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Posts posted by Boxhead

  1. Anybody remember the days when there were two different types of SP's? Two career fields - base defense guys and the meter-maids (moving violations, etc.). Those BD guys sorta' had their S together.

    It was Security Specialist and Law Enforcement Specialist, both fell under Security Police and both did base defense when it was time to do that...one guarded resources and one did regular law enforcement duties on base (and off base in some places).

    The security guys actually had a lower ASVAB score requirement...the stories you heard about someone failing out of some other career field and becoming a cop, they almost always went to Security. Also, almost all of the big "boy I can't believe that cop did that" stuff was with those guys as well.

    Then again, I was a LE troop, I am a tad biased....the merger of the career fields is what caused me to get out....

    Oh well.

  2. EDIT:: PM me with any questions since I am the first person in this thread to know what they are talking about.

    lol, that is just like the salesman at OfficeMax who tried to tell me I needed the extended warranty, he knew what he was talking about as well.

    I don't believe anyone who says you need to pump that kinda crap into your body. I am pretty sure people have been able to get in good shape for oh.....since we split from our common ancestor with the monkey without using that stuff.

    You are right, diet is important, healthy eating and exercise will shed about 2lbs a week and do it nice and healthy.

    I guess it's all technique though.

  3. Hmmm, I'm going to buy a video camera, and do like the intel officer in the example, and get everything in audio, video, and writing. That way, when they try to tell me something that's blatantly wrong, I can make a video of them being blatantly wrong. Sure it won't achieve anything but it'll be pretty funny.

    Actually, just simply giving them some paperwork/asking a question, whatever...and asking for their name and writing it down in front of them so they see you do it....that little act of giving up my time has increased my success at finance from about 50% to about 95%....the military may just have something there with that whole accountability breeds responsibility thing.

  4. There have been terrorist attacks in Qatar and other "less hostile" places in the Middle East and will continue happen because of the extremists who hate those who disagree with them so much that they feel that they must kill 'em and don't care if they themselves die in the process. That level of hate will continue to spawn violence and hatred until the Muslim culture realizes it won't solve anything.

    If you are going to let Muslim extremists define Combat zones....better fire up some combat pay for...well....pretty much everyone....everywhere.

    Iran is not a recognized enemy yet. If we decided to fight with them, then by all means, the Died will be a fair place to receive those pays. Till then, hell no.

  5. Why not take away the CZTE/HFP from the Died' and Manas as I don't see it eligible for either....however, both are still paid. What would save more $$$ in the long run?

    Becasue then the very leadership that we are bitcthing about here would not get paid....and you KNOW that is never going to happen. Ever. Never. Nope. No Way.

    But, one day, someone crazy ballsy is going to get into a position to change something....and I can't wait.

    It's kinda like the secular/military version of my Catholic waiting for the second coming...you gotta have faith.

  6. Yep, we were at Nellis and were told the same thing. The kicker was due to "ACC" rules we were to stay on base because quarters were available and we were only getting partial perdeim. We tried to explain that even though were were a GSU, we all were still part of Nellis and that should give us the lunch time pass to the chow hall. When all was said and done we ate at Popeyes.

    You gotta get your orderes amended to say you are TDY to Indian Springs....they are their own wing now, and they have no billiting, so there is no one to check in with...so you just find you a place to live!

  7. I just think it's ironic that a guy with F-15 in his name is concerned about robots f$ucking wives...not fighter pilots, isn't that the community that has a nasty habbit of hot man love with their crew chiefs?

    That's way they hate us so much! It's not the UAV thing, it's the lack of dudes to bang. Who woulda guessed.

  8. I go to a crosstown school that is clearly harder than my Det. based school. My GPA is a 3.18 but at the Det.'s school it could definitly be higher. Do you think it is taken into effect when they do the rankings?

    If I was the Det CC...where you went to school would not change anything. If you chose to attend a school that is harder, and you were selected by that school to attend, you should be able to do well. If you can't do well there, you should transfer to a school in which you can do well ...or change your major...or just do better....or do you best and take what comes.

    Any way you slice it, you made the call to go there...

  9. Wow, that was a little bitchy. The question was along the lines of what's wrong with Dover and McGuire? Answer: to each his own, but if you line up all the locations, some will be more popular than others.

    see below...

    joke [johk]

    noun, verb, joked, joking.


    1. something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.


    I'm from within 2 hrs of both those bases, I would love either one, but like you said...it's all up to the individual.

  10. It's a to each their own kind of thing. Within the C17 world, those two (and Altus of course) are probably the least popular. While McGuire currently has amusing leadership issues, many of us don't like the locations. In general I think it's true that we have great, if not the best, locations. Certainly better than slicks--outside Germany.

    This kinda proves an old point of mine...I have PCSed 12 times now....and EVERY single time, I was told by someone or another that "oh man, that base sucks" or something to that affect...and I was at some pretty awesome bases over the last 16 years.

    It is to each his own, but I have noticed that the complainers are the complainers everywhere....the nice part of PSCing that much is I got to see the same folks at more than one location...and they are still bitching.

    Yeah, if McGuire and Dover are the worst two locations and there is bitching...then those bitching need to be slapped. However, the "suck factor" is very subjective...what is a bitch-about-able issue in one community is not one in another.

