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Everything posted by Beaver

  1. We haven't talked money yet.
  2. Just closed on my new place, too. Couldn't have gone smoother with Dave Devine and NBOKC. 3.75% for 30 year VA.
  3. That's a price of $520 each the same week the price dropped to $450. But hey, what's $1,260,000 among friends?
  4. Well, they were HARMs, soooo....
  5. That's weird because when I was at Misawa I actually fought in a war, shot at people and got shot at while the dudes in Korea sat and pulled their puds like they've been doing for the last 60 years.
  6. Beaver

    Gun Talk

    I've got an 18" ARP upper and it's awesome.
  7. I thought Fitz-Hume and Milbarge were pretty badass.
  8. I thought I read that the jets were perfect and nobody was hypoxic and it's all pilot error.
  9. That's pretty gay. I think he took that pretty well, all things considered.
  10. Guy can't even get some hot Thai action without the God squad getting all judgmental.
  11. Wingmen take note: this is how you leave the boom every time.
  12. Found it. Search for "flyingsquadron"
  13. It's interesting that her website is specifically designed to play on her military background but neither Antenori or Kelly mention it anywhere other than their bio.
  14. High-impact bungee jumping? No thanks!
  15. Given the fact that the Dow in 2010 was the same as it was in 2000 how do you suggest that an additional $18k a year after taxes is a road to securing long term wealth going forward? I'm sure you were killing it in the first half of your career, but that hasn't been the case since I've been in.
  16. What should I search for to find the forum? I tried the obvious: baseops base ops flying squadron
  17. That's crazy. Her blinking made me start blinking.
  18. She probably doesn't even know the difference between dribble and drivel!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa1vwYAAU2A
  20. Beaver

    Shoe Clerk Vol 3

    Hold on a second here. Yes, you should salute the guy even in civvies. But he was waaaay out of line.
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