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Posts posted by disgruntledemployee

  1. Liquid,

    My #1 issue with our system is that it emphasizes the wrong things. I and many others that have AADs can testify that most of the work doesn't truely make us better leaders. Sure there are small areas where it makes us better, like maybe a better writer. Maybe you received your masters in a classroom. Most kids today get theirs from a diploma mill. There are a few that decide they will invest their time and get a masters that means something, say engineering because TPS is something they might like doing. When flyers are doing AADs alongside UPT/UNT/Grad Flying Training because the AF telegraphes its promotion criteria in the stats it puts out post board, I lower my head in shame. If the AF would say instead, if you get DG in Undergrad or Grad flying training, that counts twice as much as SOS in Res, people will put more energy there. All I'm trying to say is that people will put their energy into what the AF thinks is important and what the individual thinks is important.

    If the AF wants AADs that will benefit, delete the AAD requirement for selection to Maj. Send Majs to ACSC and other PME that have AAD options and send enough for to cover the LTC personnel numbers for each board. Send the technical types to Wright-Patt. Now you have your Maj with an AAD in something that is more applicable to the AF and PME complete. And then you're back to job performance to rack and stack for LTC promotion. Simplistic description, but you get the idea.

    As for the system selecting squadron commanders, that is for another thread another day.


    Spreadsheets that give points are retarded and used by the retarded. I've never seen one but they obviously exist.

    I really needed to highlight this item. Maybe the retarded will see it.

    Good chat


    • Upvote 1
  2. Once upon a time when my movers were packing up the moving semi trailer, the driver saw my cars and offered to load one up for a small fee, just between us. It was a chance thing, but you may be able to set something like that up on your own with your contract moving carrier once you know who it is. I declined since we needed both vehicles for the move.

  3. I find it telling that Liquid, the self described lurker/long time reader, decided to make his grand entrance on the Promotion and PRF Information thread. Of everything we discuss here on Baseops, this is the one topic that brought him out of the shadows. Interesting.

    Me too. I was guessing that Liquid is a recent retiree along with a few other recent posters that came out of the wookwork. Perhaps upper management was directive in getting a few to join the conversation rather than just listen. Perhaps they think the forum has sway and influence.

    Trogdor, oh I'm part of the "problem." I've written/signed hundreds of PRFs and read and graded thousands. I agree with much of what you say. I would fire a commander who upgraded guys not ready due to SOS. It is not a common practice everywhere but it is obviously a problem in many places. Standards should be the same regardless of your ranking. It blows that what you describe happens. I slap (really just mentor with direct talk and profanity) the stupid ass star QB for being stubborn and blowing his leadership abilities and proven performance by refusing to do PME or AAD, effectively self eliminating. It amazes me how many people say they are willing to die for their country or be separated from their family for most of their career for their job but are absolutely unwilling to take classes and write papers. Whiney ass bitches who will be replaced when they quit or allowed to continue at their current rank with pay increases every two years. It seriously doesn't take that much time. Blog less, sleep less or watch tv less. You are naive to think you can't be a run a good crew, be a good leader and get your shit done. Stop exaggerating how painful, distaste-less and immoral taking Coaching 101 is. It is a requisite for coaching whether you like it or not.

    Dear Disgruntled:

    I don't give a shit what you care about. Take your infection advice and shove it up your ass.

    Yes, good dudes self eliminate and schmucks make the cut, but that is not my emphasis in this thread. If I hit the wayback machine and allow myself to quote thyself, I've posted that the promotion game sucks. However, I will conceed the following.

    1. This last Maj board was somewhat different in that checkboxes were not as heavily weighed in the past, but they were still weighed.

    2. I'm glad to hear that more emphasis is being put on job performance.

    3. Grading people is not easy.


    1. At levels below the DP giver, raters use spreadsheets and on those spreadsheets are boxes and those boxes are given values. When a perfect PT test heavily outweighs DG in a formal program, priorities are fucked up. People looking for promotion will put emphasis on those areas that gain them the most. Do you have a fix for that one?

    2. DP givers still hold the weight on the promotion system with the DP. If they think that the masters and PME are more important, that is where they go. I've seen it over and over and even on this last Maj board. You call it self eliminate. I and others call it mismatched priorities. When will the AF mask AAD for Maj and below?

    Lastly, shoving things up my ass is no go. The mil may say its OK, but not me. I'm fed up with the current scheme and when I hear it here of all places, emotions fly.

