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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2013 in Posts

  1. Good a place as any, Tony (co-pilot) was medically retired last week. I was good to go right up to Aggie (Gunner) saying: "You're my pilot for life, and I'm your gunner" while presenting him with a chromed .50cal barrel display as a going away. The kicker was it was Aggie's gun from that day. I got some damn dirt in my eye or something after that, then Tony's father got up and spoke.... I was screwed .... Best part, Tony got up and was cracking jokes during his speech. Dude has a great attitude and said he wouldn't do anything different even knowing the outcome. I'm not as strong as men like this......
    9 points
  2. That's the problem right there. Decisions like this should have nothing to do with feelings or emotions. Like the article says, the only thing that should be considered is will this have a positive or negative impact on combat capability. I think most combat professionals would argue that this is merely a political move that will in the end hurt combat capability. I just hope no one is injured or killed as a result of this decision. Edited cause I don't rite good
    4 points
  3. Seriously hope you weren't posting this article that you just found, which can also be found 6 posts above yours.
    2 points
  4. Heard that, all the better for the group. Spank is a fucking fantastic leader.
    2 points
  5. Hey! Don't forget forget all the support jobs when it comes to the PT test or physical standards, if I got to do X number of repetitions of a exercise and run a certain time for my age why does it have to gender specific. Sit ups or push ups should be equal and stop telling men we are stronger and faster and should do more than women. Lets make all weight,height and physical standards in all the same in all the branches. Equality!!!!
    2 points
  6. I just heard leadership is out inspecting all front lines combat areas for any materials that might be unprofessional or present a hostile work environment. Additionally, unprofessional language will no long be tolerated in combat situations. (i.e "fuck me, they are shooting at us).
    2 points
  7. He's being very serious here. Seriously folks...he's being very serious.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. HATRs are not privileged like most mishaps, so the information can be released. Having read the safety report, I will say that they got most of the facts right, but there's a couple goofy points of emphasis.
    1 point
  11. Any damage? didn't think so, and shut up nav...
    1 point
  12. I think the most interesting part about that video is that they actually call their nav's CSOs.
    1 point
  13. Already happened: This was a documentary right?
    1 point
  14. I just finished My Secret War the other night... What a great book! I've been reading a lot of Vietnam books lately, but I don't think any were nearly as immersive or personal as Drury's. Everything from the demoralizing bad leadership he dealt with, to the excitement and suspense of the rescue missions near the end of the book; everything came accross as an honest account from a guy who loves flying and loves the A-1, with no ego or bullshit to distract the reader. Just a totally excellent book. The only bad part was that the copy I got is pretty ancient and all the pages are falling out of the binding. I'm going to have to see if I can get it re-bound or something because I'm sure I'll want to read it again eventually. Now I'm starting on Bob Hoover's book. Pretty good so far.
    1 point
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