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Everything posted by glockenspiel

  1. Are you saying that the CV19 shot is good for every person? Must be nice to live in such a black and white world. I would love if the CV19 vax, phase 2 and 3 clinical trials were well done, with blood draw during follow ups, evaluating troponin levels, using Sanger Sequencing ( not the current PCR) to confirm cases and strict short term and long term follow ups of both arms (vaxxed and unvaxxed) of the trial. If there is a “pro-cv19 vax trial” that’s similar to that, I’d consider changing my mind after review. I might even consider changing my mind if there were favorable trials in animals… oh wait, we skipped those. sidenote: Thank you to those who are currently providing long term safety data. Anti CV19-vax ≠ anti-vaxxer.
  2. Chances of contracting covid≠ 100%. chances of being vaccinated if you are vaccinated = 100%. Doesn’t seem like you are talking apples to apples. Not trying to do a gotcha or defending the article. It’s kind of like when people say 80% of patients who died in X hospital were vaccinated/unvaccinated without at minimum providing the population vaccination rate which that hospital serves. It doesn’t really mean anything.
  3. Stop spreading vaccine hesitancy. Big pharma are the good guys! Praise be to Fauci. All hail Tony. All hail the infallible CDC and FDA. EVERY knee shall bow. Haven’t you heard the good news— the experts have settled the science. Yay! I wonder where this burning train of naïve “scientific” assumptions crashes?
  4. Yes to my knowledge three things could happen as a guard guy: 1.you make fighter grades and fly fighters 2. you don’t make fighter grades but you still pass the t6 phase and are winged. Now you are looking for a new non fighter outfit. 3. You fail t6 phase and you are done. Not sure what the AF will do with you. also fwiw if you are selected at a particular guard unit, the AF could assign a new aircraft to that unit and now you are flying something different than you were originally selected for.
  5. Glad you looked at your entire companies medical information. How’s you get such access to all those records to see if they did or did not have a reaction to the vaccine? I never did trust HR🤔 mini robots are crazy. Some people fall into those traps- it is unfortunate and sad. I Haven’t heard anyone talk about mini robots on this forum other than you. concerns about safety, efficacy, the one size fits all policies, and the very thin blurred line between the FDA and Big pharma are not crazy. take your left v right glasses off. It ruins everything.
  6. 1. Decent men and women, typically dig their heels in when more and more coercive authoritarian measures are pushed harder and harder down their throats. It makes them question the motives of those doing the mandating. 2. mRNA tech has not been used in humans long term. 3. Natural immunity/previous infection has not been acknowledged in policy. 4. In my experience, there have been two reactions I get when talking about the vaccine: 1 : the agreeable person- often saying to me “yeah man those are good points” they proceed to live there life, not look into any concerning parts of the vaccine and go with the flow. and 2: then I talk to people who are like Prozac they call most contrary data or critical questions of the vaccine, misinformation or insane conspiracy theories. They cannot comprehend such a thing as valid dissent. 🤯And usually end up demeaning your points via ad hominem or moral superiority arguments. In my experience they also treat all vaccines the same because they are all vaccines! Humans like analogies! Cv19 vaxs are like seatbelt for your body that you can never take off😎 5. public officials like Fauci, have lied, not admitted they lied or said it was a noble lie. Smashing trust. 6. It doesn’t stop the transmission of the disease. 7. it doesn’t prevent you from getting the disease. 8. it was designed for the original wild type variant. Not delta. so ya my BS meter is pretty much pegged at 100. Id also love to hear about these insane theories. Sounds fun, are they turning the frogs gay again?
  7. Yeah details don’t matter. “Legal distinction” is meaningless. Continue to outsource your logic to the talking heads. Only Trust, but never verify (never more than 5 sec google search).
  8. True faith and allegiance to the constitution ≠ Submission. Article 2 section 2 says he’s the commander and chief. Got it. The commander in chief has rules to follow as well. The unavailability of Comirnaty is not semantics. It isn’t only something that people don’t “necessarily agree with”, it’s not innocuous in nature. There are rules of how to vaccinate the military and we should follow the rules that are in place. Everyone, SECDEF, Pres., squad com all have pretty clear guidelines to follow and the order and implementation of this vaccine mandate was/is not lawful. Unless it’s waived by the president, an EUA drug cannot be mandated. That’s my point. The whole trust but verify thing.
  9. What part of the oath says something about submission? I, (state your name), having been appointed a (rank) in the United States Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution Of the United States against all enemies, Foreign and domestic, that I bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God. You swear to support and defend a document. Albeit an amazing document, but nothing more. You will have faith and allegiance to the same (i.e. the Constitution of the United States) and you do so willingly. If it were not willingly, I could see that being authoritarian. Am I missing the submission part somewhere? Also, the licensed Comirnaty vaccine is not the same a the EUA Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine and in the FDAs words is “legally distinct”. And the licensed Comirnaty vaccine is not available anywhere… How is this a legal order?
