.

  3. http://video.msnbc.m...-news/50749586/

    $1 billion wasted on Air Force computer system

    The Expeditionary Combat Support System, designed to save money by combining hundreds of existing computer systems, has been deemed a failure. Sen. John McCain described it as 'one of the most egregious examples of mismanagement in recent memory.' NBC's Lisa Myers reports.

    Sen McCain must not be familiar with the RQ-4 Global Hawk.

  4. Why would anyone PCS as a copilot to be an AETC IP? I've always heard nothing you do as a Copilot is good.

    It has happened, as mentioned above via waiver. Particularly if the losing unit really doesn't care about losing you.

  5. I've always used Eagle Cash with no problems. Huggy, get the Eagle Cash card when you get down range if you don't want to hassle with carrying cash around. It's a basic debit card (PIN required) linked to a checking account. If you prefer cash, go with that.

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