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Everything posted by glockenspiel

  1. It was a joke lol! Just echoing the absurd sentiment that reduces a persons service history to one choice. 1D analysis.
  2. The force will be immensely stronger without all the selfish antivaxxers in it. They claim to have “served honorably” but they were just in hiding for their decades of service, and their true colors are being shown now. Boot em all. Self righteous bastards.
  3. I can’t wait either. I stand with you. #trustthesciencebecauseiamthescience #kentuckystudy #naturalimmunityisfakenews #realchristiansloveabortion #ilovefetalcells #federallawsaremeaningless #humanexperimentsarein #EUAallday #owntheantivaxxers! Stay hard.
  4. Surveying the crowd: anyone support the mandatory CV19 testing of unvaccinated asymptomatic covid recovered (confirmed with previous positive PCR and positive TDETECT) individuals while not mandating CV19 testing for any vaccinated individuals? same question applies for masking. Considering cv19 recovered asymptomatic spread is non-existant (see Arron Siri foia request, the CDC has ZERO documented cases of spread after infection recovery) , and reinfection is almost non-existence (usually false positive PCR), how is this based in good science and for that matter faith? or is it just a tool to get more SM vaccinated?
  5. I agree Prozac, most covid stats reported on the sensational news outlets are farts in the wind (both sides). but how come all of a sudden you are into looking for possible biases in statistics?
  6. Good analogy! Just like the seatbelt one! Seatbelts have been used by humans for decades, Cheerios have been eaten for decades and so have mRNA vaccines …. Oh wait.
  7. Who gets the “political” win? I don’t get it. Love the ad-hominem! That’s a trusty tool when you run out of empathy to have a real conversation. We are concerned about safety signals, the fda following the their own rules and the lack of transparency between big pharma and the end customer. So edgy! If everything is political, then the only truth is orthodoxy! God speed pooter- or is it fauci speed now?
  8. when some people dissent from social norm the rest of the flock will say “Politics” regardless of the reason for dissent. what can ya do? Here’s to another 50 pages lol
  9. For a group who suppose to be detail and procedure oriented, I’m surprised how many people give this point no legitimacy. As a recipient of any product wouldn’t you want the highest quality product held to the highest standard which is clearly marked verified with thorough documentation and testing? I don’t get it. I Must be missing something. If you have the choice between a certified aircraft and experiential aircraft (but legally distinct), wouldn’t you want the certified one? Yet some folks are saying, details smetails, I’ll take whatever you got. It’s just a label. If the choice is clear for something like aircraft, then shouldn’t it be even more clear for a drug that you place inside your body? The pharma industry is about making money and they are incentivized to boost benefits and shelter adverse effects from the public. There are rules that help prevent that from taking precedence over Americans health kinda. The rules don’t always work great (see Pfizer suit for 2.3billion). If they don’t follow those rules, then we should demand that they do. No?
  10. It’s not only the quality but the unrelenting consistency! hail fauci?
  11. Prior dumb is justification for future and current dumb? I don’t get it.
  12. So is there any order you would refuse? I am interested in your perspective as some of my leadership was very much of this camp. I had a hard time understanding why he thought that every order was legal. I think most people who are “snowflakes” know that the order is likely illegal (there is a legal difference between Comirnaty vs Pfizer, which is being litigated ), and that big pharma has captured the DoD (i.e. the shot is not for your health), so in order to continue to serve they are using a religious accommodation. The risk we should accept are the necessary ones on behalf of the AF mission, no? Do we need jet fuel, then we risk adverse affects from human chemical interaction. Do people on the ground need support— then we risk pilots lives. Do we need to defend bases— then we risk security forces lives. If the risk is not aligned with the mission, why are we taking it? Seems like we missed the mark on the vaccine mandate. Maybe the fundamental disagreement is that you think the vaccine has overwhelming safety and efficacy data? So any risk of taking the shot is worth it because it’s good for everyone’s health (and thereby the health of the military)? The Oklahoma NG is not against the vaccine, I think the AG is triple vaxxed. Seems that they are strongly against the policy behind it. They will be forced to can a decent chunk of their service members, which will affect their readiness.
