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Champ Kind

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Posts posted by Champ Kind

  1. Originally posted by FallingOsh:

    My point was that getting hurt anytime in your career as a pilot is bad, but getting hurt during UPT would likely be the end of flying in the military.

    Wow, he's a sharp one...
  2. Originally posted by FallingOsh:

    And don't you worry about my priorities, Mom. Skydiving is a hobby, not my career.

    Wow, another Newbie that asks a question, gets honest responses, then gets an attitude.... Go figure.
  3. Anyone know/heard anything about The Shores? It's managed by Ropko and is located off of Ennis Joslin right by the bay and close to the base?

    The location seems good, and I am a fan of the fact that its $200 bucks cheaper than the Beach Club... Who knows, maybe you get what you pay for. Thanks!

  4. Can you also talk a little bit about the nature of the mission of the KC-10? I hear it also hauls cargo, as well. Where are some of the regular places that you go on trips? What percentage of the time do you spend passing gas or hauling cargo, or both? Thanks!

  5. I heard about a lot of guys doing JUST enough hours towards their PPL so that they knew what the hell they were doing, just shy of getting their license, and then getting to do the whole IFT program and get their license out of the deal (ie, 40 or so extra hours of flying time). Of course, the way they are restructuring the IFT program, that will probably no longer be the case.

  6. Originally posted by IAGuardWife:

    Something I don't think fliers realize is that most spouses don't care that much about flying. The year of UPT is 99.9% flying. You can't go to the O'Club, the grocery store, a party or ANYWHERE without the ONLY topic of conversation being flying. If you want your wife to not engage in squadorn politics, TALK TO HER ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN FLYING!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Because when she's going to get together w/ the other wives, that's the only topic she's been exposed to for weeks on end.

    That is very true, and a great point. Some of my buds and I were just talking about that the other day.... how, no matter what, when we go out and eat, go for a few beers, go on the river, or even when talking to our families/girlfriends, flying does dominate the conversation.

    As much as I love flying, I actually get happy when some of the LSI instructors start shooting the turds about current events and whatnot during sim briefs... reminds me that there is something else out there beyond the realm of flying.

  7. As a relatively new officer, I can say from experience that if you just start investing as soon as you start drawing your O-1 pay, you will never miss it. With ROTH IRAs and such, just remember... It's a marathon, not a sprint. Just know that you are investing for your future, and act like that 10% (or so) of your paycheck was never there, but the dividends will be there for you in about 40 years or so.

    Oh, and yeah.... stay away from First Command!

  8. I know there have been multiple discussions on "things to do" in the Columbus area, try the search function at the top of the page.

    In summary, though, there ain't a whole hell of a lot to do IN Columbus, but, the good news is that it is pretty centrally located for some good weekend road trip possibilities. Columbus itself has a few bars. Up the road about 40 min is Starkville, which is home to Mississippi State University. Couple more bars/college crowd (ie, frat boys with bushy hair and pink shirts with decent looking girls attached to their hips). Memphis, TN is about 2.5 hours away, Nashville is about 4.5 hours. New Orleans and Biloxi are about 4 four hours away.

    A lot of people like to go out on the boat around here, and Columbus has a pretty big lake to go out on. Services has some barely-seaworthy vessels for you to rent, but they are always spoken for and you get put on a waiting list. Tuscaloosa is about an hour drive (home of the University of AL, again, decent bar scene) and Birmingham is about 2 hours away. Atlanta is about a 3.5-4 hour drive...

    I think you get the point... Places around here for you and your bros to drink and hang out or have dinner. Other than that, save it for a weekend trip. Hope that helps, search for other posts/opinions as well.

  9. From what I understand (growing up next to Fort Rucker for 18 years), Warrant Officers are essentially technical experts in their respective fields. Commissioned officers go through their officer basic courses for their respective fields (ie, aviation, infantry, etc), but, in addition to their expertise, they also command troops. It is my understanding that warrant officers do not command, however, that is not to say that they do not offer their expert opinions based on their/training experience.

    Also, it depends which branch of service you are talking about. In the Navy and Marine Corps, a lot of the WOs you see are former senior enlisted who were elevated to warrant officer. In the Army, you can have warrant officers with no enlisted experience that are less than twenty years old who came on board through the "High school to Flight school program"

    [ 18. July 2005, 18:13: Message edited by: PhlashNU04 ]

  10. Originally posted by Jetjock:

    I guess it depends on your experiences. I loved being a GMC and I love being a POC too. Sometimes it can be a little much though. For example: The third week of school after I got back from FT I took a trip to NYC for vacation. Everyday I was getting calls on my sell from the Cadre and Cadets wondering if I could do something or wondering how to do something. One day I spent six hours on my dang phone trying to get stuff taken care of because someone else didn't know how too or just wouldn't do their job. As a POC I think your job will play a big factor in what you think of it.

    Dear God.... You got me to bite on this one, man. What in the hell could have caused you to have been on the phone that long that remotely involved the responsibilities of an ROTC cadet? I mean, come on dude.....
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