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Posts posted by Skitzo

    Col. Daniel P. Walls, 23d Wing commander, relieved Lt. Col. Scott Rein from command of the 41st Rescue Squadron, Sept. 23, 2019, at Moody Air Force Base, Ga. After careful consideration, the decision to relieve the commander was made based on a loss of confidence in his ability to lead and command. Lt. Col. Chad Kohout is currently serving as interim commander of the unit.

    About time

    Sounds like you have some stories

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  2. And don’t get me started on qweep awards. Eff you Bob Hope and your 30 line 1206. Being an exec sucked enough without seeing TMT blow up with things like the “Ron Jeremy Hard Worker” award or whatever other garbage keeps getting added to the list every year. 

    Awards would be so much more fun if they had names like the Ron Jeremy award.

    “The Jon Holmes - Professional Innovator Award”

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  3. So got my MRI results. Degenerative disease from C4-C7.

    My specific symptoms were pain in my neck, arms and face while driving. None while flying or exercising.

    Yes I have had a stress test for cardio. Results were negative.

    I guess it will be more PT and a neuro consult.

    Oddly enough I went to a “float spa” last week. Tons of salt in a tank float for 60 minutes in the dark etc. I was pain free for about 4 days. If you have the opportunity I highly recommend it.

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  4. C'mon guys and gals... y'all need to step it up because finishing 2nd to the Navy is humiliating.  
    Especially deployed, the chow hall food is free... so eat until you're tired, and sleep until you're hungry.  We should be able to hit 25+% in no time.  

    Fit to float...

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  5. I had no idea how many of us have neck/spine issues. Mine aren’t probably caused by g forces but probably due to hundreds of hours of NVG use.

    I’m waiting for MRI results after a c spine X-ray revealed degenerative problems in my C4-C6.

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  6. What's wrong with the Air Force?  We pass over officers with impeccable combat records and no PT failures in the flying community, but put people like this into SQ/CC jobs in the MXG.
    I can't imagine how she will credibly counsel any airmen who fails a PT test under her command.

    I thought everyone still has to do the waist measurement

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  7. That’s what we’re all asking each other since the 11 MDS series specifically allows you to fly without gloves worn.

    FCIF relief tomorrow or the next day. Basically will say the MAJCOM supp is being rescinded. Follow MDS Vol 3 guidance, if your V3 lacks guidance or points to the MAJCOM supp have them avail from engine start to shutdown.

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  8. Light Attack in FY20 NDAA Amendments:


    Amendment 73 with 6 FL Republican sponsors (A-29s here we come):

    Revised Provides U.S. Special Operations Command procurement authority for Light Attack aircraft in support of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) Combat Air Advisor (CAA) mission. It also directs the Secretary of the Air Force to obligate, or transfer to USSOCOM, the necessary funds that have been made available for light attack aircraft to procure the required number of aircraft for Air Combat Command’s Air Ground Operations School and AFSOC’s CAA mission


    They are already talking part Manned ISR divestiture to man it.



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  9. Well, they keep removing people from the VML.  The ONLY people we've sent to staff in the last three years were people who went to school first.  I can't remember the last time someone left Dyess for staff without going to Maxwell first.

    That checks. First priority goes to IDE grads. I can’t believe I actually got a staff assignment.

    Rated Staff is being capped at 65%.

    At least in AFSOC we are having a tough time. We’re not even filling primary HHQ evaluator / training positions due to this.

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  10. So the 1/3 DPs ATZ that did not get promoted that I know told me today that the feedback was “inconsistent sq/cc pushes in his record.”




    Push for Sq/CC is a go/no-go.


    Not sure what his record is but if any of you have inconsistent pushes ala “Sq/CC next” on one OPR and receive a “Groom or monitor” on your next OPR you could be in trouble.


    Don’t sign that next OPR until you schedule an appt with that rater, addl rater or senior rater.



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  11. Well just got the word...second year with a Super P and a #4/42 Majors bottom line = passed over again.  So much for APZ being looked at the same as IPZ.  Good news...over 20 so somebody else will have to figure out how to fix it .

    This along with the rumor of someone I know being passed over ATZ with a DP makes me wonder if there has been some radical change to the CSAF instructions to the board members.

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  12. Why would you ruin GA by involving the Air Force bureaucracy? 1-800-wxbrief “hey bro I’m flying a plane from here to there, thanks.” I still pretty much never do that seeing as I stick with VFR. 

    At KHRT we are bypassing and using Foreflight, we just include airfield mgmts email so they are in the loop.

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  13. Speaking as a MAJCOM HHQ A3V type...

    I don’t think you can fight a commander directed downgrade unless the downgrade is false.

    If you exceeded V2 standards in some way you have no grounds.

    However if the decision is not final and there are extenuating circumstances perhaps you can convince your cc that all evaluators have discretion and that Vol2 standards assume perfect plane, predictable weather etc, maybe you can get him to see your side.

    If the allegation is false IG complaint all the way.

    Maybe we need a process in the Vol2 where there is delayed action to ensure the accused is given proper due process. Much like a CC has to hear the accused side of an article 15 before ultimately deciding.

    I know NJP and Q-3s are not currently the same... maybe they should be.

    As a person who has given a cc directed Q3 I will say my decision was not final until I talked to the entire crew and thought about it for 24 hours. I did not presume anything until I spoke with everyone.

    If others aren’t afforded the same then we should ensure that they are...

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