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Everything posted by guineapigfury

  1. I heard "not for attribution" once. Even as a 1Lt, I was smart to understand that this meant "for attribution". Why is ned kelly wearing an english flag?
  2. I hope he frames it and hangs it on the wall of his office.
  3. In this analogy, who is Nancy Kerrigan crying with a broken leg?
  4. This is how it's done. You fighter types may now return to your regularly scheduled table racing.
  5. Where the does backfat stop and the ankle begin?
  6. I hope the preacher says "I now pronounce you man and whale."
  7. Politician, prostitute ... 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.
  8. Now if you wanted to raise morale, this might be the way to go. Doesn't cost DoD a fucking nickel, and the "different pots of money" sophistry actually accomplishes something.
  9. This is some straight garbage pail kids stuff.
  10. I'll caveat, that I'm still in MQ-9 training, but some of this needs to be addressed. You will hook rides for dropping danger close without initials or dropping without clearance. Also, it doesn't have to be your life for it to be "life and death responsibility". I think every pilot understands that getting it right can keep someone on or above Afghanistan alive. Do guys in your squadron not understand this simple fact? I'm not throwing a spear here, I'm actually fucking shocked. Are guys sitting there in the trailer, reading a comic book instead of paying attention? Honestly, what the fuck is going on to prompt your article? I'll be in an operational unit in about a month, I'd love to know what I'm about to walk into. And whatever else, I respect you for showing up at BaseOps without the benefit of anonymity because it's obvious you give a shit.
  11. I think part of the problem (leadership fail, not suicide) is that we promote people who say/write things as opposed to doing things. So when suicides increase, they say "Be Resilient" and then appear to be literally mind-boggled when the problem continues. I don't know a single person who thinks these "resiliency days" are actually helping. Maybe, as no fly days, they're taking some of the pressure off of MX, which from what I've read is one of the leading groups for suicide. That's the only value I can see.
  12. At least they're not handing out this medal to Finance types yet.
  13. We're having a monthly resiliency day at my current location. I'm just TDY, but now the permanent party has squeeze 20 days of work into 19 work days every month. Seeing as overwork is cited as one of the causes of suicide, maybe this isn't the best approach. Powerpoint and briefings are a desperate attempt to circumvent one of the basic requirements of leadership which is KNOWING YOUR PEOPLE.
  14. This sucks, fight for your right to party is the first song I remember from growing up.
  15. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
  16. These people said they wanted out, and put in for VSP. So they're walking the walk. I feel the safe choice is to get out, which is the complete opposite of the way things used to be. And this ties in to the original topic. Pilots stuck in drones get promoted at a much lower rate than their peers. With out being able to count on continuation to 20, they're going to do the sensible thing and start that second career a few years early. Oh, and as the cherry on top many of these pilots hate their jobs. What's this going to do for RPA manning? And someone thinks Air Medals are the answer? YGTBFSM.
  17. The far greater statistical risk to RPA drivers is the drive to and from work. Especially if you are in NM, which is apparently the DUI capital of the known universe. If my conversations with my friends are any indication, the pilot corps is ready to bleed itself out with respect to manning.
  18. If we can mind our own business, this argument is moot. Al-Qaeda inspired zealots and Syrian Baathists massacring each other ... couldn't happen to nicer guys.
  19. So that's about 10 more years at this rate of usage? The JSF might be ready by then ... but probably not.
  20. FIFY Good, I thought I was the only one. I'm always annoyed when they don't fly the approach and landing the way I would have.
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