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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    If you are assigned to a '3rd' State, then I assuming that means that you have PCS orders showing that you are stationed in that State? If so, some FFL folks will accept orders as proof of 'residency' when it comes to military out of State. Some also then would like to additionally see car registration in that same State, a hunting/fishing license in that same State, etc. If then by some chance this still doesn't work (it should?), then you can always have them send the gun to one of the other States you can prove that you live in/have legal residency and do the transfer when you're back there visiting or whatever. Hope this helps man. I decided to reply directly on here as it may help somebody in the future, though if it's a bit more complicated even still, go ahead an PM me and I'll try again.
  2. Gotta love unions...they just breed another form of entitlement.
  3. Remember what happened last time with guys that wrote a letter to accompany their package on the RIF board vs guys who did not? Seems the guys who wrote a letter asking to get out were more likely to be RIF'd vs guys who didn't write a letter (all things being equal on their records). Hell, get your Congressman involved this time (could help?) and let the board know your exact intentions if you want out.
  4. I believe it was a multiplier of 1.25 of normal involuntary separation pay.
  5. Ok, the first time you were lumping 'seperation' with VSP...and they're not exactly the same thing unless you're more specific as there is differnt criteria--ie voluntary separation (you don't get paid unless it's under a voluntary separation program that you are qualified/selected for), involuntary separation (and not via court martial, etc), and VSP. Below is the link for the AFI (quick google search btw): http://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a1/publication/afi36-3208/afi36-3208.pdf Then see Chap 9. Also more guidelines after what I provide below. Hope this helps. SEPARATION PAY 9.1. General Procedures. All the basic criteria below defining eligibility for separation pay must be met before a member is eligible for payment. 9.1.1. The member is on active duty (AD) and has completed at least 6 years, but fewer than 20 years of active service; active service does not have to be continuous.
  6. Are you talking about the AF involuntary separating the member or that the member is applying for (and approved) for VSP? Two different things...
  7. No, the insurance on the exchanges on average will not be cheaper and for two reasons: 1) Obamacare mandates more coverage than what many people want, therefore the insurers have to charge more. 2) Since Obamacare takes people with pre-existing conditions, that cost is spread to the other healthier people. I see what you're saying about 'more people on the exchange means that the price goes down' and that would theoretically work if there weren't mandates for coverage (ie a 60 year old woman had to pay more for insurance in order to cover the mandate of pre-natal care even though she doesn't want the coverage/will mostly likely never use it) as well as the fact that Obamacare attracts more and more people who are poor and with pre-existing conditions, therefore increasing the risk pool without charging the sick people enough to cover their respected risk. This whole system defies the very concept of how instance is supposed to work effectively. So yes, the more people that sign up will theoretically lower the price of Obamacare...but it will never be truly cheaper than the way it was because of all the mandates. Obamacare will be great for the poor (people that receive damn near enough subsidies to cover the cost...I mean, who format like free shit?), and wil also be great for those with pre-existing conditions. Everybody else though is going to pay for it with increased costs. This is not how the plan was sold by Obama and the Dems, though anybody with half a brain would have seen this coming a mile away. Here's another thought--the cost of college education has risen sharply over the last 10-20 years and many believe it's due to fact that the any kid with half a brain can get loan and so schools charge more. I think the same will also occur with Obamacare being in effect. Supply vs Demand.
  8. Interesting video... One thing is for certain...I just can wait to get more of that delicious socialism over here. My research leads me to believe, that overall, the place is a shithole. I'm glad we're spending 3/4 of a billion dollars to go to another corrupt government. In a month we won't be talking much about it anymore, and their socialistic ways will continue to bring their own country down.
  9. This just keeps on getting better and better. Wait until employers start dropping people off their plans for the cheaper penalty. Those people will then attempt to get on the exchanges, with higher deductibles/premiums for many, and a plan that may or may not allow them to see their current providers. Though now that a judge has ordered that a cake company must do business/provide a cake for a gay wedding, a judge may also force doctors to take people with certain plans. One thing is for certain...it's exciting times we live in!
