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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2016 in Posts

  1. You miss the "any excuse for a party" rationale. During a TDY to Vegas, we had 7 guys get promoted. They put together quite the soiree complete with political incorrect implications of excess alcohol and strippers invited but in a non-working capacity. Apparently that whole pole thing is a lot more physically demanding than I thought if the number of ladies wearing knee and ankle braces is an accurate indication. Guys were still rolling back to the hotel at 3pm the next day. So, enjoy what you can, when you can because, otherwise, all there is left is bitching and complaining.
    3 points
  2. This. Parties make the world go 'round. I don't care about the reason. You got promoted in the same timeframe good dudes and dudettes got the RIF, or non-vol'd, or...? Party. Party about small victories over the machine until you have an opportunity to fix it. Then: 1) Do the right thing. 2) Party.
    2 points
  3. You completely contradicted yourself twice I think, and totally missed the sarcasm in all the previous posts you aimed to contradict. So which is it? Did you celebrate "actual accomplishments" or did you just find an excuse to party like everyone else was alluding to? Where you too busy in FTU to celebrate or were you not. I'm so confused. Apologies for the confusion. We actually just celebrated the fact we were able to afford strippers on LT pay. That was a big accomplishment however this was years before Facebook. These days I'd just make post congratulating myself and if I got over 100 likes, I'd throw myself a small party and wallow in my accomplishment. C'mon people....congratulating yourself on Facebook for getting something, 99+% of eligible people received....all in hopes any non-military educated family/friends think it's a big deal.....Gay.
    1 point
  4. Wow salty dog, you managed to include sarcasm, cynicism, and snarkiness all in one post. I believe you've met your objective for the day, sounding experienced and bitter. I am in awe of your prowess at belittling the new Captain.
    1 point
  5. http://www.airforcemag.com/DRArchive/Pages/2016/January%202016/January%2022%202016/B-52s-%E2%80%A6-Maybe.aspx The Air Force has not ruled out sending B-52s to US Central Command to backfill the capability of B-1Bs leaving theater to undergo an avionics upgrade, a service spokesman said Thursday. “All options are on the table with regard to what mix of aircraft will replace the B-1 in the US Central Command area of operations,” the spokesman said. Lt. Gen. John Raymond, USAF’s deputy chief of staff for operations, had suggested that B-52s were out of the mix at a Wednesday AFA-sponsored, Air Force breakfast.
    1 point
  6. Because you guys didn't celebrate a $800 paycheck bump when you made double-first lieutenant? You know how big of a deal it is to be mistaken for someone who might know what they are doing. Sure didn't. Too busy in FTU....We did celebrate actual accomplishments though. Our FTU solo party had nice strippers but that was more about an excuse to get strippers than celebrating the 3rd jet we solo'd in. You have a pay chart, you can advance celebrate your next pay raise too. Don't forget that 1% in Jan....invite me to your BAH increase party. Nice work in advance. You are a winner, special and don't let anyone tell or make you feel otherwise young-special-snowflake-1st LT on the way to Capt. Congrats again.
    -5 points
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