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Everything posted by Hercster

  1. Holy crap, I used to live a few blocks from there!! Frickin' move to the west side already ya hippie...
  2. Seriously, I would consider making profiles private too. Those SERE guys don't mess around...
  3. I know a guy that just went to -60s after flying hueys. How often this happens? I really don't know.
  4. Quick sidenote on downloading. If you have real player, you can download directly from youtube. Works like a charm.
  5. Good advice so far, but I don't think one very important topic has been covered: don't frickin' brown nose! True story: a certain cadet was very good at said technique, so when time came for class call signs, the senior class said he was always "hurrying" like UPS. "What can brown do for you?" So they called him brown. Very clever. But don't be that guy.
  6. My first thought was photoshop, but I see now that the monstrosity is actually real.
  7. I had it pretty good as a super senior. I did have to show up to PT, so I always had the 80% attendance. :) LLab was still required, so I took classes in the afternoon so I missed half of it. And then I would skip that class sometimes. :) :) Ya just gotta work the system. Now before you jump all over, "leadership by example!!" that's not the role of the "wing advisor." Go minimums!
  8. Hercster

    Gun Talk

    Dang! And I thought I'd be happy with the XD the way it was...*checks financial status*...ah nuts...
  9. Helos are definitely a lot of fun. I'm at a huey unit and nothing beats a low level tac run through the little canyons here.
  10. Hercster

    Gun Talk

    I'm fairly sure either weapon will kill a "man," regardless of what he's packing. Whatever floats your boat.
  11. Hercster

    Gun Talk

    2 on accuracy. My family and I were recently shooting and my parents' .38 and .357 couldn't compare. Everyone was immediately more accurate. I hear the new models have a safety on them. Hmmm...a good reason to buy another gun...
  12. Can we say COMSEC incident on a near catastrophic level??? No no, that would damage someone's self-esteem. We'll call it a "boo-boo" instead and put an offical AF "Above All" band-aid on it.
  13. For the bases that have it, Webster is a great program, very convinient. I'm currently working on an MA in management and leadership, mostly for box-checking purposes, but there's some good info I'm getting out of it.
  14. Wow, that fancy-dancy board reminds me of the control "tower" in the Matrix with moving things around with your hands. The machines ARE taking over!
  15. Hercster

    Gun Talk

    I've seen that internal laser, but haven't added it yet due to the price (yikes!). For now, I keep a LED flashlight handy.
  16. My unit has a huey control stick as at a keg handle. First time I've seen that, it's pretty cool!
  17. Haven't seen that one. Perhaps attached to a flying unit?
  18. I guess techinically I'm not supposed to be wearing a bag then. Whoops...Not like I'm going to change that or anything. :) My unit gave me four of them and it'd be a shame to not use them.
  19. Pretty much! Except for SABC. That I actually had to review stuff.
  20. We had to take that at ASBC. You're right, it's a waste of time. Since we didn't have a whole lot of time to take it (unless you came after hours), we all breezed through it, noted the wrong answers and took the test again. Click "print," collect your official certificate, and shazzam! You're now qualified to use a stapler without supervision!
  21. Long time reader, no so often poster, so yes, I am well aware of the search function and have used it. :) With that, I was wondering what you veteran travelers do for wheels during extended TDY. I'm off to ASBC and I'm thinking it'll be a long boring time without some form of transportation. The cheapest rate i could find would be just over $1000 for over a month of renting a car. I suppose a taxi is an option, but a pain. What have you done? Thanks in advance.
  22. Another option is coming in your junior year as a "sophomore" (AS200) in ROTC, meaning three years to finish and graduate. I wonder if there really is an underwater basket weaving class...
  23. I'm pretty sure there is no two-year program for pilots/navs. Only for medical positions. You're supposed to have a minimum of three years in ROTC now. At least, that's what I was told, and why I transferred to a four-year university in the middle of my sophomore year. Hope that helps.
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