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Everything posted by HerkDerka

  1. 1) Don't major in something just because your mom wants you too. If your head's not in it, you'll most likely end up flunking. Study something you enjoy. 2) Your life is not your mom's life. 3) If being a pilot is your dream and you never pursue it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. I'm not sure if your mom is paying for your college at all, but it doesn't matter either way. If she is paying part of your tuition, you'd be better off paying your own way to being a pilot than to live off her money and be what she wants you to be. If you go that road, you will be regretting in when you are an old fart engineer wondering what your life could have been had you decided to become a pilot. If you chose to become a pilot and are successful in that endeavor, your mother has no reason to not be proud of you. If she isn't, then she has problems. Pursue your dream, not mom's. HD
  2. Did you catch the audition tape linked on that article? Big surprise. HD
  3. Yes, in a manner of speaking. Helos are one of the four tracks available to UPT students at track select. Not all classes get a helo drop in their track select. But if you let your flight commander know that you are interested in helos, he might make a trade with a Flt/CC from another UPT base to get a helo for you. Helos work differently from class to class. In some classes there may be three guys who want a helo and that helo may go to someone high in the class ranking. In other classes no one may want a helo and it will get dropped to the lower end of the class. It's not overly difficult to get a helo in the AF. Just do well in UPT and make sure your Flt/CC is aware of your interest in helos. If you are deadset on flying helos, the Army is the closest you'll get to a guaranteed helo. HD
  4. Yes. If you need something furnished, call LR and make a reservation at the TLF. HD
  5. HerkDerka

    HerkDerka's Pics

    Random Herk Stuff
  6. Talk to the MPF and your CC. You should have no trouble getting an RNLTD extension. HD
  7. The respective Vol 3's for almost all AMC aircraft only require tags to be carried. The KC-135 is a little different with the verbiage: "tags are required to be worn or carried." HD
  8. No, you are not misunderstanding. Exactly. HD
  9. If people want to wear their tags as opposed to just putting them in a pocket, fine. But IMHO putting them on the outside of a collar and running them through the zipper just looks stupid. HD
  10. Great find on those two links C17Driver. HD
  11. Thanks for posting the "F-130" pic. I've been searching for that pic for a while. HD
  12. I think Herk Driver's point is that the reg says "carry", not "wear". HD
  13. Seeing the "under the collar and into the zipper" move is like hearing someone scratch on a chalkboard. HD
  14. It's not a squadron photo. That's M2's class photo from his UPT days at Wright Field. M2's second from the left. HD
  15. Here you go S&C, courtesy of www.t6driver.com AETC/CNATRA JPPT Syllabus HD
  16. I wouldn't necessarily say that. Running a set training timeline forces the student to adapt and learn or wash out. Arguements can be made either way, I'm not getting into that. I'm just saying it will take more than a syllabus change to reduce training time for the Navy. HD
  17. Ugh. A contractor who is trying to save money and thinks it's a syllabus issue. The AF and the Navy have two different attitudes/approaches when it comes to pilot training. That's why it takes longer on the Navy side. If he wants to shorten the Navy's training time, it isn't something that can be completely changed by a new syllbus. It's a culture change. Case in point. Big Blue is focused on maxing training and meeting deadlines. The Navy not so much. HD
  18. "3" We already have enough Mac vs. PC threads. Keep the discussion on PFPS. HD
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