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tac airlifter

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Posts posted by tac airlifter

  1. 13 minutes ago, HeloDude said:

    An all out war with Russia for invading Ukraine?!  That’s a good one!

    He’s saying if we attempt war again (which we should t on this issue for reasons above), we should have learned from AFG the dangers of fighting an enemy with self imposed ROE limitations.

  2. Bashi— on your #4, Agree 100%.  Not sure how many people, even in the military, have the appetite for what you’re talking about or even understand it.  Weak leaders have tried to breed it out of us, but a willingness and desire to commit ultimate violence against other humans is a healthy thing for warriors to embrace.  Instead they’re trying to make gunship pilots feel sad for the bodies they’ve smeared on mountainsides.

    a topic best discussed around a fire pit with bourbon & bros you trust. 

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  3. Here are three lessons from AFG we should be smart enough to apply in UKR:

    1. We should not attempt fighting a battle for those who don’t care enough to fight it themselves.  The idea Prozac expressed, that we must stop tyranny here before it spreads everywhere, is undercut by the unwillingness of Europe to defend itself. If Germany isn’t worried about Russia threatening them, why are we?  We aren’t isolationists; if Europe is banding together against an aggressive Russia I’m in.  But the situation looks like we’re overly aggressive defending a continent who is apathetic about our noble notions.  We should be smarter.  Do not fight a war for Europe that Europe won’t fight itself.  

    2.  This one is tough to articulate: There are boundaries that if adversaries cross we should fight. But we should not artificially move those boundaries, then fight over artificially made boundaries.  In AFG we said “AQ attacked us, we have to crush them & their ability to do it again.”  Yup, 100% right.  I spent my adult life doing it.  But then we foolishly transitioned into “we must spread democracy here, as a strategic hedge against AQ ever growing again .  Now we’ll stay for decades forcing democracy.”  Fighting to prop up GIRoA was dumb, even GIRoA didn’t believe in itself.  We should have left after smashing the enemy, let grow whatever political system worked for the Afghans, and come back to smash them again if required.  With Ukraine, the line we cannot allow to be crossed is a NATO member being attacked.  “If they attack UKR they’ll attack Poland!”  Maybe, we don’t know. But if that’s the case, we should fight when they attack Poland (Article 5), not at an artificially made assumption before the one we actually care about.  It is hubris to assume you know what the future holds. 

    3. We should not commit troops to war unless our nation actually wants it and we authorize it correctly through Congress.  This thing we’ve all done for the last 20 years was stupid, unpopular, devastating to our national credibility, national debt, and the lives of service members. And ultimately we gained nothing from it. Now the same people are telling us we have to do something similar in Ukraine, and we should trust them. But our countrymen don’t want it, so it will fail.  

    In light of these three items, we should be clear eyed about our prospects for success on this misadventure in Ukraine.  And although this final item might seem political, it is relevant: given the obvious and massive corrupt political connections between our presidents family and Ukrainian oligarchs, can any of us trust that the information we are receiving about the situation is correct?


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  4. 2 hours ago, Hacker said:

    So, back to the advice given many times in this thread: put in your apps everywhere, interview at every one that invites you, take the first job offer you get, and then when you have options to go somewhere better, do that until you're where you want to be.

    Wilco. Unfortunately I’m a year out from being available, and do not have an ATP yet (although it’s scheduled).  Thanks for all the advice.

  5. 3 hours ago, brickhistory said:

    ICruz to senior FBI official:  "Did the FBI have any agents or confidential informants in the crowd on January 6th?

    Answer:  "Sir, I can't answer that.”

    Why not?

    Because they did.  It’s the obvious answer.

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  6. 30 minutes ago, HossHarris said:

    I mean exactly what I said. 
    700 hrs of TPIC is different if you’re flying a modern automated crewed aircraft, or DV airlift, or a fighter with zero autopilot, or teaching UPT, etc. 

    That makes practical sense, I thought you were referencing some kind of formal categorization I wasn’t tracking.  Lots of dumb questions as I try to get smart talking civilian flying 🍺

    Do airlines take mission sets into account when assessing TPIC numbers?

