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Everything posted by HerkDerka

  1. To piggyback on what M2 said, It doesn't matter what briefing you received. If you post a squadron's manning and deployment schedule on an open website, don't expect your post to last long. And don't pitch a fit when it vanishes. Get your head out of your ass and use a little OPSEC. HD
  2. That's about standard from the protests I've seen. So by your logic, patriotism means supporting governments (and government entities) that are determined to preserve liberty. But you can be a good American and not appreciate the military? UFB. HD
  3. U-28's are an AFSOC platform. AFSOC platforms have cool missions. Run a search and you'll get some info from past threads. HD
  4. ASSIGNMENTS 1. July 1983 - May 1985, job analyst, Occupational Measurement Center, Randolph AFB, Texas 2. May 1985 - February 1986, executive officer, Occupational Measurement Center, Randolph AFB, Texas 3. February 1986 - May 1986, student, Squadron Officer School, Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala. 4. May 1986 - June 1989, personnel measurement psychologist, U.S. Air Force Exchange and Liaison Office, Royal Australian Air Force, Headquarters Support Command, Melbourne, Australia 5. June 1989 - August 1991, assistant professor, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. 6. August 1991 - June 1994, doctoral candidate and Air Force liaison officer, Pennsylvania State University 7. June 1994 - June 1997, Assistant Director, Recruiting Research and Analysis, Accession Policy Directorate, Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Management Policy, the Pentagon, Washington, D.C. 8. June 1997 - May 1998, speech writer and policy and issues analyst, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, later, aide to Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, D.C. 9. May 1998 - May 2000, Deputy Chief, Personnel Issues Team, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington D.C. 10. May 2000 - June 2002, Commander, 11th Mission Support Squadron, Bolling Air Force Base, Washington D.C. 11. June 2002 - September 2004, professor, later, permanent professor and Head, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. 12. September 2004 - present, Dean of the Faculty, U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colo. HD
  5. Federally funded comté cheese soufflé, mâche salad, meyer lemon éclairs, huckleberry coulis, chicory salad, creamy anchovy vinaigrette, and olive toast. Berkeley...EABOD. HD
  6. I know what a SELO is, I'm saying putting it down on your official bio is retarded. HD
  7. I think the best entry in that bio was "standardization and evaluation copilot". WTFO HD
  8. You're missing the point. Take money away from liberals and they'll freak. HD
  9. When you consider that the only thing most self-centered liberals care more about than themselves is their precious brat-ass children, it's probably a good tactic. HD
  10. That does it. Does anyone know if Air France is hiring? HD
  11. I wouldn't go that far. I call it luck. HD
  12. Well, I was way off. The Giants definitely came to play tonight. That catch was unbelievable. HD
  13. Pats by two scores. I'll say 38-24. HD
  14. The difference between night and day. But it will be a good step-down to get you from the glass cockpit of the T-6 to the steam guages of the herk. HD
  15. Click the "Insert Image" button on the reply toolbar. The end product should look something like this... HD
  16. Last time I checked, "completely achieving one dream" and moving on to another doesn't end well for Air Force chicks. HD
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