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FY 14 Force Management Program (RIF, VSP, TERA)


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I am raising the BS flag, lookie rookie. It doesn't add up. Why would your buddy who has that much ADSC left be approved? Someone is yanking his chain.

Also had the scary thought that when congress goes through another round of sequestration, guess where they will be cutting the "fat" from? Your vsp and Tera purse.

The TERA purse is the exact same purse as all military retired personnel. There is absolutely no difference between the early retired and 20 years retired except the % of pay.

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I am raising the BS flag, lookie rookie. It doesn't add up. Why would your buddy who has that much ADSC left be approved?

Apparently you missed the C-17 IP last week who had 5 years of his ADSC waived.

The waiver authority is "up to 6 years off of UPT ADSC."

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Apparently you missed the C-17 IP last week who had 5 years of his ADSC waived.

The waiver authority is "up to 6 years off of UPT ADSC."

Someone heard he got approved. I didn't hear him say he got approved, nor did I hear this most recent guy say he got approved.

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A c-130 IP in the CTS at LRF just got approved as well as a cheyenne guy dont know how much commitment was left at cheyenne, but none left at LRF. My chances are getting slimmer everyday, they are going to hit the 40 before they get to us that need waivers! F-in crossflow

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We had an 05 11M approved for VSP today. 3 years ADSC left. Applied late for VSP and never had the initial round of denials

I'd like to see the look on the AFPC Retirement and Separations Branch Chief if this is true. If anyone wants more info on my source, PM please.

Apparently you missed the C-17 IP last week who had 5 years of his ADSC waived.

The waiver authority is "up to 6 years off of UPT ADSC."

We all saw the same guidance, but I've asked around at the base in question and nobody in the Sq seems to know who it is...

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I'd like to see the look on the AFPC Retirement and Separations Branch Chief if this is true. If anyone wants more info on my source, PM please.

We all saw the same guidance, but I've asked around at the base in question and nobody in the Sq seems to know who it is...

If it's not a person reporting approval for themselves, I assume the approval hasn't happened. Still waiting for the first person with an ADSC waiver to say they themselves have been approved.

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thank you for repeating this for the 69,000th time in my career. This is precisely why I'll trade my flight suit for an airline uniform. At least there i know my line number and how many people i have between me and being furloughed.

Really? You know your line number? Please explain how that worked out for AirTran pilots. My count says the #1 guy dropped to #1,648 when they merged with SWA.

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Really? You know your line number? Please explain how that worked out for AirTran pilots. My count says the #1 guy dropped to #1,648 when they merged with SWA.

You really are a snarky sob. My comment was made that at least I know how many people I have between me and getting furloughed. Even @ 1600, that guy has a lot if people between him and the unemployment line.

Edited by chim richalds
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Really? You know your line number? Please explain how that worked out for AirTran pilots. My count says the #1 guy dropped to #1,648 when they merged with SWA.

It's all relative, top out Capt pay at AirTran was $174/hr and at Southwest it is $216/hr. That pilot had the potential to gain a 24% increase in pay, unless that drop in seniority pushed him/her back to the right seat. Sure the QOL probably dropped with the loss of seniority but the increased future earning potential cannot be denied. The benefit was even greater for those lower in AirTran's pilot pool with more years available at higher pay, sure the top guy on any seniority list is going to resist any changes that take away that advantage, but you have to look at what it did for the remainder of the group as well.

Edited by MooseAg03
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So what we know about VSP applications at this point--They go from the member (who can select if they want to be considered for a reserve commission) to the squadron commander, to the wing commander to AFPC for batch processing. The Squadron Commander can recommend approval or disapproval and indicate if you are excess to local requirements and under investigation, etc. The Wing Commander then recommends approval or disapproval with comments.

When you check the status under -View my application- on vMPF for those past the Wing/CC phase it says "referred to BPO"

However, if you access the Case Management system under the homepage of vMPF for some people it says "AFPC OFF Voluntary Separation Pay" or "referred to BPO"

It would seem that those members who have an application status of "AFPC OFF Voluntary Separation Pay" are checked out and ready for approval -- but that is pending actually needing to approve their application based on the matrix updating.

After speaking with a member at the TFSC, she stated that she is not sure when applications for the majority of rated members will be -- but for some reason she thought it would be 1 May or 7 May.

What did most people put on their application for AFRC? Is it reasonable to think that if the member is eligible (with the newly announced waivers) and the application made it to "AFPC OFF Voluntary Separation Pay" if there is a need in their year group to reduce the number of rated officers, their application will be approved?

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Regardless of ADSC, has anyone been denied and successfully reapplied?

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Yes. I originally applied at 0004 when the window opened and was denied in the first batch for UPT ADSC. I re applied in March and have been at afpc for the past 2 weeks or so

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How did you guys know that the '02 year group is +40? Is that published somewhere? Let the public flogging commence if I missed this somewhere... Anyone know the overage for '05?


It was on the RIF overage matrix before they took it down in Feb. I can't remember exactly but I think we(05) were around 18%-22% overage out of those eligible (64 overage out of 280ish eligible)? Edited by lossofclocklossofdata
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How did you guys know that the '02 year group is +40? Is that published somewhere? Let the public flogging commence if I missed this somewhere... Anyone know the overage for '05?


Back on the RIF matrix published in Jan, the 2005 11M were overmanned by 84 out of 466 eligible, which is about 18% of our year/AFSC. This could have changed in the past 3 months of course, but they haven't published new numbers like that for officers to my knowledge .

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