    Life in the trenches


  4. Rainbows and glitter

    Tell ya what. List some background on yourself such as the current staff job you're doing and the exec jobs you fanagelled.

    Our peers would do a much better job at picking the best leaders for promotion than our DP givers. Thats because we know the assholes playing the games, kissing ass, and maneuvering for promotion.

    You know what, I really don't care what you think. And I don't see anyone else here sharing your views. Just try not to infect those around you too much.


    • Upvote 1
  5. The top 20% of our force in every grade and AFSC are ######ing squared away, dedicated and deserve what they get. It is very competitive at that level and Christmas parties don't mean shit. The bottom 20% are not squared away and for the most part do not deserve to continue service at a higher grade, with different responsibilities and more pay.

    You can't be serious.

    Ha! The top 20% are often the best box checkers and ass kissers around.

    The fix: assign a few grey beard LTCs/Majs to each unit. When it comes time to give out PRFs, the Beard Council meets. With a beer in one hand and a poker hand in the other, the council racks and stacks the future leaders of the Air Force. Do this at every base and then we'll see some interesting things change. Assholes and ass kissers will get left in the dust. Words like "knows his shit" "takes care of the crew" "hacks the mish" "runs a solid ____ shop" "always mission ready" "mentors the new kids" will replace words like "AAD complete as 2Lt" "did PME 1st day available" "1st vol to run the CFC" and so on. Real quantifiers.

    Sadly, our system is like a dog chasing its tail. Our Sq/CCs and up got promoted on this system and that is what they push because its what their bosses use when they sit on a board. If a CC goes rogue and off-script, the DP givers (mosly) and boards discount the strays. The only way out is to replace the system with people that don't care about box checking AADs, etc because we know that doesn't really make anyone a better leader. The Beard Council may sound like a joke, but think about it for a minute.


    • Upvote 4
  6. Yeah, because talking on the radio is completely unrelated to...talking on the radio.

    Great analogy. Way to go.

    Ugh. Just Fucking Ugh.

    The dude was chiefing. I called it out. As I said in another post, police your own.

    Chiefing, definition: How can you do X if you can't wear your reflective belt?


  7. Negative bro. Apples and oranges although shoes can't tell the difference. Radio comms can get people killed. Sunglasses on my head won't. People that can't tell the difference lack situational awareness.

    People that get everything right except not shutting the f up annoy the crap out of me. I have to wonder if it is some disorder where the situation generates so much adrenaline they simply don't know what to do.

    I was showing the good man that he was applying that age old chief sentiment many have used against us. Police your own.


  8. Words

    Welcome back, you're caught up now.

    Copy all. No bonus required. AF is all rainbows and glittery unicorns.

    My point is this, plain and clear. Dude A that stays in a takes the bonus makes more money that dude B, the guy that stays in without a bonus. Dude C gets out a goes airline. Dude A is pacing better than dude B with respect to dude C. Now lets make the bonus even bigger. Now the pace is better by X.

    My 3rd question is actually a question, you know, for answering. I don't imply anything by asking it. I don't know the acurate answer and I don't care to figure it out. But there is an ETP. Any potential bonus takers might be working to figure that out and perhaps continue the good life of rainbows and glittery unicorns.

    But I guess you don't want an improved bonus available to any of our brothers. I'd love to see an improved option available to those that want to stay, whatever their reason. Do you?


  9. If you can't get the radio comms right in the easy, non-stressful times, what are the odds that you'll get it right when it really matters?

    And if you can't wear your uniform properly, how can you get flying right? You go, all-star.


    • Upvote 5
  10. Wrong. On both counts. Just got off work; sarcasm?

    I was trying to make a quick point, but I guess we need to break it down.

    1. So the AF doesn't care about initial take rates? Enlighten us.

    2. So who paces pay better verus the airline guy, the guy that stays in with or without the bonus? With the 5 year or the up to 10 year bonus?

    3. Where is the break even point in time with the guy that gets out to airline and the guy that stays in with the 5 year bonus? Now where is that ETP with more bonus out to 20? Don't forget the shitty airline pay for the first few years.

    4. What would you rather our brothers have available to them, a 25K/5yr deal or 25K/up to 20yr deal?


  11. More words

    Fine. The "Muslim hacking up citizens" rate is higher in the UK than it is in the US. The terrorist muslims had a gun with them while committing the terrorist act. The UK bans guns. The terrorists/criminals clearly didn't follow the gun ban law. Maybe the muslim hacking rate is lower in the US because many of our citizens have guns.

    Gun controllist claim: banning guns will make the US safer. My counter claim, "Bullshit!"

