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Everything posted by Masshole

  1. It's not harder if you're not stupid.
  2. Hacking the requirements is just the beginning. Yes, there are women (a relatively small amount) that could satisfy the training requirements. What happens next? How do you integrate such a small number of women into units comprised of all men? What does that do to the unit's morale? How can the women be included in the unit cohesion that makes it successful? Hygiene? There are many more factors that separate men and women than physical abilities.
  3. The Forgotten 500 It is about U.S. airmen forced to bail over Yugoslavia in World War 2 and the ensuing rescue. It is a quick read and amazing story.
  4. Still waiting for an "IOU" on that beer.
  5. Weird. I was just thinking about how I have not been here in a long time. Rainman is about as scary as the doughboy.
  6. Mark Wahlberg will be the star of Transformers 4 (2014). Get the fuck outta hya, ya rowbaht prick!
  7. Does the headline "Searching for the Captain of the HMS Bounty" seem a little out of century? Next on CNN: The Effects of the Seven Years War on Cotton Prices. Some friends in NYC/LI said they were told they would be out of power for 7-10 days.
  8. Everything is returning to normal in DC. It was not nearly as bad as the media made it out to be. At least not here.
  9. Andrea Mitchell Reports some serious bullshit.
  10. Meanwhile, the State Senate was doing his.
  11. Dick in an inbox? I am not in the business of pork swords.
  12. Let me tell you, nothing will show your guests you mean business more than a sword. Or better yet...multiple swords.
  13. Well, I have some Nepali service medals and Chinese medals from WW2 (Japanese resistance), as well as some handmade ceremonial swords.
  14. I could not find a thread about this, but I apologize if one exists. I am looking for people that know how to sell or trade old military memorabilia. Are there alternative methods to Ebay that can still connect me to buyers worldwide? How do you know how to price things (are there books or are there people that specialize in that)? Thank you.
  15. It was the most feasible way to obtain citizenship.
  16. Color me shocked that you would make sweeping generalizations based on your limited experiences with a relative few women.
  17. My biological mother's and father's jobs were to provide medical aid for the people that tried to climb peaks in the Himalayas. Forgive me for not being as impressed having witnessed how much outside help is required. I do not put those people on the same pedestal as those who are pioneers. Again, you say "random" and then pretend to know. I do learn from you though. I hope and will try not to use my service as a crutch to act superior to people over the internet, or anywhere for that matter. Then you can PM me. You want to know, I will tell you.
  18. Yeah, I got that he was trying to be sarcastic. It would have worked, if he were not as he described.
  19. Most people who try to climb the mountains are unable to do it on their own. Go back decades and it was different, but not today. You do sit behind a keyboard and are often condescending, and minimize other people's lives despite not knowing anything about them. I do not care for that is your prerogative. Not mine. I said equating climbing a mountain with assistance to Baumgartner's jump is not fair. I have my own list of personal achievements, but yeah...sure, I will be your mountain guide if you pay for the trip.
  20. There is nothing noteworthy about having to use a machine to breathe and being carried up the mountain by locals. I do not consider that a personal achievement considering people have done it decades ago without as much aid. I do think Baumgartner's attempt is remarkable, but a K2 reference does not do it justice.
  21. I am sorry, but I am not comfortable with money involved. I am out.
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