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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2011 in all areas

  1. I am not zipping my leg pocket even if I have to leave one cap in it and wear another.
    7 points
  2. From Limerick huh? There once was a woman who was a whore She loved to get plowed on all fours But after a while, the old "doggy style" wasn't enough to satisfy anymore!
    6 points
  3. Healthcare is important, but betting the farm on TRICARE to take care of you for life is a much more perilous risk in 2011. With how much the defense budget is going to be cut over the next few years, and drawing down from a decade of war, making it to 20 isn't as certain as it used to be. Hell, even TRICARE is going to get cut to the bone eventually; it's just a matter of time. Honestly, I'm actually hoping it happens. I've always thought that we're grossly overpaying for retention with a system that requires you to do 20 years to get vested in a pension and free healthcare. I've wondered if we went to a system with a smaller pension at the top and partially subsidized healthcare that vested you at 10 or 15, if we would retain a lot more people. 20 years is like saying "all or nothing lifetime commitment", but 10 years is a reasonable stretch for a non-lifer to get at least a little bit of return to make it worth it.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Somebody has to stay in. As for having a job, you should at least have something that looks pretty solid before you pull the handles. I've seen cases and others on this forum have stories of guys who got out thinking that a job would magically appear (airlines, Reserves, start a business...) and it didn't. Look around and get smart on your options before you start your separation paperwork.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. I'd rather see them make a Block 70 Viper, new versions of the Eagle, and a Super Super Hornet. Toss in some stealthy deep penetration/strike RPAs and we're good to go. Make an extended range HARM, extended range AIM-120, and more JASSMs and there's no need the majority of the CAF would need to be L.O.
    1 point
  8. Here's some more fighting words to fuel the fire, I think AFSOC should own these assets (I'm selfishly biased). Ok, and...FIGHT!
    1 point
  9. How do you trust anything else a guy says after he says this?
    1 point
  10. I think we'll see small cuts over the next few years, followed by a drawdown like we've never seen before when Afghanistan is over.
    0 points
  11. Haha better start applying for the regionals;)
    0 points
  12. I guess I'll lump myself in with those new-age SNAPS, but you guys realize that Nellis has non-fighter units that actually deploy right? In fact, in the 5 years that I spent at Nellis, I can't remember one fighter unit that did deploy. Home of the Fighter Pilot? I guess, but meanwhile I (helo pilot) spent 5 years there working, deploying, sweating and bleeding (watching friends bleeding) getting the job done. I don't care for the PC culture of the Air Force; I don't think everyone is a warrior, and I do think Robin Olds is a bad-ass, but I think Nellis AFB is more than the "Home of the Fighter Pilot." As I was.
    -7 points
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