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Everything posted by contraildash

  1. Thread revival... Curious if anyone is using a stand alone (i.e. not online) electronic log book. I have a spreadsheet I made up, rather simplistic but it's been a pain. I rather download somthing and just enter stuff if that makes sense. Free/Cheap/I don't really care, just curious on folks opinions.
  2. Don't forget Seahawks and Jayhawks. I even think the Marines in HMX-1 call their 60's something else too. The H-60/70 line is rather diverse.
  3. I can see it now.... un-informed news expert: "well as you can see, the wings are not attached to the main body and must have failed in flight"
  4. And off the right wing you can see the approach lighting system........
  5. Got to my SQ and the bar was litterally the kids playpen. New SQ/CC and the bar is being rebuilt from the ground up.
  6. I like McGuire's style... note: Lajes can be 'sporty'
  7. With airshow crashes relatively infrequent in the overall grand scheme of things (especially in the US and even more so with USAF aircraft), there are bigger issues at hand to deal with when it comes to aviation safety. I think we do a fairly good job at mitigating the risks, but accidents will still occur as long as we keep flying. Even with all the oversight, training, ect involved with the demo teams they still have accidents. You can only mitigate the human factor so much, we still make mistakes. So unless we stop flying, there will be airshow accidents. On the subject of airshows and display teams.. I love airshows. Yes fighter displays are cool/loud/filled with impressive maneuvering but they are fairly standard and there isn't really anything new to them. There are exceptions of course, such as the weird/pointless stuff the Russians do (it looks good) and of course the F-22 display that is all the rave right now. Many other non-fighter displays are much more unique and interesting. Ever seen the RAF Chinook display? The Dutch Apache display? The C-27 Spartan? It's much more exciting to see aircraft do things that most people don't think possible. Personally, one of the best airshows I ever attended was at El Toro as a kid. The Marines essentially put on a war and showcased the capabilities of every a/c in their inventory. It was awesome. edit: spell'n
  8. Anyone else notice the playstation/xbox/whatever game controller the guy on the left is using?
  9. I know someone that climbed over the fence, up on that thing, and pissed all over it. back to the topic, When I was forced to live on base and store my HHG, I was told that it was out of my pocket. The reasoning was that I declined to move my stuff (from a 2 bedroom apt) into the single room dorm, therefore it was my problem. Two years later, leaving that base I was told that it was incorrect and when I tried to recoup the 6 months of storage payments I was told that I was SOL and should have figured it out earlier. So, it's painful to see how they won't give you money you deserve, but won't miss a second when it comes to taking it back. Like I said before, at least they sent you a letter and didn't just take it. 2 on why the heck is someone auditing PCS moves from four years ago???
  10. No I agree, decent is the operative word. This is true. I had a great time. Flew airplanes, drank with my classmates, partied in Wichita/OKC/Stillwater. Had a great class sponsor that let us drink beer and build ridiculously huge bonfires on his property. Then there were guys who acted as if Enid was the total ruination of their life.
  11. exactly My wife asked a great question: "Why is the government bending over backwards so as not to violate the rights of 30 or so f*cking idiots?"
  12. I see what he is getting at here. If I forget to claim something when I PCS, I can't go back years later and claim it. (so I've been told) Barring any of the usual responses (this is big blue we are dealing with) why should this be any different just because the roles are reversed? FWIW: at least they sent you a letter and didn't just take the money out of your pay.
  13. Like what the Russians did recently. "we didn't intend to kill them"
  14. Do you have a lot of household goods? I had enough stuff to fill a 2 bedroom apt and they forced me to stay on Vance, without my stuff for six months. The kicker was that I had to pay out of my own pocket to store my HHG until the occupancy level got high enough for me to move. Apparently that was all a bunch of BS and I shouldn't have been force to stay in the dorms. That was back in 07/08, but it seemed like things had changed significantly when I left in 09. But with new wing leadership, who knows. Like osulax said, just give them a call and get a feeling for what the current situation there is like. There's actually a lot of places (apts/conodos/houses) around Enid. Other than people trying to actually buy houses, I didn't know anyone that had a hard time finding a place to live off base.
  15. ATC tape According to the NTSB, Roush is the one on the radio questioning the clearance. He is out of the hospital, but has permanent vision loss in one eye. He's adamant he'll be back flying again. (props on the attitude!)
  16. ICP is still around? Almost nothing worse than two almost over the hill white dudes dressed like clowns singing shitty music....
  17. Just saw Restrepo tonight, very good documentary. Tough to watch at times.
  18. I never really understood that beyond "that's how it's been" and the lack of fighters for T-38 studs.
  19. The exhaust from my car could lift a piper cub...
  20. Didn't tie down your plane correctly? Not My F*cking Problem. Wonder what the whole story is.
  21. Some article said that the woman involved might be some sort of politician. Whatever, but in any case, how can the passenger break rules, hit a flight attendant with luggage (some say hit, some say it fell out of the overhead) and nothing is done? World's unfair I guess.
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