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Everything posted by rcwelch

  1. rcwelch

    Here we go again

    Well its starting to look like you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel. Looks like your flight is getting shot down pretty bad...thats a lot of students out of one class to be dismissed. Keep us informed as spring time in the Northwest is beautiful. (what is pecker checker...I can only imagine!)
  2. rcwelch


    Well, glad to see that you know where you are headed...the Pacific Northwest is great(I'm from the Seattle area). Not familiar with Klamath Falls, but I am sure its OK. I'll bet you are glad to be moving on. How about the other guys in your flight that were on CR...how are they doing?
  3. rcwelch

    Donuts anyone?

    Again...good to hear an update. Sounds like your class is having its dificulties. By "flying stuff" do you mean they are hooking rides? WOW! Do I hear you right in that your new job requires 2 years training? What does the traing involve? If so, that is a long time. What kind of casual duty do you think you will be doing for the next 2-3 months? Sorry for all the questions...just interested. Best of luck.
  4. rcwelch


    Good to hear an update...sorry to hear about your fellow flight members. All the things you read about how hard UPT is must be true. Hang in there and keep us informed.
  5. rcwelch


    I am glad that you now know what direction you are headed too. I could feel the stress you were under in your last blogs leading up to the free agent status and your post above sounds a lot better. Your new assignment sounds great and you will still be around the jets. I think this new direction will be a lot more "family friendly" and could lead you anywhere in the world...pretty cool. I for one would like to see more blogs and to read about all the new experiences you will undertake. Best of luck in you endeavors to you and your family.
  6. rcwelch

    Still Waiting

    Thanks for the update...if, and this is a big if, it doesn't work out, is a Nav slot or ABM open?...or maybe I don't understand all that is happening. Have a great weekend yourself.
  7. rcwelch


    How are you holding up? Any more news? Ten days is a long time, is anyone saying stuff to you...still hoping for the best.
  8. Congrats for a job well done>>>I've followed your blog since IFS and you get a HUGE "Atta Boy", again, well done!
  9. rcwelch


    This has got to be hard on you and your family. I can't even imagine...wish I could help. Any idea on how long before you hear something? Still saying prayers...
  10. rcwelch

    Free Agent

    What exactly does "free agent" mean. Do you get a chance to present your side of the story and defend yourself or is it out of your hands? Good luck and keep us informed...there is a lot of people pulling for you out here.
  11. WOW...I truley hope the best for you and will say a prayer.
  12. rcwelch

    Another week

    Good luck on the instruments test...the more time in the plane, the easier it will become.
  13. rcwelch

    Still Hangin On

    Good to see you back in the game. Remember, if it was easy...everybody would be doing it. Just take it one small step at a time and do your best and study really hard. Your books and your chair (for chair flying) will be your best friend for the next year...use them. Best of luck and don't let us all wait so long after a post like your last one.
  14. rcwelch

    More of the same

    I have been following your blog since IFS and know that this is a dream for you. I have a daughter who is in Phase II right now at Columbus and can tell you it does not get any easier. She is about one or two weeks ahead of you as she has completed her checkride last week and her solo prior to that. My advice is to not give up too easily on your dream. You have to have something on the ball or you would not be in UPT in the first place. Sit back and ask yourself what it is that you are not doing that makes you bust this stuff. Do you have good study habits, do you need to write this stuff down on flash cards and review, do you study with your fellow studs? I know from experience that my daughter has a great study group that comes over to her house at least 3 times a week ( she is married and lives on base) and the rest of the spare time she has during the week is taken up by studying alone for at least 3 hours a night. She takes Friday night and Sat. off, but is right back at it on Sunday. Her classmates in her flight as well as her are very helpful in seeing that they all pass everything. Seek help from anyone and everyone as well as getting council from your commander...I don't think they want to see anyone not pass. I would not give up until I had exhausted all avenues as I know how hard it is to get where you are. I hope this helps and best of luck.
  15. Have a safe and restful 3-day weekend...you probably need time to de-stress a little. Thanks for posting about your journey, I look forward to seeing what is going on each day.
  16. rcwelch


    What is an EPQ? How many questions were there...sounds like you were close. You can do it, just study hard!!!! Good luck.
  17. rcwelch

    Back to the suck!

    Geoff...I know that they are throwing a lot at you at once, but try to block everything and just concentrate on what you have to study...you can do it. Remember, one small step at a time...Best of luck.
  18. rcwelch


    Geoff, What was the difference in flying in the T-6 vs the Diamond DA 20 at IFS? Did you feel any queasiness? I read your blog with great interest. Thanks for posting. I know that your time is short with all you have on your plate, but try to include a little bit more specifics.
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