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Posts posted by BashiChuni

  1. 11 hours ago, hispeed7721 said:


    Then there is some miscommunication between leadership (this is my shocked face). The Wing/CC direction at HRT was basically "I can't force everyone to wear OCPs every day but I strongly suggest you start." That sounds like a push towards everyone in OCPs to me, but again, I wouldn't be surprised if there's a difference in directives among senior leadership

    Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums


    it's cause the current HRT wing/cc is a fcking bad ass

    • Upvote 2
  2. 47 minutes ago, Majestik Møøse said:

    "It's not T-38-y enough!" Why don't we just build some new T-38s and get it over with. Bigger wings, bigger tires, more efficient motors; whatever it takes to keep Stanley Student from killing himself. No datalinks or any of that bullshit. Then send the old ones to CAF/MAF bases for CPT programs since they're cheaper and harder to fly than every other Air Force jet. Fuel budget down, morale up, and NG gets thrown a bone.

    seriously. it shouldnt be this hard.

  3. 52 minutes ago, viper154 said:

    Not throwing a spear at you but anyone with the attitude above. Few things make me more angry than someone being a bitch on assignment night. Hell no I did not want my RPA, I stood up, shook my flight CCs hand, saluted, he gave me a bro hug and said sorry man, I drank my bottle of Jack, cheered for my bros that got killer assignments and moved on. UPT is a amazing experience and just graduating is a lifetime accomplishment. I will be more than happy to kick anyone in the nuts and give them a bitch slap for being bitter about being non vol to a fighter. 


    We have way to many other problems in every community than to deal with people not liking there airframe straight out of UPT. 

    i agree.

  4. On 11/15/2016 at 7:26 AM, Uncle said:

    does anyone know how many extra weeks are added typically due to weather at Vance?  Also how long is it between drop night and the RNLTD to your first base?  I know these numbers will vary I am just trying to estimate how long I will be at Vance.

    6-9 weeks typically

    look forward to watching your progress!!!

  5. guys have been screwed a lot worse. it's not the first screw job by AFPC and it won't be the last. things could always be worse.

    my buddies that are in the buff didn't pick it #1 but they're making the best of it and actually like it now. they didn't have a shitty attitude and made it work.

    blasting another dudes check ride dirty laundry in a public forum is a fcking foul btw

    • Upvote 1
  6. 54 minutes ago, ViperStud said:

    I was an IP there not too long ago. The SQ/CC is a PC, uber-religious SASS grad with zero credibility in the jet and squadron. Said FAIP was a great dude with an old-school fighter pilot mentality. PC principal had an opportunity to screw over something he sees as bad for the new-age AF and acted on it. 

    Need proof?  My first interaction with this CC was immediately after returning from Afghanistan. He showed up while I was deployed for a brief stint as DO. I sat down across a desk from him and he said two words, then paused, reached across the table, fondled my zipper and sat back down. Before he continued he said "sorry that was too low had to fix it, where were we?"  It's like he read the handbook on how to lose credibility in a flying squadron in the shortest amount of time and followed it diligently. Doesn't help that he's a clown in the airplane after all the exec, school and staff time. Too bad there is no recourse for shit leadership. 

    but but but he's a SASS grad!!!

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