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Posts posted by Boxhead

  1. "Don't even bother putting it down on the sheet cause it won't be approved"

    They told us that too, but we had a particularly tenacious student in our class...goes to the JAG and finds out that technically you don't need permission...IF you already have the training. (eg, if you have a pilots license)

    I would not go rent anything based off some random Internet post about Vance 10 years ago though.

    What UPT are people going through that have no time to do anything?

  2. Exactly.

    Holy cow...you guys must really hate the USA...they were doing horrible things to people less than 150 years ago, and didn't really change the official attitude till just a few decades ago...and here the Crusades are still brought up and they are over 800 years old. I guess ol Garth Brooks is right, "We bury the hatchet, but leave the handle sticking out"...

    Institutional policies can change, ya know.

  3. The official site of just what you are talking about.

    This site did nut used to require a login, but I guess it does now. If I recall the "rules"

    A Cougar is an un-married woman over the age of 32.5.

    eg, if she is 35yrs old, she is a 2.5 yr old Cougar.

    They have all the definitions of the types of Cougars, they even have a pretty decent section of popular "Cougar Dens" around the country submitted by members.

    My hunting days are over, but oh, in my youth....I loved em.

  4. we'll have more Majors than LTs. Someone please tell me I'm not alone in thinking that is completely upside down.

    Man, we have about 70 pilots, 38 of them Majors, 12 waiting to pin on Major and not a one Lt. The first one is rolling in soon though...I feel bad for that person...there is already a list of shit for him to do and he is not even here yet!

  5. I know you're technically allowed to wear black cowboy boots with your blues

    Really, it that you are allowed to wear any black boot with your blues...eg, if you wanted to, you can wear your black flight boots, or really any black leather shoe/boot. I used to wear my high-tech boots with my blues all the time...but it made sense to the job at hand. I also used to do the cowboy style "work boot"...but I wore those bad boys out long ago and never replaced them.

    Blues would look so much better if everyone wore crew neck t-shirts. This seems like the most obvious thing to change, but it never gets changed! Has the V-neck always been USAF policy?

    Crew necks were required for at least the first few years of my career...I forget when it changed.

  6. Good news...a quick search of Urban Dictionary reveals...

    1. rule 2

    If a rule restricts something that has no conceivable point, it will be broken.

    Kid: -stuffing tissues into mouth-

    Teacher: That's not allowed

    Kid: Sorry, rule 2, lady.

    So for all Died folks...an example:

    First Sgt/other random dude: "HEY CAPT! Why are you not wearing your reflective belt!" (or, why are your socks not high enough/mustache is outta regs....etc...)

    You: "Shirt, noted, rule 2."

    Then just walk away and watch them try to figure out what rule 2 is.

  7. It seems like LTs in other branches get much bigger responsibilities and therefore more respect. An LT in the Army would be a platoon leader in charge of a dozen guys or more. In the USAF, an LT is just barely above a 1-striper.

    That is pretty much only in the ops world. I was actually disapointed a bit when I commissioned, coming from a support background, I was all excited to lead the charge, yadda yadda yadda. When I got to UPT and was told, "Yeah, just study hard and don't get a DUI"....I was a bit shocked.

    My buddies that stayed in my old career field that were in ROTC with me...was a no BS G-Series CC as a 1Lt...

    Leadership responsibilites happen WAY faster outside ops sqs...

  8. When did C-130s get a pointy end?

    It's because the sheer awesomeness of the plane give the crew Viagra-like hard-ons while they fly it. That makes one end "pointy", loads have small ones so they don't count in the equation. I kid, I kid!

  9. (say 1200 bucks over 8 months)

    Jesus, I am glad I am not in that class. For that amount, your graduation party batter have hookers and blow.

    I don't know why I always hated that aspect of UPT. I guess I am just too crusty.

  10. Can you elaborate on this, Boxhead?

    Is it really a separate qual, and if it is, is it one of those that everyone winds up getting anyway once they get to their unit? Kind of like NVG Assault qual for new co's in the Herk (PM duties)... You don't leave the schoolhouse qualified, but you open/complete a training folder once you get to your unit.

    True statement. You leave the school house mission qualled...then when it comes your turn to deploy, you go get the launch and recovery qual. Things are changing on that in AFSOC community here soon, but that is for the other forum..

    As for the dude worried about autopilot...I used the autopilot just as much in the Herc as I do in the Pred. The C-17 guys use it less in the Pred than they did in their old plane!

    FC1 just makes sense. For the types of reasons Slacker stated and a host of others...now granted, I don't go DNIF if I have a stuffed up nose...no real problem with altitude change issues.

  11. You don't "work around" Dale.

    Dale's right.

    Dale was trying to tell you. That's why he signed the damn thing Dale.

    Trim the hairy bush or just avoid Dale. Those are your options there.

    The email was ridiculous...so was the "attitude" about it. If the shit is out of regs, it's just out of regs.

    Since when did "not drinking the kool-aid" just become about it being okay to break the f_cking rules?

