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Everything posted by TheNewGazmo

  1. Wing him? Forgetabout it!.... they won't wing him. It'll be the ultimate sacrifice and they will have no problems throwing all of that money away to make an example out of him.
  2. And then get to the airlines and find that the airlines are requiring the vaccine as well. Very refreshing to see that when Air Force leaders put their minds to it they can actually cover all their bases when it comes to strong-arming people into doing something. I just wish they'd use those talents in other places.
  3. I did. Apparently it's "normal" and means the vaccine is "working". Haven't gotten my second shot yet. I was supposed to get it a week ago, but have been on the road with my airline job and have put it off a bit. I have been a little leary about the second since it is supposedly worse than the first one. Looks like the ANG deadline is 2 Dec to be fully vaccinated. What's creapy is that Walgreen's system updated ASIMS for me automatically. Didn't know they were linked somehow.
  4. I definitely had a swollen lymphnode a week after my first pfizer shot. I could barely touch my right armpit. Hurt like a some-beach.
  5. Support vaccinations how? Support making them mandatory in general? Support making them mandatory for the military? Support making them mandatory for private organizations? I'll start with the easy ones first. The military and private organizations can mandate whatever they want. If people don't like it, they can leave. We saw this exact same thing with the anthrax program, which had some shady history associated with it, but I think COVID, while not anywhere near as lethal as an inhalation anthrax infection, is at least tangible. You can read about the anthrax program here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1447151/ It boggles my mind that some military members don't want the COVID shot, but never had an issue with the anthrax vaccine. Read that article above and you may have second thoughts. I think the COVID jab is the least of our issues. I get why the DoD wants this mandatory. It can take even a young person out for weeks even if it doesn't kill them. Lots of countries are making this mandatory for certain people; it's not just us. For the general public? Unfortunately we're probably the only country in the world who's made this political. There are going to be some people who never get this vaccine based off of political beliefs while somehow forgetting who was taking credit for vaccine development a year ago. I didn't want the shot when it came available last winter. I took a chance, rolled the dice and waited until last month to get mine. Everyone else in my family except my kids younger than 12 got vaccinated before I did. I wanted a few more crash-test dummies out there ahead of me before I was comfortable enough to get it. I'm due to get my second next week. With that being said, it's hard to figure out why vaccinated people are still getting infected. Is it because of Delta? Is it because of the unvaccinated? Does the vaccine not work well enough? Do we need a third shot? While it's easy to lay blame on the unvaccinated, no one really has a clear answer to any of those questions. The only data we do have thus far is that very, very few vaccinated people are getting seriously ill and dying from it. Is that enough to sway people into getting the shot? Apparently it's still not enough for some. We don't know why younger people and now more children are getting more seriously ill from this compared to before. Is it because we've become more complacent with this thing this summer and have gone back to "normal life"? People are traveling. People are going on vacation. People are attending more mass gatherings. TSA throughput is almost what it was in 2019. The airports are packed and flights are full. I've seen it for myself. Where are people going? Although not as large, we had a spike last year around the same exact time. Despite their high vaccination rates, Israel is going through a huge spike right now because most of their people between 12-25 years old chose not to get vaccinated. I think we're seeing the same issue.
  6. In 2018-19, about 35,000,000 people in the US got the flu. 35,000 died. The DoD mandates a vaccine for a virus with a .1% death rate. Death isn't everything. Immobilization is just as significant of a factor.
  7. This thread is becoming about as useful as tits on a nun... time to post something interesting. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_human_disease_case_fatality_rates
  8. The other issue is that COVID is driving a lot of hospitals into bankruptcy. They don't make as much money treating COVID patients as they do performing elective surgeries (many of which they've had to postpone because of COVID). The government gives them $40k every time they put someone on a ventilator, but it still doesn't compare to the triple bypasses they could be doing.
  9. However, all of them count. If you have gotten the Moderna or J&J, all you need to do is show your clinic your vaccine card and they will add it to your military shot record.
  10. One thing that pointed toward a higher chance of infection/reinfection for the vaccinated, at least in this country, was the fact that the vaccinated, as a whole, have become complacent and have gone back to "normal life"; ie: going on vacations, hitting up bars, and participating in large crowd events while the unvaccinated still maintained some semblance of "social distancing" and mask wear. In the end, the argument can still remain that the vaccine doesn't work as advertised.
