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Posts posted by HossHarris

  1. If I were an -11U, I would not automatically assume that I can apply for various separation programs based upon a mobility aircraft RDTM, despite the guidance. That mistake will likely be rectified; keep your eyes peeled for potential future updates.

    Thanks to everyone for your candor over the last 2 weeks.

    Brownie you're doing a heckuva job.

    • Upvote 7
  2. For those who attended the USAFA did you enjoy it or do you wish you would have gone to another college?

    I wouldn't necessarily use the word "enjoy" ... But I'm glad I went, would do it again if I had it to do all over, and would recommend to the right hs seniors.

  3. Do you think they are working over the Thanksgiving weekend at Air University?

    Do you think any of the instructors are actually at maxwell? That project got contracted out rather quickly. Next time you chat with an instructor, ask them where they are, what else they do for a living, and how the instructor side of the house works. If you find one that will show you behind the curtain it's fairly interesting .... And maybe a decent side job if you can get it.

  4. There are so many assumptions in Ramsey's edicts that just don't fit ... Especially my situation. High school grad, new/single E-2 sure ....

    And how does renting gain me down payment savings when I may minimum requirements that make a rental as much or more expensive than buying?? Requirements (needs, not wants).

    People that follow Ramsey blindly in all situations appear weak-minded to me.

  5. Gentlemen--

    It is becoming painfully obvious that the management just doesn't get it.

    Tilting at windmills to solve perceived problems while doing little to solve actual problems.

    But YOU don't have to roll over and take it.

    YOU don't have to give up time honored traditions and roles.

    YOU don't have to be a part of transforming the Air Force into a corporation.

    YOU don't have to abandon the generations of craft and practice that have gotten us where we are.

    For the young uns .... Don't believe everything you hear. Opinions here do not necessarily reflect how good (or bad) things are in reality.

    /edit spellun and such


  6. Have your SQ exec call the Gp exec and ask him/her to call the Wing Exec and ask about the timeline.

    This is dripping with sarcasm .. evidently you missed that.

    My sq/cc and the sq execs have been talking to both the group and wing execs. It just seems like all thrust no vector. Anyone else getting this?

    YOU go talk with your Gp/CC ... go talk to your Wg/CC.

    You don't have to be afraid of them ... they are, actually, real people.

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