  7. 1 hour ago, HuggyU2 said:

    Misunderstanding on my part it seems.  

    What got my attention was your statement that you would turn someone down while waiting for a better option.  I don't believe you should do that.  If a company offers you a job after your interview, continue down the path with them.  You might get trained and fly for them for a few months... and then lo and behold, a better option is offered to you.  Now you can make your decision. 

    Maybe I could have phrased myself better, I’m probably missing something about the career if you assumed I was arrogant instead of curious.  Four fans nailed it with the loyalty discussion.  I didn’t realize how easy/normal it was to accept a job and then move along if a preferred option opens up.  

  8. 8 hours ago, HuggyU2 said:

    You're shitting me, right?

    If you get an interview offer from one of the Big 6, you take it.



    Are you saying I should limit my applications to the big 6?  I’m confused by this; I was planning to apply to multiple companies but rank ordered.

    copy all advice from others, thanks.

  9. Gents, I’m one year out from terminal/available date.  Been reading the various forums and building my SA.  Cargo seems like the best fit for my life circumstances, but appears  difficult to land.  Should I just blast applications to everyone ASAP or is it worth trying for my top picks first?  I don’t want to turn someone down while waiting for a call from a top pick, only to not be selected and have passed on my lower ranked choices.

  10. 3 hours ago, Prozac said:

    One tool in the tool box. Do you honestly expect military leaders to sit back and do NOTHING to attempt to combat a virus that severely threatens readiness? Tell me, what steps would you take if you were a member of the Joint Chiefs, a combatant commander, or even a WG/CC? 

    Copy—  you’re acknowledging the tool you advocate does not produce the results you desire, but you want the tool used anyway to produce the results you desire despite second order effects with collateral impacts.  Makes perfect sense, you have a promising career in government.

    To answer your question: all of those people are following SECDEF orders.  But at the JCS level they can have a conversation which would be inappropriate for other entities you listed.  If I were JCS I’d have the balls to say: we’re losing more personnel to this mandate than the virus.  Recommend we cease mandates, and treat religious objections to vaccine same way we treat  conscientious objectors: find a way they can continue service.  Here are my specific recommendations…..

    By the way, that is the logic I sent my boss.  But we’ve decided to go full adversarial instead of empathetic, with predictable results.  End state: we are weaker not stronger, and more divided as a country and military than ever. Congratulations.  

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  11. 5 hours ago, Prozac said:

    Yet another thing that weakens, not strengthens our military is having entire ships or combat units taken out of action due to mass illness. 

    How do you justify mandatory vaccination as the solution to this problem when ships that are 100% vaccinated are being taken out by mass illness?  


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  12. 6 hours ago, Sua Sponte said:

    Are you in a CRW/CRG? If you're going to austere locations, isn't that what they're for?

    I am not.  There’s a whole different Air Force out there.  

    20 minutes ago, SocialD said:

    Ya man, I'm going to have to cut my IPUG debrief short...gotta go get my tow-motor training/license.  LOL.  

    It’s motherhood just like tanking is for you: enabling movement to target.  What if your yo-yo plan was landing on a blacked out dirt strip to drive your own fuel truck to FARP, and the better you do it the quicker you return to a TIC?  Not so silly anymore.  

    that’s an extreme example, although valid.  Mostly it’s to move luggage pallets quicker!

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  13. I send guys to get all manner of licenses before we deploy- forklift, 10k truck, etc.  We go to austere locations and it’s been a huge help to have this capability organic to our unit.  

    That said, I empathize with the overall sentiment that line instructor pilots are tired of being forced to add non-flying responsibilities to their duties in order to cover for an organization unable to generate sufficient support.  It’s true, the AF sucks at helping you.  If you extend your ADSC, expect more of the same.  Posture future plans accordingly.

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  14. Agreed— I did the EKG & O2 test for RTFS but my smell/taste took months.  It’s still only ~60% normal.  I’ve never heard of a smell test to get off DNIF.

    that said, Med group has been very challenging with their internal inability to communicate & standardize.  

