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Kitten Mittens

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Everything posted by Kitten Mittens

  1. I believe they go by RDTM, so not just the first 3 characters on the AFSC. I know of a few cases where 11S guys got denied for FY14 VSP, but the next matrix out after FY14 approvals/denials still had 11S in their year group as an overage...
  2. Nothing here either...the results in May were released on a Monday, so fingers crossed for Monday now I guess. Looks like they learned their lesson last time by not putting a timeline down on paper...so then they can say they didn't bust a timeline. I bet they're working overtime this weekend to make it happen...ok, let's be honest, there's no way that's happening.
  3. When do we start putting down wagers on the results and when the results will be posted? My guess is denial on 18 Jul...
  4. Chizz, were you a FY14/15 PC guy or the standard 3:1 with associated requirements?
  5. Anyone know much about the FY14/FY15 LADSC waiver program? As I read through it seems like it's basically just VSP without the payout…anyone heard of people getting denied VSP but getting LADSC afterwards? Seems like they'd prefer this since they can get rid of people without paying them a RIF payment or VSP payment… Just curious in case VSP falls out and can't get a Guard gig lined up...
  6. Gents, 13-65 has been updated as of 15 May 14…it's now called the FY14/FY15 Palace Chase program…same as everything before, but they've extended it for separations NLT 30 Apr 15. So if you're like me and got on the bus late, there's still hope! Any updates? Did you get approved? Yeah bro, the updated matrix puts you eligible for the 1:1 as a 2006 11M.
  7. Ok gents, sorry if I'm late on this, or if it's already been answered, but I finally had access to a computer and was able to do my research for those of us who were wondering about which matrix guides voluntary applications... According to PSDM 14-44, the guidance on FY15 VSP, says "The eligibility matrices are available at the FY14/15 Force Management Program page"… The matrix on mypers that are officially labelled as "FY14/15 Officer Voluntary Program Eligibility Matrix" is the red/blue one. So for FY15 VSP it appears that is the matrix which guides eligibility…but obviously, their guidance has been wrong before. BUT, on the updated PSDM 13-65 regarding TIG, LADSC, FY14/15 PC, or 10-8 the only references to any matrix is still labelled as "FY14 Officer Voluntary Program Eligibility"…so, needless to say it appears they eff'd the goat again and didn't update 13-65 completely, but I'm leaning towards the red/blue matrix being the eligibility guidance on this as well. But it still begs the question, why is there a FY15 RIF eligibility matrix that differs from the voluntary eligibility matrix. In my mind, an overage matrix (RIF eligibility) implies eligibility to separate voluntarily, and vice-versa…but the matrices indicate that eligibility for volunteer programs doesn't necessarily imply overage/eligibility for RIF...perhaps they're letting people go early in anticipation of future cuts? Thoroughly confused, but hoping to be able to sneak through the cracks.
  8. Woah, AFPC has already responded? tunes, I'm dying to know this story...
  9. Wait...the 1lt previously signed them off and caught hell for it today by the wg/CC or was told to deny them all in mass today? If it's the latter, then I say we organize a witch hunt.
  10. If you're not going for the FY14 1:1 then I don't believe a position number or letter of intent is required... It obviously wouldn't hurt though...
  11. Is there an "expanded FY15 PC" program offered yet? I know the FY14 1:1 application period ends at the end of the month... Any talk of them creating a FY15 one? The voluntary matrix now reads FY14/FY15, so I'm thinking they're maybe setting up for it...?
  12. "Air Force leaders eliminated approximately 4,000 Airmen from eligibility for the upcoming boards" Yeah, it definitely was the "leaders" that did it, not the droves of people volunteering to get out...
  13. Same here...it was all approved same-day within hours. I'm not sure if it applies to VSP or not, but for palace chase I know there's a reg that says each commander has a maximum of 10 business days to respond... So they may technically still have a few days if that guidance applies to VSP as well. That being said, I've heard of previous wing/CCs that basically let the application expire in their inbox, despite the psdm specifically prohibiting that action...
  14. Now the voluntary matrix reads FY14/FY15...but it's the same as before...maybe this is in anticipation of FY15 voluntary programs as well...?
  15. I'm thoroughly confused by these products they are producing…why isn't the voluntary red/blue matrix more closely tied to the RIF eligibility matrix? For instance: 11M, 11R, and 11S are all blue for YG's 2005-2008 in the FY14/FY15 voluntary FM programs, but on the FY 15 RIF estimated overage matrix many of those AFSCs and YGs are closed. To me it would imply that once the RIF eligibility matrix does not estimate an overage, it would close out the option of voluntarily separating through the various programs…yet the red/blue matrix says otherwise…why are there two different products? Are they really going to say "there isn't an estimated overage in your AFSC/YG so you're not eligible for RIF, but sure, we'll voluntarily separate you." …?
  16. Yeah, PC12s. It's not a restricted ATP, it's a restricted 737 type rating...the ATP would be unrestricted. Totally gummed that one up guys, sorry, I completely misunderstood the lady when I talked to her the first time... Thanks for the help and getting it all cleared up
  17. So a single hour of jet multi time or 500 hrs of prop multi is what makes the difference. T1/T37/T38 guys are set to take 737 type and have no restrictions...but with only 100 hrs of TC-12 time I don't qualify for an unrestricted type rating I guess...we all make life choices, and I guess I made the wrong one...damn!
  18. Ok...hmm, well I've got close to 3000 hours and I was talking to a lady from a flight school that does 737 type ratings and she said I'd be under the "restricted" based on my lack of multi time. Maybe I misunderstood and it would be a restricted type rating as opposed to a restricted ATP..? Sorry to just add confusion to it all...I'll call her back tomorrow and see if I can get my "facts" straightened out.
  19. Yeah, I didn't actually want an answer, I was just soliciting snide remarks. Actually, I wasn't sure if everyone followed both posts or if people dropped off once their VSP was approved and only us late submission sad souls were left...
  20. I've been told that it's much worse to get a restricted ATP because it takes a lot to get it to a "unrestricted" ATP after the fact. My advice would be to take the written before the rules change on 31 July, and hopefully you can get the required hours to take a test for an unrestricted ATP…if it doesn't look like you'll get the hours for an unrestricted ATP after 2 years of taking the written, then I've guess you've got no choice but to take a course and get the restricted one. I guess in your case if you don't start UPT until Sept then you prolly won't get the additional 900 hours required between now and then…but just general advice for the masses from what I've heard.
  21. So the original FY14 VSP apps had a closeout date of 1 May, and most approval emails were sent the 19th-ish…can we assume it'll be about 3 weeks in to Jul for the round of FY15 approval emails that close out 30 Jun…? Anyone with any insight to this?
  22. So the original FY14 VSP apps had a closeout date of 1 May, and most approval emails were sent the 19th-ish…can we assume it'll be about 3 weeks in to Jul for the round of FY15 approval emails that close out 30 Jun…? Anyone with any insight to this?
  23. By the very virtue of the fact that you're a 2009 guy, you've "applied" for force shaping...
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