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Posts posted by Swizzle

  1. 2 hours ago, raimius said:

    The ATF had a warrant to look for evidence, but they chose to break down the dude's door at 6AM with a SWAT team loaded for bear.  They CHOSE to pick a fight when their authority was to go rummage around the guy's records.

    It won't be ruled criminal negligence leading to homicide, but it should be....

    So Q- because they evaluate themselves?

    Heard somewhere, forget where, a new litigation TTP being used is hiring DA's with outspoken targets, then pursuing federal crimes in state courts under state rules.  Think AR has it in them? How are their state rules?

  2. 1 hour ago, FourFans said:

    Perhaps a stupid question, but shouldn't an event like this be handled by the uniformed cops and an attorney showing up at his work, or even his home during dinner, with a warrant and taking him into custody?  The no-knock raid by 35 un-uniformed dudes armed for full assault in unmarked cars has a very gangland feel.  There's gotta be more to this story.

    The request to execute the warrant says has the 'more-to-this-story' (govt perspective) AND a judge approved that ATF TTP. That's the scary part, attempt to roll him up by force, from his 'castle', in the morning versus somewhere else when no violent crimes were assessed. They, that is ALL parties, created that scenario and end result. Bystanders and all parties now have regret because of end result...aka wrong TTP chosen IMHO, and foul...IF... trafficking arms. Now the ATF's TTP is called into question by all, including Congress. 





  3. 10 hours ago, brabus said:

    A retired hornet bro referencing Delta training, “flaring is so stupid. // // #gONaVy!

    Easy to say flaring is stupid when your landing gear struts are built like artillery barrels. 

    Also in a normal approach to landing, or come-down, does that mean Navy bro's lay some rigorous pipe atop their shipmates aboard?

    • Haha 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, tac airlifter said:

    Ridiculous, no one would ever let goats roam around a helo in flight.

    except the Afghan Air Force…. But they promised me it was just the once.




    Top pic: ...don't want to know what that far back seat, behind-the-goats-dude is smelling his finger for...

    Bottom pic: rockin' the flight approved sandals - nice. 

    • Haha 2
  5. 32 minutes ago, ClearedHot said:

    Each stick figure represents 10 kills, otherwise the entire plane would be covered.  No comment on the Wedding Party, except to say Prox (airbursting), 105MM's are great for cleaning off a ZU-23/2.  This reflects one rotation for this aircraft (probably 5-6 months), in the Mid 2000's.

    Ever any boats or other watercraft silhouetted?



    And guess our Navy marks their boat's with Battle Stars (or Es) instead of silhouettes. 


  6. 5 hours ago, ClearedHot said:

    Today, May 3rd in perhaps one of the tone def actions taken by the Biden administration (and that is saying something), the U.S. Department of Education announced an investigation of Emory University over...."Anti-Muslim discrimination."  Seriously, if you voted for this clown, punch yourself in the gonads, repeatedly.  Weeks of campus protests calling for genocide and the destruction of Israel...this is the response. 

    Anything to cancel student debt....

    • Upvote 2
  7. 12 hours ago, gearhog said:

    The FDIC just published this document regarding its preparations for the failure of a Global Systemically Important Banking (GSIB) organization headquartered in the U.S. with complex global operations.


    It basically outlines how the Sec of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and President will transfer all the assets to a Bridge Financial Company. I thought it interesting that they mention they plan to put the company into FDIC receivership on a Friday evening so as to be able to mobilize the plan and prevent a contagion by Monday morning.

    "The appointment as receiver late Friday afternoon would provide time, while most global financial markets are closed, to form a Bridge Financial Company, mobilize resources needed to conduct business beginning on Monday morning, and communicate with key constituencies (including employees, counterparties, and claimants) around the globe. The FDIC recognizes that a Friday night appointment may not be possible in all instances, and the timing will be highly dependent on the nature of the failing institution, how it fails, and market conditions at the time."

    The plan says it ensures that only claimants (shareholders and creditors) would incur losses and that US taxpayers would incur no liability. Translation: they'll print the money.

    "The ability of the FDIC and other regulatory authorities to manage the orderly resolution of large, complex financial institutions remains foundational to U.S. financial stability. While recognizing the progress that has been made toward enabling such a resolution and ending “too big to fail,” we also recognize that the resolution of a GSIB has not yet been undertaken. When it becomes necessary to do so, carrying out such a resolution will come with a unique set of challenges and risks."

    Any bets on who it's gonna be?

    UBS has a NYC Americas HQ, big HQ not USA, and...

    Switzerland says UBS may need more cash. The bank is fuming

    A year after the failure of Credit Suisse, the Swiss government says UBS may have to find as much as $27 billion to absorb potential losses and protect taxpayers from ever having to bail out a major bank, reports my colleague Hanna Ziady.

    Now, the giant Swiss lender is hitting back, saying its finances are robust and warning that the proposal could harm Switzerland’s standing as a global financial center.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 9 hours ago, BashiChuni said:

    choose your fighter. i'd take the russian.


    Yeah. About that. Pretty sure I'd take a coalitions' financial and operationally-ready weapons support to the tune of $278B as of Jan 24'....especially American and German tech, they seem historically kick-ass and dominant in lethality and effectiveness. 

    https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/these-countries-have-committed-the-most-aid-to-ukraine#:~:text=The majority of committed support,billion in aid to Ukraine.


    • Upvote 1
  9. 8 hours ago, Lawman said:

    What gets real crazy is when you start thinking about deconfliction of launch path/sequencin...

    Meh, Big Sky/Space theory...what could go wrong!?

    (/s) Also, do TBMs or ICBMs have ADS-B out? Or just in? Or not supposed to at all but it got included because that military didn't pay to remove that feature? (/s)


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