    To the point of the thread, Hercs and their crews are awesome in every way...but I am surprised that the C-17 community is not out airdropping supporting leaflets to all their brothers/sisters out there protesting Prop 8...Maybe McGuire and Dover would be better if you could legally marry each other.

  11. Otherwise, we all appreciate your understanding and cooperation!

    Cheers! M2

    I agree with the intent, I mean, just saying someone is a jerk is not really productive anyway.

    I even editied my above post, as I don't know if Obama blows....I just think his politics do.

    You can always disagree/discuss policies or politics, but chilling on name calling an elected official...is understandable.

  12. I call BS on the entire premise of this thread. This is not OPSEC or mission stuff we are talking here....it political opinion and sometimes personal opinion.

    This is an internet forum where no one knows who you are. If we are going to start policiing what we can and can't say on here based on "what looks good for the military" or "a reg says you can't say that", there are LOTS of thread and posts that need to be removed. Most not having a damn thing to do politics.

    Not one of my troops knows who "Boxhead" is....hell, all my info on the left there is fake anyway...or is it? Holy sh!t its the internet...noone knows or cares.

    BTW.....Obama's politics blow.

    • Upvote 2
  13. Hmmmm......

    Based on the results of tonight's activities - buy now, buy often... while you still can.

    I don't see a bright future for the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.

    Big, huge, f'in "2".

  14. How'd that work out for those squadrons?

    It can be OK, but overall, it (can) put the CC/leadership in a bad spot. If you are in a sq that deploys with any kind of frequency...if you have kids then they can't send you on an opposite schedule, then they are keeping you apart, they can't continually send you at the same time, then they are making it tough for the kids....what ends up happening is that one of you will go, the other will get a job somewhere that will make them less vulnerable to deploy (OSS, etc)...sometimes the job is deserved, and sometimes a better person does not get the job to make things "easier".

    I am kinda listing worst case scenario here, sometimes it works, but the couple in question have to realize they lucked out being in the same sq, and not expect any kinda special treatment than any other person. Then again, the same thing goes for any married folks or anyone else without a legit no BS "special need".

  15. Question for one who knows:

    For those of us that have selected UAS out of UPT, will we be training at Creech for RTU and then working out of Nellis once training is over with? Or will we be working out of Creech only for the next 3 years? Also, are there possiblities of leaving the Vegas area while flying UAVs as a UPT selectee or will we only be in the Creech/Nellis area?

    We are looking at houses and this little piece of information could make a huge difference because of the commute.


    If you PCS to Creech, you will stay at Creech... if you go to Creech, live in the NW, close as you can to the 215/95 interchange. Cannon is the only other AD location...but you will know if you are ACC or AFSOC befre you get there.

  16. Anyone have the reg reference for this? Thanks.

    The reg that says you can't be PAX if your family is on the aircrew was changed in...oh...around 2004ish. It was not an "aircrew" reg, it was a PAX terminal reg. Don't ask me what the # was.

    I do know that once that changed, spouses/family started taking lots more trips around the pacific while I was there!

    Point of the thread though: The AF is a family, you should never marry your sister.

  17. Maybe if TDY travelers would quit "Missing Meals" DoD could recoup that 25% in per diem costs. Dammit, those meal times are there for a reason, so quit missing formation! Make everyone eat at the DFAC...if they can't, have them carry around MREs in their ABU pockets just in case. Why do we pay people $122/day when they stay on base in Germany??? It all adds up in the end.

    Or, just get Ted from account temps to man finance. They are already trained up and wouldn't even need training days! :)

  18. You can revive this thread in 18 months and tell me I was wrong...otherwise "today" we'll agree to disagree about future manning.

    Will do...except I won't becasue I'll be working to much to remember to do it....unless we get more manning to meet the requirements that will only go up. Flag pole....that's funny...it's been so long since I have done that I had to pause to remember what it was.

  19. I wouldn't necessarily say pilots are safe...the Air Force is going to have to figure out what to do with all of those ISR/UAS pilots they're getting ready for this war that is probably getting ready to end if the new not-so-pro-military admin gets elected and has its way.

    Dude, we are the most secure people out there, they may stop hunting/killing/blowing up things, but the need/desire to "stare"...that is only getting bigger....whoever the next administration is won't change that part.

    I hear there is a plan for those ISR/UAS bubbas...I just haven't heard it yet.

    Yeah, keeping us in ISR/UAVs forever, that's pretty much the plan, luckily, I love it, so it makes me happy!

  20. 1. Sims on Monday will be done in blues.

    Awesome, blues are back to being utilites. Fine. Just make sure that when you get a tear in your pants or in your shirt or even perma stain them doing whatever...your sq HAS to reimburse you for them...you know how you just get new fligth suits when you screw them up? If blues is mandated and in the accomplishment of yoru duties, they are wrecked...they have to be replaced...by the AF....

    Way long ago when I was still wearing blues on duty as a LE troop...I don't think I bought blues for a few years, and wore them pretty much every day.

  21. You are bragging about this? The red line is gay....its just something to give SP's a job

    Yeah, and your money is gay, it's just there to give FMO a job

    Your Plane is gay...it's just there so you can feel good about yourself

    Your MX tools are gay, they are just there for MX to have soemthing to turn


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