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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. WTF did I just look at for 10 minutes? No a single source or assumption actually linked on that page. Tons sited, none linked. It's the internet, people can say whatever they want. Without source data is all BS.
  2. That's a fair point. From my view, we are actively in the process of giving the fight back to other people. My core point is that we need to be careful that we don't let that pendulum swing so far that we lose our ability to fight for our own interests. I could easily see our current 'leaders' doing just that, as none of them have a clue what it's like to serve something bigger than themselves, and more importantly, none of them appreciate the sacrifices that happened to get our country to where it is at the top of the heap.
  3. That's cool. I'm not fixing or editing anything, but thanks for the threat. You gunna jump through the internet and choke me if I don't censer my words? Here I though helo guys had thick skin... Glad to know you were there in the 1700s, that must have been cool. By the way, they routinely drilled with their weapons, fully understood the concept of military hierarchy, came to duty when called, and were infinitely more disciplined (when needed) than we are today. They were also basically farmers with pitchforks...and cannons...yes, CANNONS. Imagine Jim-bob in Kansas having a fully operational 155 howitzer hanging out in his barn. Historically, that's actually a pretty close technological equivalent. What's more, they built many of their own weapons and their own ammunition. They also drank. A LOT. Don't go cherry picking comparisons. Full context is key. I feel confident in my assumption that the authors used "well regulated" intentionally because it could grown, expand, or contract as required with time and social requirement as needed. They understood that having some constantly drunk dude rolling up with his arsenal was not helpful to the fight. Discipline then, as it is now, was highly important. No doubt, they had their well armed "a Florida man" who did what he wanted, and the framers intentionally didn't want to empower that asshat. My point is not that the government or some other central agency should regulate our militia capable citizens. Rather, that our citizens should adhere to a high standard if they intend to own weapons. Modern day suburban Karen, who owns a baby Kimber .45 that she carries with one in the chamber at the bottom of her purse while she never practices, maintains, or even fires it, and still shouts about her second amendment rights, is being violently arrogant. A right is a responsibility, not an entitlement. Too many 2nd amendment thumpers forget that there is a first framing portion in that amendment's text, and they tend give responsible gun owners a bad name. We the people are supposed to be disciplined, regulated, responsible, and good stewards of the rights and freedoms purchased with blood that we didn't have to spill. Cherry picking rights and omitting framing text in the guidance passed by our forefathers is rather childish. If you're going to pick up a weapon and claim it as an American Right...which it is...you must pick up the responsibility that goes along with it. A 'well regulated militia" implies going way beyond defending my personally property, and asserts that that I am willing to subordinate myself and my armed capacity into a military structure for the purpose of defending my state or country. Sadly, that's taking critical thinking and analysis of our constitution WAY farther than most drunk airline pilots are willing to intellectually go. More unfortunately, educating people into being responsible is damn near impossible, but I'll keep trying. Out of curiosity, how would you have me edit my statement? All I did was quote the a constitutional amendment. What triggered you? So we're clear, here's the full text of the second amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." For the millennials: TLDR - If you own a gun, you're supposed to be responsible and proficient with it. It's not just for defending yourself or your own interests, it's for defeating tyranny and defending your country if so needed. Many abuse that right and it pisses me off. Governments should be afraid of, and work for, their people, not the other way around.
  4. Just gunna throw some words out that are rarely included: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..." (emphasis added) I'm not sayin, I'm just sayin
  5. Post American Revolutionary era draw-down led directly to the White House getting burned. Post WWI draw down heavily contributed to an over-populated workforce and helped make the great depression even greater Post Korea draw down coupled with the idea that all future wars would be nuclear lead to an entire series of weapons (century series aircraft) that were completely inappropriate and miss-matched for the real-world wars that were clearly on the horizon. Post Vietnam draw-down lead to a completely hollow force (literally we parked airplanes with no engines in them to make it look like we had more than we really did). We got lucky that the 70s and 80s weren't more turbulant, and we got really lucky that Reagan revived our military instrument of power before it was needed. That's just American history. Ask Germany, Japan, Spain, and France what happens when you let others do your fighting for you. No-one cares as much about you as you do. Pretending we can pay others to fight our battles from here on out is an easy trap to fall into, and has NEVER historically worked in the long term. I am not advocated maintaining our military as is. I AM advocated for a right sized and CORRECTLY ORIENTED force (an expeditionary capable deterrent force able to hit hard and get out fast against a near peer. We can and should not be an occupying force.
  6. History is full of examples of exactly why we should not do this.
  7. Yeah, definitely whiskey involved. TLDR: SEAD/DEAD in the future is going to look a lot different than it did in the past.
  8. How does the current "anti-russia" impact the the environment in Europe right now? A thought: this guy offers a LOT of useful information. Caveat: YGTBSM crowd: yes, I am addressing your kindred. Your offspring WILL NOT look like you. Yet they will do your job better. They WILL hang it out, in a way you don't understand. Trust them. ...sadly, the guys who Know..probably, are too understand, unless young officers make them understand..;. OOOOORRRRRRR I'm completely wrong and this dude just broke a LOT of rules:
  9. All these are false arguments: people with normal incomes don't routinely travel between DC and NY. Only the exorbitantly rich and professional protestors do that.
  10. Well, in AMC dudes are still deploying, only it's Ramstein and DJ now (and yes, sadly...the 'deid still...sigh). Africa, PACOM and exercises keep the mobility bubbas just as busy as they were, just in different locations. I know some of our young IP/WO community still, and as a single ray off sunshine compared to ClearedHot's report card on AFSOC, the up and coming mobility community is ready for the future fights (both dirty and conventional), at least at the squadron/group level. Innovation and initiative are high in those kids.
  11. We can hope. He's already demonstrated that he can handle a crisis with logic and reason. If someone would please shut down Trump, that would be great.
  12. Sounds to me like we don't have an educational, social, or economic crisis. We have a complete failure of the parenting. I've said if for decades now: If you heal fatherhood (i.e. incentivize men to stay in the home where they procreate instead of incentivizing single parenthood, divorce, and abortion), you heal our country. The second problem...which is related to fatherhood...is that American parents appear to have adopted the belief that it's someone else's job to teach their children truth, morality, logic, and reason. No wonder millennials (i am one) are so lost: we were raised by public schools. I've got two teens, and my bride and I are working hard to make sure that no university education or any other life experience will upend their faith foundation or their logic and reason. If they launch with a solid relationship with God and a thirst for truth, it won't matter what lies they encounter, college or not. ANYWAY, we're finally done in Afghanistan and it feels like we're right back to the mid 70's with the end of a horrid war, wild problems with energy, social upheaval, and a couple of political parties that have lost their minds. ...now, where's our Reagan?
  13. I was in that same boat...until several conversations with non-college grads who now operate international airliners. We discussed simple things such as supply and demand economics, civics, statistics, basic biology, and even the foundations of what calculus is and how it touches, well, everything...(I get it, that sounds higher level, but explain how you "derive" a solution to someone who hasn't touched math beyond algebra...it's painful...turns out derivation and integration thought processes are kinda handy)...and a load of other subjects that were basic pre-recs at my school. It was honestly saddening. I honestly had to explain the difference between miles-per-hour and kilometers-per-hour to two dudes...I wish I were joking... Am I for everyone going to college? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Are there a LOT of subjects that should be covered and assumed as a baseline for a college education that allow a higher level of social and economic understanding and interaction? Definitely. The current American 'college experience' does not meet that standard. But it should. If for no other reason than the fact that IT SHOULD. University education should STILL be a high standard, and I refuse to let leftist liberal doorknob licking morons debase that standard like they have with every other standard they touch.
  14. As a mater of fact, yes. Most hospitals have O2 lines running through most of their walls, including the exterior ones and the ones that border the waiting room. Beyond that, it takes one remodel or one re-org for the old ICU wall to become the waiting room wall, and then you've got a significant number of O2 and other hospital-unique and hazardous plumbing running through those walls.
  15. Someone's looking for a body of water labelled "Gulf of Tonkin" somewhere between Poland and Russia...
  16. I love the number of PA announcements my brown boxes require.
  17. Well, Joe Biden is our president, and I pay taxes, soooo.....
  18. FourFans

