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Posts posted by Duck

  1. What do you mean by "pilots and those in pilot training"? Why would they give bonuses to kids that would die to fly military jets for food? It's the O-4's and 5's running to IMA and Cat E jobs they need to pay bonuses to. Are traditionals eligible?

    Yes traditional are eligible. However it comes with a 4 year commitment from what my retention office said.

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  2. If only there were a 600 year old, well developed, universally respected [sans the military] field of study that could neutralize emotion and very accurately spit out a number (that would look a lot like the RAND study number) to change behavior in a group. 
    Economics in the military: “yeah, yeah... but the value of quality of service is up to you. If it isn’t valuable enough to change your mind, you’re not patriotic enough.” 
    Economic behavior is a natural force. Keep trying to defy gravity, big blue. Your experience will watch the show from our new boats.

    Only one warning from your post... if it flys, floats or fornicates it’s cheaper to rent than own. I’ve ops tested 2 of the 3 and I’ve found this principle to hold true.

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  3. Duck,

    I already mentioned I am in the middle of a nasty divorce.  Here is one more piece to look at that I did not see mentioned - Taxes. 

    I have not lived at the house all last year because she refused to let me come home (I voluntarily left because she felt that was needed to "work on our marriage," I tried to come back after a while).  I did not fight her on this to protect the kids. 

    Well she dose not work - actually she went back to school for a second degree (she has one and is fluent in Spanish) and she is claiming food stamps. I don't know how this is possible. 

    So I go to file my taxes today turns out she has claimed all the kids as dependents and I paid for everything last year. 

    So when you get the Temporary court order also out line taxes.  I went from a refund to a debt owed.  Not all is lost because the IRS will work with you and understand these situations (so their website says). Now I have another time waster to add to my to do list. 




    There has to be some crazy ex bitch playbook that they all use. My wife said the exact same thing about needing some space to work on the marriage. Fortunately in my case I had already been told not to move out of the house because of abandonment.


    Great advice on who claims the children as dependents. I will talk to my lawyer about that today. Thank you guys again for all the advice keep it Comin. y’all have helped me get through it.

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  4. Have your lawyer draft the agreement for her taking sole possession of the home and refinancing under sole ownership in a set amount of time in the decree. Did this with my ex and made it nice and clean and protects you in court should she fail to do so or pay. 

    Perfect, so it doesn’t necessarily have to be done before the divorce is finalized. I think she would be able to get a loan, but I’d be willing to guess at a higher Interest Rate and bigger payment that would probably freak her out. I’m trying to just keep her calm and rational at least until we get paperwork signed.

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  5. Quick question guys. She has been pretty agreeable on working through splitting the assets. I’m sure it has nothing to do with the fact that I have video of her and her boyfriend having sex in vehicle in a public parking lot in broad daylight but I digress.

    She wants to stay in the home which is under my VA home loan. I am fine giving it to her, but with her chosen career there is no way that she is going to be able to keep up with the payments. I also want to free up my VA loan so that I can have a place to settle down.

    Any advice? I know that if she keeps the home and assumes the VA Loan (she’s not a vet) that I am still responsible if she defaults, which she most likely will. We don’t have a heck of a lot of equity although I did put 10% down on it about a year and a half ago. Not sure what it would cost for her to refinance into an ARM or conventional.

    Any ideas?

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  6. Duck, one other thing I forgot to mention earlier is I also got out of a significant amount of alimony by offering to pay off some of her debts.  It did hurt me a bit financially at the time, but in the long run it paid off as it gave me more bargaining room for other things.  Just an idea for ways to get more time with the kids or to pay less alimony.

    That is actually a great idea. We owe my dad (promissory note) around $56k so maybe me taking that on would help with some of the other crap.

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  7. Thanks for all the advice. I have really leaned on a lot of these posts going forward. I have to say that the way I was blindsided by this I didn’t have too much time to assess how I felt. After taking the time, I realize that I’m mostly bummed for my kids but I was getting pretty tired of her $hit. I realized that I was doing my best to hold this together while she was busy trying to blame me for her failures as a mom, a friend and a wife.

    I made a promise to my 10 year old daughter a couple months ago when things started getting weird around the house that I was never going to file for divorce against her mom. I’m really glad I did that because once she found out about the divorce she knew immediately that I had given 100% to try and keep the family together, even to my own detriment. My wife’s paranoia that my 10 year old is plotting against her has completely turned the 10 year old against her. While I was drilling out of state, my wife took away my daughters phone, disconnected the house phone and refused to answer my calls to talk to the kids. She basically destroyed any chance she had of having a good relationship with our oldest and the two little ones aren’t too far behind. I try to just stay neutral. I don’t think it’s my job to cover for her bull$hit anymore, so while I don’t encourage the ill feelings towards their mom, I also don’t think it’s my job to fix her problems for her.

