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Everything posted by TAMInated

  1. The viper rolling off the runway and several beers in my belly reminded me of the RSU comments at pilot training. A few that I remember: TTYNR: Take that, you naughty runway WAE: Welcome aboard, ensign BKIH: Burger King is hiring NAFOD: No apparent fear of death
  2. I thought the same thing. None in the aerobrake, none on the rollout, wonder if he had them out after the perch?
  3. We got told the PCS freeze is still on and not to expect an assignment until it's lifted. Someone's being lied to. Check PM.
  4. Shack. I hate drones more than everybody on this board put together. That said, they are very good at doing what they were built for: flying around in a circle and waiting for Haji to come out of his house and poop. You don't need pilots to sit there for 8 hours and watch a drawing of a pink airplane while punching themselves in the sack.
  5. Couldn't have said it better myself! (Settle down navs, that was a joke.)
  6. Not true in the drone squadrons, unless it happened in the last couple weeks.
  7. As opposed to the ones it did keep its word to?
  8. No time for BS, there is (was) simply too much going on for one person to keep track; I was too busy failing epically trying to use my pod and 1-3 radios and thinking I could manage more than I really could.
  9. I haven't heard much good about that airplane, but it's difficult for me to imagine a bigger POS than what General Atomic s builds.
  10. Nope, not at all. Now that real airplane companies are spooling up their drone businesses, hopefully the abortions that GA has plopped out will soon be phased out.
  11. That will not be for a long time, depending on your definition of "full up".
  12. Already got released. Released when or to what? No clue.
  13. One of the few (only?) perks of drones at HMN is I get to hunt elk and mule deer 10 minutes from my house. I shoot a Quest Hammer with G5 Montecs. Will probably upgrade soon, but left-handed bows are hard to find around here.
  14. Everyone here got what they wanted. If you wanted to stay in drones, you will (obviously), and if you didn't, you hopefully won't have to. If you were released, it's not guaranteed you'll go back to your previous jet. No timeline was given and no clue what to expect for an assignment, but I am cautiously less pessimistic.
  15. Holloman is the RTU. Expect Creech, Canon, or Whiteman.
  16. This problem is amplified in the drone world where the brass sees everything real-time.
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