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Everything posted by Lawman

  1. Do you honestly believe government can or should function that way? M2 and Helo are perfect examples of this not being about any issue except to use it as a cudgel to get other things and then never approve it even when shown they are getting action. “Europe must!” Well guess what they have. Plus actions in congress are not linear action. The government doesn’t simply sit and only work one issue then move to the next. Two the hijacking at the floor of any issue for some non related issue leads to nothing getting done on any issue. Business is performed in committee; and then the floor is simply short debate and voting, but now that the blowhard faction of sound bite happy congressional reps have realized they can get reelected through accomplishing nothing but making YouTube statements we’ve reversed that process to the floor being where things get decided. We watched democrats try the same bullshit with the infrastructure bill demanding massive climate change or they would veto it. They accomplished nothing but delaying needed restoring of our home industrial base because they wanted it all and would kill the hostage if they didn’t get it. This is why the output of Congress is something like 20% of the last one, and has been exponentially decreasing in effective work for the past decade or two. It’s not about actual governing, it’s about placing whatever sacred electoral issue gets your region sparked for reelection so you can stand there and demand it be addressed or you will kill the hostage. Like what idiocy would that lead to? “My fellow Congressional reps before we open the voting on Ombibus bill 11476c Id like to address that we have through bipartisan committee managed to secure funding for the border wall, end college loan repayment, defund planned parenthood, and provide aid and material to forces fighting in Ukraine… The chair now recognizes the gentleman from Ohio.” “Yes Mr Speaker! I and my fellow _____ caucus members will not be supporting this bill because it provides 40k in funding to the lesbian Arts center of Philadelphia and also as my constituents have expressed concern that Belgium is still a socialist country and hasn’t provided X billion in funding! We demand this bill be voted down!” Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. So when confronted with actual hard numbers (which have only gone higher and more in their favor by their recent bill) you now resort to “well they should pay for our border.” Is that before or after they “abandon socialism.” Like I said this has absolutely nothing to do with the validity of what reason you give, you’ll just adopt a new self justification when you find out that goal line has already been achieved so you can continue to be opposed for any reason. So why should Europe pay for the border now exactly? Because that’s absolute horse shit when the guys at JTF-North would rather have the Mexicans change their constitution so we can use the resources already down there not just throw money at the problem unrelated to Ukraine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Then fix THAT bill. Stop the bullshit of “we will do X if we get everything in the Border Bill we want” when we know the second it’s threatening getting Trump into full campaign mode we will sacrifice that as well. Ukraine/Israel/climate change/whatever new issue excuse to avoid funding something has absolutely F-all to do with the southern Border and should be governed in laws as such. The people now stepping forward to say “not without the border” in this thread only to immediately pivot to “Europe should pay first” when they are have simply decided whatever yardage or reason they will move the goal posts because NO is their only answer in regards to Ukraine. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. No we all know what formed your opinion on the matter. It’s the same reason you spent 20 minutes edging yourself the other night while Putin explained his version of history for us. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. They have been. Despite a lower combined GDP, the Euro NATO countries are actually outspending us when it’s in our best interest not to get stuck solving the third European World War You guys can quit searching for excuses and just come out and say your reason for not supporting action in Ukraine is simply to be contrarian to the current party in charge. First it was “but mah border,” now it’s, “well Europe should pay first….” They already are. Also give a comparison in total dollars of mil equipment donated by us vs Ze Germans. For anybody familiar with how much equipment they have just lying around on hand they are punching well above their weight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. There is a deliberate separate Border bill that went through the Senate and is effectively torpedoed by the house to allow Political hay to be made out of it for the election. Congress had the opportunity to do something about the border separate of Ukraine and they are deliberately choosing not to. Don’t now use that to justify not supporting this action. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Yeah looking through his archives it reads like he’s got access to trade shows and shiny sales sheets from Raytheon but no actual institutional knowledge. Anybody calling the 64E the Guardian is either a direct employee for Boeing or hasn’t ever actually worked on the thing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Same was true of Comanche. That thing was an albatross around the neck of wider more critical acquisitions (even if it had worked). Killing it paid for the Army to make the fleet entirely D model Apache, put MTADS across said fleet, and upgrade the Chinook fleet to Fox model which was miles more critical in the GWOT fight than a stealth Kiowa prone to damage maintained by guys putting blade paint on the skin because “black equals stealth.” As much as we wanted it all, FARA was the long sell for the Army. I’m already getting talks from ATIC guys asking for 64F concepts they want to compile for the next senior leaders discussion. Suddenly the end of the railroad track for going beyond Version 6 or 8 no longer seems like a hard stop. Sky is the limit… well… 17.5k is the limit probably, but that’s still Sky. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. That article has a lot of misdiagnoses of the situation being quoted as gospel. The Army isn’t stacking on 100-150 knots to increase protection, it’s doing so to provide the capability of traversing greater distance in a convergence of enablers. That’s necessary to push out effectively from sanctuary of Air Defense and ground security. Showing video of Russians being dumb as a way to justify getting rid of the RW part of multi domain disintegration of the IADS is because you won’t find the opposite argument plastered across Reddit. Anybody that thinks Helicopters have no part in going offensive in the IADS should probably let the Israelis know… they seem confused by that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. What? I can’t hear you over the sound of all this burning contract money and the 1/3 of Chinook fleet life we bled moving cargo/people we couldn’t get transported. FARA was always the Army’s lowest aviation priority, and the Victor is a disaster so thank god that’s gone. