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Champ Kind

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Posts posted by Champ Kind

  1. Originally posted by Bender:

    Just get the beer ahead of time, get blasted and then take the cab out to the Riverwalk!

    Definite '2' on that! But hey, maybe you'll strike gold and it will be "Nine Dollar Beer Night" at some of the Riverwalk bars... :rolleyes:
  2. Originally posted by Beaver:

    I also stepped to a jet for an OIF sortie that didn't have an engine in it. They said they'd have it done in a hurry. I said no rush, take your time.

    I could just picture someone's face stepping to a jet that was lacking an engine. Hilarious!!

    Thank goodness for thorough preflights, huh?

  3. I'm sorry, but as a graduate of a military college myself, I do not subscribe to the notion that the "freshman experience" at an academy can be compared to frats. Going through a year of hardship to become a part of something larger than yourself is, in my humble opinion, a little more involved than taking hits off the Sigma Phi paddle, followed by funneling an 18-rack of PBR and then stringing up a cinder block to your junk....

    I see where you are tying to come from, but I just cannot imagine it being the same in any way.

  4. I know that the Tweet sure as hell doesn't have one to speak of. It either blows hot air at you, or shoots ice chunks at you. No happy-medium.

    The T-44, on the otherhand, has a great A/C when it works.... If not, its grinding and trying to eat itself alive :rolleyes:

    EDIT: Yes, I know, none of the above-mentioned aircraft are fighters. I am going to watch Top Gun now.

    [ 09. March 2006, 09:39: Message edited by: PhlashNU04 ]

  5. Well put... If you act like a douche, it seems (in my very, very limited experience) that people associated with you are just on the prowl waiting for you to screw up to make that karma come full circle.

    ....maybe he should have drained the fuel and left the battery....

  6. Am I the only one that thinks "Captain Moped"'s idea was hilarious and nothing if not resourceful, and that the higher-ups blew things out of proportion in firing him?

    Now, if he was still drunk/hungover and at the controls, that's another story. But going out and doing it up and arranging for your own transportation back..... that's good stuff!

  7. Originally posted by FreudianSlip:

    DO looks at it with the Crew Chief, Pro Sup, and the FE and then whips out his cellphone and hands it to the Pro Sup and says, if you're that confident it will fly, call your wife and kids and we'll give them an incentive flight, I'll sign the paperwork right now.

    Well, I'm sure you can guess, the plane was tugged into the hanger and sheet metal got to play fixup with it for a few days.

    Well played....
  8. Do any of you have one on you (or in your bag, whatever) when you fly?

    I ask because I had my final sim (Thank God!) here at Corpus today, and it was our IFR EP sim. Scenario was brought up about what if you took off at mins, got right into IMC, and then "bam", total electrical failure. WX at mins, so no visual approach. No radios, no navaids, nothing.

    I threw some quick solutions on the table, but the instructor brought up an interesting point: if you were carrying a handheld GPS and/or radio with VHF or UHF capabilities, you could at least be talking to someone and/or know your position and how to get somewhere that's VFR. That idea really opened my eyes, and I'm thinking about buying one... If anything, as an insurance policy. Plus, it'd be cool to play with.

    Anyway, if any of you do carry any of said equipment, or know anyone that does, what would you recommend?

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