    On a side point, I can see the "pushing and shoving," "fist fight," and "stick and stones" rates increasing in the UK soon.


  12. For the rest of my Herk brothers, I can hold speculation until the report comes out. I will read and learn from it just like I learned from the Al Jabber (sp?) the crash after takeoff from Baghdad, the class A that happened last year in AFG in a similar situation (porpoised assault landing), and even the recent 747 crash.

    What I will offer is that calling the go around is easier said than done for some reasons. If its looking ugly, I think (and hope) all of us will call the go. But sometimes the bad approach is overlooked, its called late and no one reacts (Jabber). Sometimes, it looks OK until the flare, they bounce and the pilot stops flying and rides it in.

    The DO, CC, Stan/eval, etc are not sitting on the bunk for every flight to keep an eye out on the newer and inexperienced. They see the dangers and talk about them all the time. I think they are so fucking relieved when they finally rotate home with everyone thay brought out thinking that they cheated the reaper. And its because the experience is so much lower that it used to be and gets lower every year. "You go to war with what you have" was a true statement, especially when it comes to people. DOs will do their best with what they have, talk to guys every mission, then pray that the kids show good judgement and enough skill to bring everyone back each day. It's a very tough fight to get/keep the people you need--AFPC/career progression get in the way.


    • Upvote 5
  13. Rant much?

    I feel sorry for the people that have to work with you. If you are indeed in this flying business, good luck. Try not to kill anyone.

    Karma is a bitch! <-- that means that one day you will fuck up big and someone will look at your posts and conclude, that figures.


  14. You can't bitch slap earth and not expect earth to hit back with a swift and furious vengeance! You gotta be nice to earth, kiss her gently. Ask permission, touch her in the right spot with the correct amount of pressure, with the correct configuration, and both you and earth will be very happy.

    Any trolls out there can start the debate on PME/AAD/Etc. I'm going with the "you need hands in this business" arguement. Oh, and judgement. And maybe an Eng.


  15. Oh, and there is no such thing as a FAIP in Herk world, so there goes that excuse for a SOF. And no snappy 1Lts out there teaching AP skillz, so there goes that reason for a SOF. If WX gets bad, we can shoot any ILS down to mins, so there goes the WX excuse for a SOF. So the blanket rule that AETC units must have a SOF is silly. Caesar may now ban me.


  16. MX gets bashed over the head via metrics that some pencil neck back office weenie manipulates. When various percentages look red, Sr MX get all spun up. So there is high incentive to fudge and cheat to their advantage. The Ops side fighting MX over delays and cancels is just us fighting back against that stupid mentality and/or let MX try to walk all over Ops. When the worker bee level cooperates and takes action to get the mish done, it had better be in accordance with the MX rules. Example, "hey chief, this gage is out." If it gets swapped out with one from the truck without the chief/crew doing a write-up and big supervision finds out, get ready for a nut pounding. I swear that some of the crap that staff-level A4 pushes down leads me to believe that they've gone full ape shit retard.

    SOF. Ours don't really do much. Every AETC plane is full of instructors and thus rarely insert themselves into EPs. The DOs handle any Ops/MX issues with lates/aborts/cancels.


    • Upvote 1
  17. Oh, that's funny!

    Do Mil-Spec pilots even know how to use the rudder?? I mean,... after they are done with the nose wheel steering function.

    It depends. Hop aboard and I'll show you how they work when you use the urinal.


    • Upvote 1
  18. Well I have said it before and I will continue to say it. The C-17 community lost out when they gave up the Flight Engineer position. If the crew would have had an FE on board this would have never happened. And the Tampa experience as well. AMC is losing huge without a FE in the flight deck. Their fix was to place an extra couple of Pilots in the seats. That really helped in Tampa didn’t it? A typical CRM issue in the making. In the Tampa incident two were IP's and one was I believe an EP. Tunnel vision down to the mark IMHO. Bring back the FE, same goes in the C-130J community... Why because with that much airplane it keeps you honest and safe. I could write a book on how much safer the C-17 community would be if the FE was back as a crew member. The Alaska crash would not have happened as well if there would have been a FE in the seat behind them keeping them honest.

    On a side note, one of my lasting memories with my last deployment in OIF was seeing C-17's taxi off the taxiways at numerous places. With all the craziness in the theater to see that just tops it off. We would just taxi by them shaking our heads. If they would have had an FE on board they would have stayed legit and straight.

    Go Around!

    Have you listened to the CVR tapes?