  13. Pawn will never be able to remove the CNN lens on his life. He is just a pot stirrer. Usually only responding with more questions about vaccines as seatbelts, your non-objection to other vaccines etc etc. he cannot possibly consider evaluating each medical product on its own merits. There is but one truth- the cv19 vaccine. And he’s not alone, there are a LOT of people just like him, which is why I’m glad he is still around these chats. It has become an identity. The idea of the vaccine as panacea is crumbling. Over the past few years people have tied their Identities to the pandemic and the idea that vaccine is the only way out, and that narrative is slowly eroding. Bad things happen when you loose your identity.
  14. Exhibit A: https://www.mn.gov/covid19/vaccine/vaccine-rewards/kids-deserve-a-shot/index.jsp From my neck o the woods, a state website that is literally paying your child to get a drug, and up until about a week ago they were giving out 200$ gift cards for every 12-17 year old that got vaccinated. This is coercion, preying upon children. If any rational parent saw this in 2015, I bet 99% of them would have been like “WTF, if the drug is so good why are they paying my child to take it? Shouldn’t it’s medicinal benefits be enough? This seems too good to be true. It probably is too good to be true”. Now a lot of parents are like all on board with state “carrot and stick” medical procedures targeting their own children. My mind is blown. Honestly people have lost their marble sack. How do you undo this madness?
  15. The CV19 vaccine has way more AEs than the flu shot. These are not similar products at all. See VAERs and tell me they have a similar safety profile. How is readiness preserved if the shot doesn’t prevent transmission? Don’t comment/read this thread if you only want talk about those policies.
  16. Good question, also valid! I’d say that there are broadly two separate groups, 1.) the anti-vaxx, who truly do not want any vaccine, ever. I respect their opinions. If I was worried about risk of disease from that person I could just go get the vaccine for the disease they could be carrying and boom I should be good. If we can let Jahovas witnesses refuse blood (which some may see as self loathing or unjustified martyrdom), then we ought to respect people’s choice to not be vaccinated. 2.) those who are anti-fetal cells. There are actual many alternative vaccine products that were not developed through the use of fetal cells. Some people use sites like this to consult before getting a vaccine: https://cogforlife.org/. Also the use of fetal cells is not limited to vaccines so some will especially try to avoid products lands by Pepsi, nestle and others. If you have knowledge the cells were used as a necessary step to develop the product and you believe that is immoral, ought you not try to avoid that product? Also I think using anti-vaxx is a disingenuous term to describe those who don’t want the CV19 vax, because it suggests that all vaccines have equal merit, which is absolutely not true. The CV19 vax in novel with new technology, and has no long term data. I think each vaccine should be evaluated on its own merits- so being “anti-vax” has many shades I guess. i understand life is short and time is limited, but some of the people who don’t want the vaccine, haven’t written off all present and future injections to “ I just accept the military is going to shoot us up with a bunch of stuff.“ (I understand why people say this, you can’t do a deep dive into every new thing in the modern world.) However, Some people have, what I believe to be, legitimate concerns about safety and effectiveness. But our arguments fall on ears of people who “accept the military is going to shoot us up with a bunch of stuff”. So no argument made gains any traction. It doesn’t register because they already made their choice about all injections. Question for you, is there any vaccine product that you wouldn’t take if the AF told you? How many boosters on will you take? Thanks for your civility👍🏼
  17. No. Say someone learned of that fetal cell use after receiving even one of those vaccines. Does that automatically make them unable to stop supporting the use of those types of products? People’s knowledge changes over time. Should they be penalized for not knowing somethings years ago?
  18. Do you have a time machine? also just because you are okay with knowingly benefiting from the use of murdered human babies, doesn’t mean that others have to be. these “vaccines” do not prevent transmission and require a boost every 6 mo. seems to be holding water just fine.
  19. Human compassion has been hijacked and most have no clue that it has. IMO, it is the most dangerous human emotion- even greater than fear because compassion grants moral high ground. Then there are no bounds to how much someone’s “cares about you”, then you start hearing things like, “for the greater good”, “do it for your neighbor”, etc. etc. I don’t agree with everything she said, but these last few years remind me of this quote from the legend Ayn Rand: I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
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