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Posts posted by Skitzo

  1. New AFSPC brown-noise solicitation message flying around.  Seem like appropriate use of a Patch.
    #2) Aide to the Commander
    - Estimated start date: Jun/Jul 18
    - Desired rank: Capt/Maj
    - Desired AFSC: Any
    - Additional requirements: Weapons School graduate, SOS complete and on track for IDE

    At least they are coming out and saying what they want with the caveats.
  2. AFI 36-3003

  Leave Begins and Ends in the Local Area. The local area is the place where the member lives and from which he or she commutes to the duty station. Charge leave forduty days and non-duty days (for example, Friday through Monday) when members take leave on the day before and the day after non-duty days. This applies to leave taken in the local area. Exception: When a member’s leave ends on a day before a non-duty day, the commander may authorize leave on the next duty day for an emergency situation and not charge leave for the non-duty days. If the member knew of the emergency situation before his or her departure on the original leave, charge the member leave for the weekend or other non-duty days.


    TLDR: Can't take leave Fri and the following Monday without taking four days. Stupid rule.



  3. Man I hate feeding the troll... I didn't read your article either. Stats can be manipulated to prove any point for someone with an agenda.

    Having said that, I sat on a rather severe court martial recently and was quite disgusted by several of the other officers mindset during sentencing. Things like "we have to send a message", "what will the Wing Commander think of me if we let this guy off light?" were actually said during the discussion.

    All in all, I was pretty happy that cooler heads prevailed, but it scared the crap out of me if I was ever on the other side of AF justice...

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    Not a JAG but isn't that undue command influence?

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  4. Just a thought... wouldn't the shift to a summer board for O-5 cut down on Narrative Only PRFs for people going to school?

    Typically folks PCS and get a NO, now SRs can actually divvy out DPs to shiny pennies instead of taking their chances with the school MLR or whatever that process is.

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  5. Completely believable given the absolute dysfunction we see today...I wonder what the Shoe promotion rate was...

    If that is true, I would think that this person should get some paperwork. But they won't. Fail a PFT however, that's serious business.

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  6. Okay let's clarify. What I know to be a super p is 1,2,3/xx p's or a stratified p in other words.

    Or is a super p a p with a def promote push. Because unless you are a shitbag you shouldn't expect anything less on your PRF

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  7. I would happily march into an FSS for even an Ops Officer gig. The problem has and always will be how people with little perspective on how they support being led by people who by no fault of their own have no perspective.

    All they can fall back on is the regulations. They have no context.

    That way you wouldn't have decisions like the following: The FAC outlaws PFTs conducted by unit UFPMs to other unit members because the FAC itself has seen a decrease in traditional appointments and can't justify their manning. Meanwhile the MPF is open only a half a day because they don't have manning to support walk-ins all day.

    Couldn't you reapportion that manning from the FAC to the MPF to better support?

    You shouldn't need a specific AFSC to lead many organizations aside from perhaps the med group.

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  8. Absolutely.  I was privy to the inner turmoil of a guy who got mild paperwork for some fairly modest and harmless buffoonery on a deployment a few years ago.  Admonishment only, no UIF.  The dude in question did some serious soul searching and came out the better for it.  He was able to understand the impact of paperwork when he had to give it a few years later, and was able to talk a few other dudes through some similar challenges.  But his paperwork cost him a dec and probably a strat, so he won't be taking that wisdom anywhere further.

    Yup, keep promoting the shiny pennies who "never fail" or have their failures hidden from them so as to protect their precious egos.

    That way when they are commanders and leaders they have absolutely no idea how to deal with failures because their failures were washed away.

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  9. Absolute fact, I was deployed with Dalga last year, the terms good dude and hard worker don't do him justice. Rest easy my friend, you will be missed. :beer::beer::beer:

    Kenny absolutely attacked every day with a ferocity and passion I have never seen. I'm glad you met him.

    He and the rest of the crew made the Air Force a place I wanted to be.

    As their senior I led them and would gladly give them anything to have them back.

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  10. Did a search but it didn't turn up anything specific for this...
    I'm in the NCR on a non-flying assignment (school).  I got an email from the servicing HARM office at Andrews saying my physical would soon expire and that I would begin losing flight pay.  The email was sent on the day my physical expired, which of course didn't leave me any time to get a new physical.  I made the earliest possible appointment at my servicing flight med clinic (JBAB), which is in late Feb.
    Andrews HARM told me I will lose flight pay for the duration of time I am "disqualified" (about 3 weeks).  They said there is no waiver process or really anything that can be done to avoid losing money.
    Anyone else ever deal with this?  Am I just hosed on this?
    And yes, I know ultimately I'm responsible for ensuring I don't let the physical expire, but to be honest, I don't usually keep that date locked in my crosscheck (got used to ground scheduling taking care of that in the ops unit), and since the reminder email was sent on the day of expiration, it's kind of shitty.

    I know a guy who lapsed by three days. Finance messed up the stop pay order from the HARM and backdated his stop to an entire year prior. What should have only been a few bucks turned into thousands and an issue that took months to resolve.

    I hope your finance office doesn't mess up like this.

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