    Ultimately, I’m actually excited to get a fresh start. My lawyer is pushing for a 50/50 split with the kids which would be easy for me as an airline guy. Now that she has a job, she can’t claim 0 income so that will hopefully help me when alimony and child support is calculated. To be honest she was such a big leech on our finances I feel like I am even going to make it out better financially with the CS/alimony payments. I would be willing to bet, she will end up being broke though within 2 years. Thanks to her draining all our financial assets over the past 4 years with her frivolous spending we are both going to be leaving with pretty close to nothing. I really owe her though for going crazy/stupid now on Training Pay and not waiting till the real cash starting flowing in. Thank God that she is 100% emotion driven and not a logical/strategic thinker.

    Now to figure out this whole Tinder thing I guess? Kidding.

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  8. Yeah I’m staying in the house till the final minute. I take the kids to school and workout/run errands, whatever until it’s time to pick them up. I will never be left alone with her. All guns relocated to my dads safe.

    Last night she went out till midnight, drove home, stumbled in drunk, woke up me and my oldest daughter, and crashed in my oldest daughters room (she moved in up there about 2 months ago, my daughter moved into our room and sleeps on the king bed with me). She woke up this morning throwing up around 0600 and begged me to make lunches, take them to school etc. Looks like she got up just in time to get out the door for her 1100 interview with a real estate broker. Fantastic.

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  9. That sucks. Im in the middle of a very bad one myself.
    My  STBX just tried to sell our house without me knowing (im TDY right now).  She has filed a motion to sell it and sent it to my lawyer. I now have to go to court to stop her (Ill win just another 1G down the drain).  She is all over the place. 
    Here is what you need to do:
    Don't move out its your house. I made this mistake.
    Stop Drinking until its over. 
    Do not yell at her or  touch her. She could try to get an EPO which if you lose in court gets you a  DVO.  You don't want to take the risk if she wants to be heard infront of the judge
     Lawyer up and don't be afraid  to fire your lawyer mid stream
    Know that you are not your lawyer's priority they are balancing their practice as well; just find the best one you can that is smart.
    Get a Tempory Motion (or whatever they call it in Florida) immediatly for:
    • Custudy - NEVER grant her sole custudy, get joint legal & physical
    • Visitiation schedule and time sharing -- I travel extensivley for work I did not get one and the STBX fights me every time I want to take the kids on a trip/have them overnight.  I know your lifestyle; for visitation/ timesharing get it written in that you will decide on a schedule by a certian day for the next month.
    • Child support
    • A staus quo agreement -- meaning no depriciation of join assests and additional joint debt.
    • Seperate all joint accounts
    Cancel all joint CCs
    Get organized
    Every email/text phone call goes infront of a judge
    Get a phone recording app that records every call automatically
    Fight paying her any maintenance -- research jobs she is capable of getting to demonstrate she can make more than minimum wage. 
    Duck I could go on and on Im 1.5yrs into this because she is unreasonable.  Most important
    Love your kids.

    Solid advice brother. Meeting a lawyer tomorrow. I appreciate everyone on here.

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  10. Fortunately/unfortunately because of the extended time I was waiting for the Guard to medically clear me, (aka unemployed), she ended up blowing through our savings completely. She’s gonna get nothing, except probably alimony/child support. She just got her real estate license but hasn’t started making any money. Interviewing tomorrow and Friday at brokers. Florida is a terrible place to get a divorce as a man. I’m hearing best case id get 50/50 split of the kids. She will probably fight for more just because of the child support check. She’s gonna want to stay in the home but it’s a VA loan. So as I understand it she would have to “buy me out” and refinance it into a conventional (putting money as a down payment as well).



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  11. Gents, found out my wife had been having two affairs over the past 5 months. One while I was deployed. I got video/picture evidence of the affair through legal means. Tried to get her to work it out through marriage counseling but she just served me papers this week. We have 3 kids. I am currently an ANG dude part timer and start at a major airline here in April. Got any advice? Currently living in Florida. Mostly worried about her going after a huge chunk of my measly first year pay and my VA Disability. Fighting for 50/50 with the kids even though she is a terrible mother, but now the kids are just pawns. Thanks bros.

  12. Wrong.


    I want -real- solutions (i.e. fixing the immigration process and rules), not a monument. While a wall may put a minuscule dent, it certainly won't stop all, or even most, illegal entries. 


    Why not attack the cause, the why, of illegal immigration rather than slapping on a band-aid?



    The quickest way I know to attack the “cause” is to make America suck just as bad as the countries people are leaving. Good news, we are well on our way to solving illegal immigration!



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