  15. 9 minutes ago, SpeedOfHeat said:

    There's such a strange desire among many religious people to feel persecuted, hated, or oppressed, so it's not surprising that you interpreted my post that way. 

    Feigned oppression helps deflect away from having to confront the actual merit of the belief(s), and helps the person having their beliefs questioned actually feel virtuous (instead of embarrassed). 

    Someone questions the fact that you believe certain humans lived over 500 years, and you spin it to be about "hatred" against you.

    What if I told you something ridiculous, like I can jump 50 feet high?  I'm guessing you would want some evidence.  And the more extraordinary the claim, the more evidence you'll require.  That's how the world (outside religion) works. 

    Imagine if you said:  "I really doubt you can jump 50 feet high.  Can you prove it?"  And I responded:  "..  Ohh, well that's because you despise me."

    Truth is, I said nothing about hating you.  You can believe anything you want.  I'm saying that if you believe things that don't align with reality, it makes no sense inviting you to the discussions about science and evidence.  And that it's absurd for people to ask for religious accommodations for a vaccine by haphazardly trying to weave concepts of science/reality with Genesis, as if they're compatible. 

    I'm not going to pretend that I don't find many religious beliefs ridiculous, absurd, or even silly.  You feel the same exact way, just about other religions than your own.  It's why you're not a Hindu, Muslim, or Scientologist.  .....or a flat-earther or chemtrailer.  It's not about hating people that hold certain beliefs.  It's a rejection of those beliefs because they don't align with reality. 

    Happy to talk via DM if desired, however I have expressed the extent of what I want to express in public. 

  16. 54 minutes ago, SpeedOfHeat said:

    See, this is where the discussion has to come to a screeching halt.  

    Indeed this discussion has come to a screeching halt, although I now understand why so many are contemptible of those seeking a religious accommodation: turns out you’re contemptible of religion itself. Makes perfect sense.

    Freedom of religion is one of the basic tenants our country was founded upon. Enshrined in the US Constitution. As military officers, we take an oath to defend the constitution.  

    Personally I’d feel like a fraud if I swore to defend a concept I thought was inherently bogus.  As a fellow officer, I am puzzled at those who ostensibly serve to protect the constitution yet distain and despise its core aspects.  But ok, your beliefs don’t have to make sense to me.  🇺🇸

    However as a Christian I do understand being despised for Christ: he promised exactly this.  So now conversation comes to a halt and the religious among us each must pray and determine where to draw the line.  “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”  John 15:18.


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  17. 1 hour ago, BR_MIST said:

    I've got an odd shot question. I'm in UPT AD almost finished and I have a religious accommodation request in for the shot. If it gets denied and the AF moves to separate me over it, is it even possible to go to a guard unit in a state that has said they will NOT be separating people because of the shot? 

    You’re not going to get an RA approved. 

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  18. 1 hour ago, glockenspiel said:

    Surveying the crowd: anyone support the mandatory CV19 testing of unvaccinated asymptomatic covid recovered (confirmed with previous positive PCR and positive TDETECT) individuals while not mandating CV19 testing for any vaccinated individuals? 

    same question applies for masking.

    Considering cv19 recovered asymptomatic spread is non-existant (see Arron Siri foia request, the CDC has ZERO documented cases of spread after infection recovery) , and reinfection is almost non-existence (usually false positive PCR), how is this based in good science and for that matter faith? 

    or is it just a tool to get more SM vaccinated?

    The order is in direct conflict with science, and only serves to further support the narrative that government policies are unfair and unscientific. 

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  19. 11 minutes ago, pawnman said:

    Where do you guys keep coming up with this idea that the vaccines don't reduce the spread of covid? 


    Sure, they're not 100%... but you're less likely to get infected if you have the vaccine. And you can only spread it if you are infected. 

    That link says households with vaccinated people spread C19 at 25%, and unvaccinated households at 38%.  That’s only a 13% difference.  Add to that observation there was no discussion of how severe symptoms were (if any at all), and it’s quite clear this is not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”  Frankly it’s not a pandemic at all, COVID is over as a threat.  Now we’re talking about mandatory boosters?  This is insane.  

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