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Posts posted by HossHarris

  1. 2 hours ago, Bode said:

    Anyone done any math on the Survivor Benefit Plan? My wife is retiring and we are trying to decide whether or not to take it. Eventually I will retire as well if that plays as a factor.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    It’s expensive for what it is ….. especially if you both have retirement income.  Compare its cost to term life and make your decision. 

    when we did the math, frau would have to outlive me by 15-20 years and I’d have to die fairly young for it to make financial sense  


    “kids only” SBP is an order of magnitude cheaper. May be useful if you have crotchfruit and both mort out. 


  2. 35 minutes ago, brabus said:

    The irony of the pro pay is pilots could go work for a major and make roughly the same as an MD (but without the 100s K in debt and 24 hr shifts in ERs). So how do they justify pro pay for docs, and not for pilots? Nonsensical. 

    Because being a doc is the same really regardless of who you’re working for. 

    military flying is different. Not a lot of places you can fly a fighter. Or do the things they do with fatties (?). 

    airline flying is boring as shit. It should not be the pinnacle of your flying career. 

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  3. If you’ve never sat down and chatted with a chaplain one on one, give it a try.  If you’re not a religious person, most are very good at taking off the “religion hat” and putting on the “counseling hat.”  Most are very receptive and flexible if you tell them you aren’t coming to them for Religious needs, you’re coming to them for their confidentiality.  Highly recommend. 

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  4. There’s a lot of “hidden” or soft pay. 

    At delta, a 4-day trip pays a minimum of 21 hours. But I may only fly 10-15 hours of actual block. 

    some folks like to maximize that soft pay. Some folks want to minimize it (then any delays or changes result in more pay right away). On mans trash ….


    reference the grid (few posts back) and look at the various rigs (trip, duty, etc). That’s usually where the soft pay comes from. 

  5. 4 hours ago, pawnman said:

    Were I commander, I'd just take note of anyone who didn't wear a mask. When they make the covid shot mandatory, anyone not wearing a mask who pops red on IMR gets an article 15.

    Make sure you watch for dudes not wearing seatbelts too.

  6. 15 hours ago, Smokin said:

    I also always packed running shoes and any layover >12 hours I used a run to explore the local area.

    You can’t go wrong with white new balance shoes. Appropriate for all occasions!

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  7. 4 hours ago, Guardian said:

    Not sure what you are talking about with a decision between two people. I was simply asking if a person required life support for oh say 9 months and had no brain waves, etc but recovered was that person no longer a person for some, all, or none of that 9 months.

    People without brain activity don’t recover. 

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  8. 18 minutes ago, TreeA10 said:

    It's a very simple question and I'm not sure what more clarification I could add. The discovery of a single cell or multi-cell organism on another planet would be defined by scientists as?

    Which trimester is the planet in?

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  9. 10 hours ago, SurelySerious said:

    And that’s exactly why I’m going to stomach a third of the pay for a while: the ability for my duty to be just flying.

    It’s not the most exciting flying in the world, but there aren’t any ADO qweepdoms. But that’s what will work for me. YMMV.

    The queep only takes up as much time as you let it. 

    what are they gonna do, fire you from your admin crap?  Stop giving you important but non-flying tasks?  It’s only as hard as you allow them to make it. 

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  10. Right now .... no problem. Airlines are waiving USERRA time limits left and right and are generally happy if folks are gone. 

    I see that rapidly changing. 

    USERRA gets you 5 years cumulative time away ... for orders over 30 days.  Can you cobble together that last 6-9 months on 1-week orders.... prolly. But it might not be fun and it’ll take a while. 

    some Airlines have traditionally been more flexible with timelines... some have held to the 5 year rule. That may change as well ... 

    bird in the hand ...

  11. 9 hours ago, Prozac said:

    Where in the constitution does it state that you need a valid ID to vote? Of course, it doesn’t ...

    Correct. It does not. 

    but it does say you must be a citizen. So come up with a convenient and equitable method to prove citizenship and we’ll be all set.


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  12. 11 hours ago, StoleIt said:

    Army testing showed women failed the ACFT at a consistent 65% rate, while men failed at about a 10% rate, according to Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., who sought the pause on the service’s implementation of the ACFT.


    Wait .... are you suggesting there may be actual physiological differences between men and women. Weird 

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  13. 1 hour ago, SocialD said:

    Thread revival.


    Alright, any you carbon based life forms ever have DFAS take too much money for your TSP?  If so, how did you get that money back?  I was not aware that TSP would just continue taking money from me even after I hit the $19,500 limit.  So they pulled $24,500 before I realized WTF was going on and turned it off.  Of course, why wouldn't DFAS just stop at $19,500 like ever other fucking company with a 401k/TSP plan?  So anyway, now someone has $5k of my money and noone seems to know who actually has it.  Some douche canoe at DFAS says TSP has the excess and I need to request a return through them.  TSP says they only received $19,500 and they have no fucking clue where the excess contributions would be.  So now I'm at a crossroads....and of course DFAS only works M-F until 1700EST.  Called at 1655, and in true finance fashion, fuckers were already gone.  

    Along with fixing my fucked up flight pay, I'm sure the new finance system will unfuck situations like this...I was told it is scheduled to be rolled out Jan of 2021...

    Alright back to my scotch and get the fuck off my lawn!

    Standard finance issue resolution technique:  find the first officer in the finance chain of command. They usually can’t do anything ... but they know the people that can. 

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