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. F’ing Christ…. We are literally running the script of Iron Eagle as Geopolitics now… Word for word it’s the threat given to rando middle eastern strongman’s military and the reaction at 3:20… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. My dad stationed in Italy when the 104 was in wide service. Using a lot of them in a Recce bird profile was probably not a big help for them. San Vito would get requests to assist every time they’d Lawn Dart one south of Naples and that was scarily often since most of them were in the norther half of a the boot. They’d put one in the dirt… dad would suddenly be gone a day and a half. That plane was notorious. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. If they keep this up, “Flagship” will be the default title for whatever the Russians have left in the water. That should simplify things for journalists trying to do Navy vessel identification. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. They were final assembled in those locations. Look up the supply chain of EV battery production (or solar panels for that matter) and see where the middle point takes place after minerals extraction. China has positioned its self where ~85% of the worlds Lithium and Nickle battery production has to flow through it. You know what their industrial thermal requirements are powered by? F’ing Coal. And most of it can’t be simply offloaded to Nuclear or cleaner green power because it’s not just a matter of Kw generation, it’s about temperature for productions. And as the world has massively upscaled demand for more EV tech components they have only been able to match that upscale with more coal. It’s why for all the carbon we’ve reduced in the US and Europe they increased 5 fold. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. It’s also far easier to deal with the attritional impact of Large Scale Combat and rebuild our numbers post conflict by simply buying up their spares at premium with the promise of new shiny later. A country that sits in the NATO order of battle like for example Moldova doesn’t need F-35s, or Abrams, or really any other top line piece of tech that isn’t worn/carried. But it can rent them for a while…. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. I love his series even if it overstated what it turned out to be real Russian capabilities. The scene where the US Brigade commander is on the VTC and is cut off mid sentence with the President because of his gawd damned cell phone got his head quarters targeted was great. We’ve been preaching that for years to be ignored by people who are too important to not have their phone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. He’s also been disturbingly accurate in his prediction on some of this. Zaihan may be a little more “end is near” than some for my taste, but his tie in with demographics in China and their hard stop coming economically has to dire a set of consequences to be avoided. Unfortunately when you look at EV tech adoption our top level policy makers look to be hurtling cash into the sinking ship and ignoring our own industries that we will need in the immediate future. To them geopolitics comes in a distant 2nd when matched against climate interventionist vanity projects. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. If anybody wants to know, Garrett’s surgeries have gone as successful as can be currently hoped for. There is still bits of shrapnel in his head that will probably have to come out in a future attempt, but he’s stable condition now. Long way to go from there, but he got moved from Landstuhl back to Walter Reed a couple days ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. What? I’ll just take ISIS for an example but have you been in Iraq in the last decade? You’re making an argument we have no moral righteousness in use of our military but we were fighting guys literally putting Christian and other Muslim villages to the sword over there like it was the 14th century. And remember we have been the world’s most powerful economy since before our participation in the First World War. We had surpassed the British and German Empires… that didn’t stop them from having two world wars. And now that the economics of the world are global in supply and resource chains there is absolutely no way to sit it out. Unless you want to just absorb whatever happens to the price of everything because we can’t move ships off the Red Sea anymore just as an example. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. Current actions in the Red Sea… The Tanker Wars, Prime Chance, and Praying Mantis… But remember, unless a major global power ceases to be afterward through complete capitulation of its government it’s a loss and total waste of effort in his brain. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. You mean that country that imports most of its Food and fertilizer along with all of its energy via the Ocean… that country? The one that could be singularly isolated because it can’t project power further than those Island chains/peninsulas that all hate and surround it during a conventional conflict? The one that has lied about 5% GDP year on year growth because we know it’s BS and is currently in a demographic free fall while we (the developed world) all make movements to reshore the sunk cost of cheap manufactured goods out of it? I’m not saying China and US going at it doesn’t result in collective pain for the world because any conflict between the great powers will (hence why unified western support of Ukraine is such a good deterrent). But the Idea that China’s trajectory is just gonna keep increasing and they come out of this to supplant us is a dream. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. What Asian trade partners would we have in Asia right now if we sat on our ass in Korea for your example. How much trade would we do with a unified peninsula under the DPRK and what would that then do for our economy. Middle East same question during the Tanker war or the current stupidity off the Red Sea. Foreign policy is an active game, you can’t just sit it out. We aren’t Monaco. Again listening to you talk about the deaths and regional conflicts we “lost,” is like listening to a guy up millions of dollars at the casino still bitching about that 20k loss he took 6 hands ago. You’re winning, recognize that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. For Christ sake… You are an American. You sit in the velvet rope section of being the single Super Power atop the panicle of Human Achievement and experience. How do you think we got here? Because our great grand parents damn sure didn’t experience that position in the world. More importantly how do you think we managed to stay there all these decades? By your bullshit metric every life lost training at Red Flag or service member killed in a rollover at NTC was “wasted,” because it didn’t come as a tally in a massive global conflict we could stand around in the ashes of and call ourselves the winner. Deterrence and effects of statecraft and influence cost blood and treasure. They cost a lot less than results of disengagement and apathy leading into a wider global conflict. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. What do you think set global conditions to stabilize and evolve enough to allow that? Exactly what did we squander? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Something like 60 million dead between combat and civilian casualties… Yeah we should really feel bad about “losing” since then. You’re a loon to think we have anything to apologize for in the status quo that was maintained between then and here. Especially if you go full nationalist view point and only care about the cost in lives to the worlds only remaining super power. We won the last 70 years, you’re attempt to try and define it by losses in small scale conflicts is just more of you trying to find a way to explain how the sky is falling. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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