  11. I'd love to say the vaccine is the answer to all of our problems, but we don't yet know what numbers we need to get herd immunity. With Measles, it's about 95%. With Polio, it was 80%. Flus are hard to vaccinate against because they mutate every season. There are states right now, like Vermont for example, that have 70%+ vaccination rates and are still going through a "spike". Most of them are nothing like the spike we saw last December/January, but a spike larger than the initial spike in April of 2020. It does, however, look like most of the spikes over the last month or so are on the downslope.
  12. All you have to do is type "US vaccination rates" into Google and you'll get your data. You can look at other countries as well. We are actually right at 62.7% with at least one dose and 53.3% fully vaccinated as of 2 Sep. https://www.google.com/search?q=us+vaccination+rate&oq=us+vsccin&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i10i433l3j0i10.2727j0j7&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 Depending on what you read, one shot of Pfizer or Moderna gets you to about 60-80% efficacy 30 days after your first shot. Two gets you to over 90%. Again... efficacy = reduction of severe disease and death; not infection. The big deal is partly due to fanatical views by people who believe everyone should be vaccinated. While I think that people who believe the government is tracking them with some sort of device in the form of a COVID vaccine or believe they are being injected with stem cells from aborted babies are total morons, I can respect someone's educated decision to not get vaccinated and resist the urge to point fingers and blame them for our full hospitals. Noone points the finger at smokers or diabetics (type 2) filling beds who had a choice to live life more healthy. 60,000 people died during the 2017-18 flu endemic in a 3-4 month timespan. It was one of the worst flu seasons in decades. Most of them weren't vaccinated. Not just old people, but children as well. If the flu was as seasonally resistant as COVID, we would have seen at least triple the deaths from the flu that year. Apparently hospitals claimed the sky was falling and were overrun with flu patients, treating them triage-style in tents. Guess what. I am getting that data from the link posted earlier today. You know why? I don't remember that happening at all. It is literally news to me halfway through 2021. You know what made the news more than that during winter of 2017-18? Rocket Man and Orange Man on the brink of war. I remember nothing about a flu "endemic". While I realize COVID is in a bit of a different league than the common flu, the word "endemic" was thrown out there back then. When you use that word, it's a serious matter. There was no mandatory mask wear. There were no corporations mandating flu shots and charging people $200 extra on their health insurance if they didn't get one. This country is a crazy place right now....
  13. Not sure it is so evenly divided anymore. We are up to about 62% vaccinated now and that is people older than 11 years old because children younger than that can't get it yet. Considering children 11 and younger totaled almost 50,000,000 in 2019 or roughly 15% of the total population of the US, the best we can possibly do right now is 85%. I am sure that most parents who are vaccinated right now would be all for getting their children vaccinated as well. My daughter is 13 and vaccinated, but my sons are too young right now so they are not. The unvaccinated are in the minority these days.
  14. I guess some of us owe a little bit to our caveman predecessors. Here's another dude I follow on YT. Things always seem a little bit easier to listen to when someone has a British accent:
  15. I think that was me. Google MMR2 vaccine and COVID. Interesting findings, but a lot evidence points to favorable protection due to cross-immunities from strong T-cell production and the fact that measles and mumps viruses share about 30% homology with SARS-COV-2.
  16. I'm not sure why you can't answer the question. My point is, if you've done your research, people who have gotten the MMR2 vaccination series have some immunity against covid. My point being if you've received your mmr2 vaccinations in the military over the last decade this may have helped you not get covid even if you're not covid vax'd.
  17. Have you recently gotten your MMR2 series (last 8-9 years)?
  18. Can't go to Walgreens or CVS with your ID card? I did with TRS.
  19. And there lies the out to a lot of peoples concerns about the mRNA vaccines. Do a search for pharmacies in your area that carry the J&J around you and get one of those. Supposedly not as effective, but definitely more effective than no vaccine at all.
  20. Penalty for refusing a direct order? Ummmm.... Article 15 and dishonorable discharge? Not sure if there would be jail time involved, but I am sure the sky is the limit to the insanity.
  21. Seems like his mind was made up before he posted that video. Most "company men" would have kept their mouth shut so I guess I'd have to respect him calling people out before his exit. If I've learned anything in the past two decades, talking with your feet is probably the most effective way to get shit done and see change in the military.
  22. Not sure who he thinks he is, but as an O-5 Battalion Commander he'd may as well be a butter bar asking for "accountability" on this issue.
  23. Well it just wouldn't have sounded as cool if he had said, "As you can well imagine, being a member of the United States Armed Forces, it's my dream to watch that young child.....".
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