    Go Around!

    Was the saftey officer a rated pilot as well?

    Go Around!

    Yep and they do not do assault landings, airdrops, or short field take off's as well. Multiple legs, double shuttle's on NVG's. Most of the time they take off once and land once if they are lucky.

    And to caveat if you have never flown with an FE and have no experience with one as a crewmember. Then you have no valid opinion. The old heads in the C-17 community (former C-141) brought this up a while ago. After that they threw a couple of pilots on instead. Oh and a flying crew chief who is not a systems, EP expert like the FE nor is he/she a trained crewmember.

    Go Around!

    Having an FE would reduce the mishap rate. And you for one have to admit that. In the C-17 community having the FE would increase the CRM on the airplane. The FE would have just like on the Herk the overhead panel, and everything on the console behind the throttles. Read all the checklists, be the EP expert, walk around/preflight, and be the technical expert on the airplane. This relieves the Pilot from being the jack of all trades as he or she currently is and can go back to just flying. Full attention to maintaining postive control of the airplane and SA would increase crew wise three or more fold. They invisioned this when they placed the extra pilot on but sad to say this increased the tunnel vision IMHO. The FE is not in the pilot union and is a seperate enity. This in itself relieves the "tunnel scope" in the CRM.

    Go Around!

    The FE is trained from my understanding very differently than a boom or loadmaster. For one their ASVAB scores have to be Top of the Chart from what I understand. At least it used to be and an NCO with a maintenance background. Old school TOLD was their bread and butter. Slide rule engineering in the 1-1, E6-B experts as well. At one time about 10 or so years ago congress was about to force the AF to adopt the Warrant Officer position and align their rank with the other services. Randolph put a list out, it ended up in AF times somehow and the FE was at the top of the list. In the RAF the FE is a Warrant Officer.

    A former SQ CC told me back in the day that he flew Herks out of Clark. At the time his CC was a Nam guy and had a local directive for all of the FE's to have at least 3 take off's and landings a quarter. The reason behind it was in his squadron in Nam one of the crews cockpit got sprayed with machine gun fire on departure. Messed both the pilots up real bad. The FE had to fly the bird home. Long story short he got a DFC out of it.

    Go Around!

    Yes... And until you actually fly with a Engineer who is trained and would back up the computer, who is a "front end" crew member, and backs you up constantly and prevents you from landing short after a long 24 hour crew duty day, you do not know the benefits of having this professional on your crew. And he/she is not a loadmaster nor a crew chief and does not perform maintenance duties. However but is the interface between maintenance and the airplane (Ops). And the FCC is not trained as a FE nor is he/she a trained crewmember. Like I said previously the "fix" on all this (with no FE on the C-17) was to place an extra pilot, and a FCC on the airplane. This did nothing and does not compare to a trained Professional Flight Engineer. It was an attempt to replace with two people who are experts in their own realms but equally was not the same and did not solve the issue

    Go Aound!

    By the way the C-5 FE is a side seater and not looking forward. This totally diminishes their SA. On the herk the FE is directly in between the Pilots and has the best view on the flight deck. Both inside and out. If both pilots are heads down, he/she is outside. SA with all three crew members goes through the roof. FE backs up the Pilot and watches any Altitude, attitude, course corrections, traffic advisories, radio calls etc, and any change beyond what the systems are saying and knows the systems and airplane like the back of their hand to what a degree in that airplane would accomplish. Knows the vol 3 like know one else on the crew. He or she is the resident expert in the sim and most sims for EP's in the Herk esp, are tailored for the FE. The pilots just take notes. The FE is the EP expert and conducts the EP's with the checklist in emergencies, while the pilots maintain positive control of the airplane (i.e. fly and do their jobs). And do not sweat it because they have a resident expert on board called a Flight Engineer...

    If the C-17 community ever did adopt a FE position I am sure Boeing would train them as does Lockheed in the Herk. He/she would be a Boeing trained expert on the airplane, as a crew member.

    Well, you might land one of these days. You might want to get it right before you run out of gas! Thanks Eng!


  19. I think Mr Hagel needs to ask Hollywood and the entertainment industry to stop what they are doing. He should then visit the household of each kid that might potentially enter the military and take away their mags/posters/DVDs of Transformers/Porkys I, II, & III/cable TV and the internet. That should take care of the issue.

    Meanwhile, I'm offended that I they think that I can't control myself and that a picture of a bikini lady will turn me into a monster the moment I see it. I guess I can't go to the beach anymore. What's next, thought police?!


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