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Everything posted by pawnman

  1. I can grasp that. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around being unable to leave the base at the end of the duty day (or allow dependents on base for a quick lunch/dinner at the BX food court, if that's the time you have available).
  2. I missed the part about tech school. You're right. Although I don't think they would have been thrown out had it been a guy and girl. Is this how our more...let's say, conservative, leadership is going to BFM the DADT repeal? By claiming that whenever something like this happens it's "unprofessional conduct" and continuing to throw them out of the service?
  3. So, does Natalie Portman get naked in No Strings Attached? Because if not, I have little to no desire to see a romantic comedy starring Ashton Kutcher-Moore.
  4. Really? I've known plenty of inter-service couples, married and single.
  5. So if he can drag the investigation past the 60-day mark, is he good? WTF is taking so long anyway? Seems like that policy would be pretty easy to implement...training can come later. "Hey guys, if someone tells you they're gay, you can't throw them out anymore". How difficult is that?
  6. Gaddafi already has a string of guest stars lined up. Beyonce, Lionel Richie, etc...
  7. It sounds like a lot of money...but spread over that many assets? They are either going to go over budget, or they are going to produce some real crap.
  8. My vote is that we give them a check, and take back all the stuff we've given them so far.
  9. Nope, I just filled out a new application. Seemed faster and easier than asking to see the guidance, NCOIC, etc...
  10. I last left here in Jan of '10...when I arrived a year later, they told me the card was expired and I needed a new one, to include filling out a new application and printing another copy of my LES. I didn't see it addressed, but it's been over 2 years...the Eagle Cash Card does NOT require a credit check and does NOT affect your credit score in any way. I don't remember who posted you needed a credit check. What you actually need is proof of ownership of the account you're using, like an LES showing your direct deposit information, or a check, or a print out of your bank statement.
  11. Does anyone else remember that when this whole thing started, some congressman said the fact the USAF had so many submissions was a justification to cut our budget? I can't recall where I saw it or who said it, so maybe I'm wrong...hell, could have been some forum troll on the .af.mil site announcing the program.
  12. You're correct that in the jet we respond with "O" or "D"...but we're all qualified to sit in either seat.
  13. I'll call myself a CSO when the T.O. title becomes "Combat Systems Officer's Manual", not "Weapons Systems Officer's Manual".
  14. Gee thanks. I thought we were still making fun of BQ's "how to make an effective power point presentation". You got me good, fucker.
  15. It may solve some problems but it will probably create others. When have you ever known PowerPoint slides to make a presentation shorter?
  16. Fair enough. The M-9 is the only weapon I've ever qualified on.
  17. I thought AF standard was round in the chamber, gun on fire. At least, that's one item the inspectors dinged the life support guys on during our last ORI.
  18. Well said. I sincerely hope that you make it to a senior leadership position, and you can change some of these idiotic policies and the thought process behind them.
  19. And if CNN was correct, the people fleeing Egypt have to pay for their own tickets. Wonder how much a ticket out of a place like Egypt costs when something like this goes down?
  20. ACC as well. Both deployments, desert flight suits...excuse me, STFUs.
  21. My understanding is that they scan those things at the end of the briefings...do you really think they'd remember who you were after scanning 200+ other IDs?
  22. I've never understood the mentality. Obviously you don't want things to get wildly out of hand (hospitalizations, DUIs, public intox), but why are some people so anti-fun? Jesus H. Christ, it's fun! Loosen up and enjoy yourself, don't make your career any more of a slog than you have to. I'm amazed at these people. Hey, if this guy is taking over a wing to be the fun police, I wonder how that LT who tried to get the USAF to stop drinking is fairing in his career. In our current environment, he's got CSAF written all over him.
  23. Yep, I know who you mean, and he wasn't even deployed here...he was swapping out a jet and MX delayed for the one he was supposed to take home. He's doing alright...he still got a school slot.
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