  10. Just think, if we had a Union, then we'd be better represented in regards to lobbyists.
  11. He is lucky he wasn't executed for his crimes, but that is a different discussion. So we honor someone just because they serve 27 years in prison for crimes? Are we going to honor Terry Nichols if and when he gets released after 27 years? I mean, hey, he may apologize, you never know. He and McVeigh were fighting to restore our Rights under The Constitution (so McVeigh said). See what happens when it comes down to opinion? By the way, I did a fairly extensive google search for Mandela in regards to 'regretting' and 'apologizing'...one or two things come up for 'regretting' and nothing for apologizing. Semantics? Perhaps. But you'd think I'd be able to find more on the subject if it was more widespread. By all mean, share what you have as I'm truly about more education. And for the record, I'm not saying we drag the guy through the dirt when he dies just because he's dead...but you hear very little about the atrocities he committed/was involved in, and I think that is the same to equating to sweeping those things under the rug because it doesn't further the desired narrative. So to be fair, I believe an honest debate needs to occur. You also didn't answer my question about Fidel Castro. A lot of people think he's done some positive/remarkable things over the years--suggest we lower the flags him as well? By the way, isn't it funny that people like to call Obama a communist and the Tea Party/GOP terrorists...but when we actually have a guy that was both then we're afraid to call him out on it? **Edited for spelling/grammar...and I'm sure I'm missed even more errors.
  12. I am not aware of GW intentionally targeting civilians...also did a quick search and couldn't really find anything. Please let me know if you know otherwise, and that is a legitimate request. We have to draw the line somewhere, and I believe that targeting innocent civilians is at a minimum, where the line should be drawn. Timothy McVeigh believed he was doing a good thing by blowing up the OKC federal building, regardless of the fact that he knew innocent civilians were inside. There's a difference between acknowledging 'good things' that a person has done and honoring their entire life while conveniently leaving out all the bad things. By the way, Mandela was not a champion for 'Liberty', he was a champion for ending Apartheid (valid and noble cause) and he was also a champion for socialism. Are you going to suggest the US lower our flags at half-mast when Fidel Castro dies?? Where do you draw your line?
  13. This. Hitler built churches hospitals and schools and Stalin greatly helped the western allies to defeat Hitler and the Nazis...so then I ask you: Where do we draw the line in who we praise and for what cause? Honoring Mandela is a conscious act, it's not occurring by accident. ETA: I originally meant to say/type hospitals but for some reason typed churches..sorry, my brain was off in a different direction.
  14. I'll answer you question with another question: Is it ok for the Taliban and/or Al Qaeda to purposefully target civilians in order to push their agenda and achieve their goals? Yasser Arafat really cared about his people and pushing his agenda to benefit the Palestinians--did he deserve our American flag lowered at half-mast when he died? I agree about the terrorist vs freedom fighter remark, and it is largely about point of view. But I never support direct targeting of civilians to push an agenda. Timothy McVeigh believed is his cause, but I'm not about to sign his praises either. Any revolutionaries who intentionally targeted civilians were also wrong.
  15. I think Buddy Spike called it...if we start honoring guys with a terrorist past/ties to communism then I think that's a very very slippery slope. He also didn't have the most kind things to say about the United States over recent years.
  16. This has been an interesting conversation at work so I was wondering what folks' opinions are on it?
  17. I'd say her chances are going to look better just because the race was close in 2012 and Dems are currently poised to lose some seats in a standard midterm election as well as having to defend Obamacare which I believe will only continue to be an overall disaster. Hopefully someone better from the GOP can beat her in a primary, though she does have the correct plumbing and resume the eatablishment is looking for.
  18. Interesting how the side-boob doesn't look as good with the angle in the mirror. Mmm...side-boob
  19. So let's do it the most cost effective way...I'm all about value. If the Academy is more cost effective vs ROTC vs OTS, then I'm all for it.
  20. In response to CH, I don't think much of anything will be done with regards to this issue/scandal. At best they (senior officers) will say that they have stopped the practice, and I'm not even sure that will truly happen. As for the Academy itself, what a waste. Do we really need to pump that much money into government schools that produce the exact same product that an ROTC/OTS program can produce? I know there is history and tradition involved (especially with Annapolis and West Point), but why are they are truly needed today? I've met great and shitty officers from all commissioning sources, as well as plenty in between. Just like the commissaries (especially stateside), they are no longer needed and require additional funds to maintain status quo. Senior officers are telling us that we need to 'change/adapt' and get away from things just because it's tradition...getting rid of the Academies would be a great start.
  21. The real question is: Will this be addressed? Or will it be like all the other government scandals in which the senior officials will say, "we're concerned and are looking into it", only to to never hear much of the issue ever again? Don't worry...the Air Force has got your back.
  22. The OSI have informants in the ops squadrons to rat people out who are talking about flying for the airlines while still at work.
  23. Sounds like the first day you buy a boat...
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