  10. I thought maybe the opposite could be true. The vaxxed get a free pass at large social events, in corporate policy and other capacities, whereas the unvaxxed are required to provide proof of a negative test, which would lead to a large skew in favor of the effectiveness of the vaccine with respect to cases. However, upon recording a “positive case” there has not been accurate and consistent recording of two VERY IMPORTANT factors: is the patient presenting with other symptoms (remember + PCR should not be used to diagnose CV19 alone), and what is the patients vaccination status. Largely those two factors are missing or have been assumed in many public data sets so most past recorded pcr data is not very useful… garbage data in garbage data out.
  11. Let’s not soil personal bodily autonomy for the individual over some else’s prior irrational behavior. Also, I generally agree with your earlier sentiment but toss in a bit more skepticism: -the BionTech-Pfizer vaccine may be a good idea for some people to take Point being, everyone has a different situation and risk factors. One size likely doesn’t fit all.
  12. If COVID19 were a grave threat to all and the vaccine worked well, you wouldn’t have to mandate it…
  13. But Disney made a documentary about him! We can’t fire him now 🤣
  14. Gross. Even grosser quote “my job as president is to protect the citizens”. No it’s f***ing not dumb s***t, it’s to protect our rights. Read the Dec. of Ind. for Christ’s sake. “…that to secure these rights….” Someone has their hand so far up Biden’s a** I’m surprised we don’t see their fingers when he opens his mouth. Honestly, Declaration of Independence 2.0 is in order.
  15. Holy shit man. When does this stop? We are on a train with no brakes.
  16. @pawnman defend Kentucky's honor. Or do you not stand with science? Crickets on Israel study as well...
  17. me: “Take your medicine so mine works lol” response: “it’s not so simple, your choice is unvaccinated persons are the ones spreading the disease, you can infect me. ” me: “ I already had the disease so I am protected. Aren’t all vaccines based off of natural immunity? Can’t vaccinated people spread Cv19 as well? ” response: “but in Kentucky they did a study, look here: https://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2021/s0806-vaccination-protection.html” me: “there were no patient outcomes in the study, also there was no tracking of total PCR tests given to the two patient populations. Aren’t those important numbers to know? Also they are revoking the PCR test in December. https://www.cdc.gov/csels/dls/locs/2021/07-21-2021-lab-alert-Changes_CDC_RT-PCR_SARS-CoV-2_Testing_1.html why? Also significant data from Israel suggests that natural immunity is better than uninfected vaccinated persons. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.24.21262415v1.full.pdf” response: “ but there was an increase in immunity after 1 dose of the Pfizer vaccine in the Israel study.” me: “ yes there was but the mandate is for two shot of Pfizer. Where is the data showing that two doses of Pfizer grants increased immunity?” response: “ … but the hospitals will be overrun. The only risk factor that matters right now is vaccination status. We should even consider not treating the unvaccinated. Just take the vaccine man. Plus they did a study with a 72 people and 1/3 of those previously infected did not meet the threshold they established to indicated immunity https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/27/9/21-1042_article” me: “ 72 people is 72 people…. Not the biggest study eh? Aren’t other risk factors like physical fitness, diet, sun exposure, life style etc? shouldn't there be a burden of proof that the vaccine benefits the previously infected before we mandate it for those people? What about VAERS data? https://openvaers.com/ Isn’t there is risk associated with every medical intervention”. response: “ trust the science man. All VAERS data is unverified. “ me: “ what? 6k Americans have reportedly died soon after the vaccine. Isn’t that worth investigating? Is there a report that outlines the FDAs findings to these cases? response: “Anyone can fill those reports out, it could be Alex Jones and big, umm, big, ah, Quanon people that are filling those out. Im sure you believe in that stuff.” me: “ no I don’t believe in that stuff. Just trying to get to the bottom of natural immunity and vaccine safety. Aren’t those important aspects of CV19? What about personal autonomy and liberty? ” Response: “ trust the science. Vaccines are seatbelts but they inject the seatbelt into your body and you can’t remove the seatbelt. Also, This isn’t about personal liberty.” me: “ the rest of my posts will add nothing to the conversation so I will be communicating in memes only…
  18. Correct me if I am wrong but, I believe diversity is an old old wooden ship used in the civil war era.
  19. Jesus Christ… that is insane. Hope no one trusts their life to you ever. How can you be so convinced that this vax is for everyone?
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