    Gun Talk

    That's a good point. One for tyranny up close, and one for tyranny a little farther away.
  19. FourFans

    Gun Talk

    Chamber that in a 300 blackout and I'm in.
  20. I'm guessing you didn't listen to the podcast. Yes, I'd like those guys as well. I seriously hope Trump doesn't get the RNC's nomination so a rational adult with a concept of humility can run instead. But I digress. Gabbard clearly doesn't fit in any red or blue box. Important to me personally: Listening to her speak her opinions in a long form setting it's obvious, she's not a tyrant. Sure, I'd prefer a more conservative leader. But she actually learns and is willing to change her opinions on topics. If she's willing to grow and evolve, I think she deserves the benefit of the doubt. Where she used to stand is not where she's standing now. What's more, I'm willing to bet that she has a rational reason for each of her positions. Like an ACTUAL rational, thought out reason. Political figures like that today are few and far between. I'll gladly take an 'opponent' like that instead of Fetterman, Biden, or Pelosi any day. We as conservatives are going to have to realize that finding common ground to move forward as a nation first requires us choose NOT to die on EVERY SINGLE HILL in the political landscape. It requires persuasion and compromise. (yes there are hills to die on, such as transing kids, and teaching CRT to the military, vaccine mandates, etc... but I didn't see any of those big ticket items on your list, but then, everyone's list is different) I specifically hope to see the Democrat party lean more like Gabbard, and the Republican party lean more like Crenshaw. Going hard over Left or Right only leads to tyranny. Yes, the Left is going absolutely nuts right now in our country, but people forget that the Right can do that just as bad. The 50's red scare was very much a product of the political Right, and it led to horrific tyranny of a sort in our country. I'm a history nerd, and I see a lot of parallels in the Right's media narrative leaning that way right now. It's not healthy. I'd enjoy listening to Gabbard and Crenshaw debate all those topics you listed. I'll have to see if they've podcasted together.
  21. FourFans

    Gun Talk

    I've heard excellent reviews of the Low Profile Carry and the Operator Courses https://glocktraining.com/
  22. Ok, I'll admit I don't agree with many of her positions. If I'm honest, I've NEVER found an actual electable politician that I agree with on most topics. Of all the options out there, she seems intelligent, articulate, clearly hasn't had a stroke, is willing to discuss difficult topics without equivocating on terms, and seems willing to compromise where it's necessary. That list would eliminate most of our current politicians. Hell, she stood up to 3 hours getting asked hard(ish) questions by Jocko. That's got to count for something. Imagine Biden, Pelosi, Fetterman or AOC doing that. Is she my favorite? Nope. But I'd take her and Dan Crenshaw in a heartbeat over the asshats we currently have in power. Who would you prefer?
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