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Majestik Møøse

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Posts posted by Majestik Møøse

  1. "Now that all the retirees digital data have been turned into paperwork, these workers turn that paperwork into digital data again. They type all the pertinent information into a computer, by hand.

    You can do a case in as little as an hour, said Bonnie McCandless, the president of the centers local labor union, whose job is entering this data. Or you can do a case as long as eight hours, or two days.

    Ha, that's great. Later on it talks about how the Program Manager for the one of the failed digital conversion projects was an English Lit major. By his own admission he didn't understand what the contractor was even doing.
  2. Who gets to define what "our society" is, exactly? Is "our society" the same as it was in 1865? The same as it was in 1920? 1945? 1965? 1980?

    No? Hmm... so society changes over time as technology and population changes occur. Correct? Who are you to decide what that future society will be?

    Here's the problem Vertigo, the radical Muslims trying to establish a Caliphate aren't simply looking to be left alone to live life as they see fit. They want the rest of us, as varied and diverse as we are, to be assimilated completely into their way of life. If they had their way, the Islam police would be rolling down every street in the world enforcing their interpretation of the Koran. They're against multiculturalism more than anyone here.
  3. I propose a Foreign Exclusion Zone encompassing Syria, Iraq, Iran, Aghanistan, and Pakistan. It'll essentially be a regional cage match bounded by well armed countries that (more or less) have their shit together like Jordan, Israel, KSA, Oman, India, and the former USSR.

    No one is allowed in or out of the FEZ. Then the Shia, Sunnis, Kurds, Pashtuns, Persians, Pakistanis et al sort it out. Sykes-Picot is out the window and the belligerents redraw their own borders. The extremists want to start suicide bombing? It's up to the local populace to crush their nuts. Pakistan wants to nuke everyone? Go for it, it's on them. Once the new borders reach some sort of equilibrium and show they can behave like 20th century nations, they are welcome back into the global community.

  4. I've been to a few veterans' cemeteries, including Arlington, and noted how uniform the headstones were regardless of rank or stature. Of course, Presidents or generals like Grant or Lee have bigger monuments, but the majority are intermixed with everyone else.






    It was just an observation, and not a political one.

  5. Our WG/CC seems to enjoy creating these food fights between Ops and MX re: the various timelines, metrics, delay and canx reasons, etc. SQ/CC can't do much when his own boss is a huge part of the problem...

    We still get beat up on crew show times; see above.

    Has anyone at McGuire wondered out loud why the Travis guys aren't trying to go east anymore? That place sounds terrible.
  6. The AF already turns down hundreds of outstanding airman/cadets every year for incredibly minor medical issues that really wouldn't prevent them from serving well if the "world-wide deployable" rule wasn't in affect. So instead of allowing them to serve, who would otherwise not need any special accommodations, you're gonna let people with serious legitimate medical DQs cut the line and get all the accommodations they want? And how exactly are they going to help better the mission that those DQ'd cadets/airman couldn't do?

    This is valid. A torn ACL could keep a dude from serving, but I guess punch a hole in his eardrums and he's good to go.

    There's also no reason deaf guys couldn't just work as GSA/contractors.

  7. We'll never be able to kill every member of al Qaeda, why try at all?

    We'll never stop all the highway accidents, why even have a speed limit?

    We'll never win the championship this year, why bother playing any of the games?

    Not building a fence because "some will still get through" is a logical fallacy.

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  8. The peter principle sums it up pretty well.

    To summarize (from Wikipedia):

    'The Peter Principle is a concept in management theory in which the selection of a candidate for a position is based on their performance in their current role rather than on their abilities relevant to the intended role...The authors suggest that people will tend to be promoted until they reach their "position of incompetence".'

    'Peter suggests that "n time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out its duties" and that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence."'

    Yeah that's pretty much what's wrong with the Air Force. I've noted before that every leadership position in the Air Force above Sq/DO is filled by an inexperienced rookie. "Hey, you're great at this job, time to move on to a different one."

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