    Do whatever you can to be happy..but, watch what effect it has on your crew, or whoever you need to lead. If you lose it, you WON'T get it back.


    MCM Rule 302, who has the authority to apprehend...NCO's, Officers and On Duty Cops...in other words, if you are breaking the law, any NCO can call you out on it, but of course, then there are then rules they are to follow on respecting authority, etc...but Bendy's right, which I always hate to admit. :)

    I place the blame for this gayness squarely on the shoulders of senior leadership...they sign the regs, they task the NCos' to enforce the regs...if they sign and approve (and thereby give permission and responsibility to others to enforce them) the gay regs, you can't blame the "Dale's" out there, you gotta sell to the CC's the rationale for amending the rules...if you really want to fight about it, take the fight to the guy that can change it....

  12. #1: It is a valid time. 0000 or 2400hrs means the same. One is the start of the day and the other is the end of day.

    Wait...if it means the same, but 0000 is the START of a day and 2400 is the END of a day..does that mean that "Start" and "end" really mean the same thing, cause if that's the case, I am going to start rolling into work at the end of staff meetings, around lunch time, and I suppose I can just claim that the start is the same as the end so I had to be right...at least according to the Navy?

    I guess I do agree that they mean the same point in time, but you gotta choose one!

    Holy crap, I think I just added a reply to the dumbest thing I ever posted to.

  13. I don't know of a credible and accepted self-defense firearm instruction theory/method that teaches brandishing or warning shots or the like as steps to take in a self defense situation.

    x2, they actaully teach that brandishing is illegal in many states and NEVER to do it. ("they"=NRA)

    Totally seperate...if you have a Glock, get one of these....I tested them out last weekend...they are the best thing you can do to your Glock.

  14. I have a staff summary sheet around here somewhere to prove it. Where will the :rainbow: end?

    Never...my vote is that all classes do that one patch where is just says "XX-XX Class Patch"...black with white letters....run that through the wickets, but make up your own unofficial one and that's what you get on your beer mugs, whatever.

    Is anyone zapping all the staff cars at "mandatory fun" functions anymore? It may have been cheesy, but I loved that stuff.

  15. They didn't want to approve VN 09-13's patch because the wings on it were half navy half air force. This would never even be considered at Vance.

    It must all go through the standard changes that changes to leadership brings. Our patch had half/half wings and it even had God on there...the -38 guys had issue with the naked "Adam" though...in the original he was just wearing a helmet and had an yellow checklist across his junk, but the final one had him in a flight suit.

  16. I'm married, but I hear the island is the way to go, regardless. Thanks for the advice.

    I was married there, my on base house was stumbling distance to free booze every other Friday...there is nothing special about the island, and on base you can wake up 5 min before work...and still go to the island when you want. Then again, like everyone said, pretty much every decision there is 6 one way, 1/2 dozen the other.

  17. So what about reserved parking spaces at the BX and Commissary and various other spots? Should the civilian spouse be allowed to park there without their military spouse? Seems if they would then they are using their military spouses rank.

    Nope, I have written many a ticket to spouses doing that exact thing...they all stuck....I did get a "talking to" about it, but I disregarded that talking to in favor of pissing off the man.

  18. It would be a bad idea to go. It won't affect you in any way, except not wasting 6 weeks of your life. Don't mention it to anyone and thank God you don't have to go.


    I think an honorable goal of any officer would be to make a good career while not EVER setting foot on Maxwell AFB. My favorite CC just made O-6 and that is just what he did. (or didn't do)

    I have made is past SOS w/o going, let's see what I do via correspondence next....

  19. Kinda along these lines....there was a guy I used to work with, had a couple of these types of spouses in a about a week time span, and was getting tired of it. So, one evening after 10pm (this was pre-9/11, but after 10pm, it changed from Decal to 100% ID checks)

    This lady comes rolling up to the gate...blue sticker, complete with the little blue chicken sticker above it....she looks at him and says, "What's going on....I am used to getting a salute on going on through"...he goes on to explain that after 2200; it's 100% ID checks and that the salute comes after the ID..and spouses don't get saluted.... .69 seconds later she pulls out her DD2AF complete with O-6 on there....It was classic.

    FWIW, her husband was a total tool who thought he had her rank...

  20. A few broad UAV questions for anybody out there in the know:

    1. If you get a UAV assignment to Creech, are you considered stationed at Nellis and TDY to Creech when you work?

    2. How often are UAV dudes deploying now a days?

    3. Bottom line family QOL....Predators or G Hawks and to what location?


    1. No, but you do get "My ACC vag hurts and I don't mind a little Fraud, Waste and Abuse $$" every month at Creech. (Around $300, I think)

    2. The only flyers that deploy less than us are F-15 guys at Kadena....or folks in AETC units.

    3. GH is just one location, so if you like Beale, you are gtg. Preds(Reapers more now, really), you are 90% headed to Vegas, but if you are lucky, you will come to Cannon.

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