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Posts posted by brickhistory

  1. 2 hours ago, Prozac said:

    Oh gmafb! Refusing a direct order to get vaccinated (especially after you’ve already rolled up your sleeve for a phalanx of them) is HARDLY the same thing as looking the other way as your army marches an entire race of people into death camps. The constant comparisons to Nazi Germany/Stalinist Russia/etc. are laughable at best and highly offensive at worst and they make it hard to take any of your arguments seriously. What do you think leadership would’ve told some marine who refused to storm the beaches of Iwo Jima on religious grounds? Seriously, if someone was pulling this shit on any other issue, you’d call them out for the whiny, entitled bitches they are. 

    A)  So all of the roughly 10,000 uniformed personnel across DoD that are not getting this non-preventative vaccine are "whiny, entitled bitches?" Not to mention the civilians who bailed rather than submit?  Me included, but that didn't take much for me to retire and cash the check.  Of course, having had Covid doesn't carry weight for immunity for DoD, only the non-preventative vaccine.  Nice

    B) DoD is losing approximately 10,000 uniformed personnel who are among the 1% or so of the population that is willing to serve.  How many of those would recommend a military career?  Sure seems an own goal, but if it gets rid of the "entitled," then so be it.

    C) If any military order produces 10,000 casualties, and for accounting purposes, these 10,000 are, for no mission results, is that really effective and efficient leadership?


    Interesting how you went the full Hitler when no one else did.  Never go full Hitler...

    You went full retard man, never go full retard - You went full hitler never go full hitler

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  2. 15 hours ago, kaputt said:


    I can't believe we're only at a year of this clown show. 

    For that dementia patient, it probably still feels like the first week a la "Fifty First Dates."

    But at least there are no mean tweets.  Of course, he couldn't figure it out to send one, but still...

    • Haha 3
  3. Biden 2020:  I have a plan to shut down the virus.

    Biden 2021:  The states have to solve this.

    Also Biden:  I'm mandating everyone in the executive branch get a vaccine.  As well as everyone who works at a company with more than 100 employees.  And anyone who has a federal contract. 

    But not any illegal aliens who cross the border.  Or Afghans that I let in with no screening.  
    If the mandate was such a great idea, why not go the full monty and make it nationwide/everybody?

    I hope SCOTUS hands him his ass.  But I'm not sure they will.  Thanks, John Roberts!

    Latest trial balloon is the vaccine will be required to travel interstate.

    Again, hello, SCOTUS?

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  4. It would be interesting to see the cost-benefit analysis in an after-action by DoD regarding the blanket order, ostensibly designed to save lives and the efficiency of the fighting force, and the dollars sunk/experience lost for those who are refusing, for whatever reason, this order.

    Napkin-level figures, but call it 10,000 AD across the Department.  Not all are going to be basics or first assignment enlisted, just as not all are going to be senior, soon-to-retire senior ranks, officer and enlisted.

    Compare those to the numbers that were expected to be lost -death or disability - to China virus in the Department.  How much time and energy has been expended in the administrative process to review all the exception requests, not to mention the discharge process.

    But it's only taxpayer money, so who cares?

    Next is on to prepping for the coup and rooting out those "extremists!"


  5. So Trump killed 220,000 people due to China virus last year.

    But Biden's plan to beat the virus has killed more than double that this year.

    And, supposedly, we're gonna get told to learn to live with the virus, but those who aren't vaccinated yet will still die tonight.

    Quite the reuniting of the country.

    But no mean tweets...that's something.



    In the looking for the silver lining in all the madness, Hillary still isn't and won't be President.  

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  6. Simply doesn't matter.  If he(assuming) "sincerely believes" this, then DoD/USAF's own rules state he should be granted the accomodation.

    Unless they bow to political pressure.

    Color me shocked.

    Likewise at those who scoff at such held beliefs.  I pity any subordinates who came to you for help.

    You don't have to agree with those beliefs, but to simply toss them aside says much.

  7. 14 minutes ago, pawnman said:

    Well, I'm swayed. I'm gonna go pump the vaccine out of my bloodstream right now! 

    Guess that depends on which of the non-vaccine vaccines you marched happily in to receive:



    A committee of advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has voted unanimously to recommend the use of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines over the Johnson & Johnson jab, following growing concerns about rare blood clots.

    But trust the science...

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  8. Not a biblical scholar and not my fight, but the Bible does distinctly differentiate between murder and war.

    It doesn't equate them as the same.

    As to ending WWII, there's an awful lot of descendants on both sides who are here today because we dropped two nukes rather than invade Japan proper after Japan started that war with us.


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  9. My biggest and saddest realization during the Kung flu is just how many Americans happily/blindly/cooperatively (take your pick) gave up their individuality and ability to make personal health decisions.

    I am shocked to see how many working level law enforcement went along with the madness "because they were ordered to."

    The military is a little different case because they can order it and fighting a lawful order takes guts/financial resources/ability to care for family while fighting. Yet a not insequential number did so.

    Next big revelation was how many other "demoncracies" went the full monty fascist when given a chance.

    Some happy campers on this thread. 

    Not hard to play "guess the fascist in waiting."


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  10. 17 hours ago, pawnman said:

    Less than 8000 are active duty. 

    You sound happy about it.

    8,000 decided not to follow this order.  It may or may not be legal.  That aspect is still TBD.

    But 8,000 refused this order.  From only one of the services.

    Think about that.

    I'm sure senior DoD and USAF are not.

    It's not their money and they are in the twilight of their careers, soon to be on various boards, etc.  

    Screw the destruction of morale and faith in the military system.


  11. You seem to be incapable of fathoming a simple fact for many who are hesitant to get the Kung flu prophylaxis.

    I will spell it out for you:

    The vaccine, for a virus that isn't species-threatening, is inefficient at best.  

    It hasn't been tested rigourisly (sp?) and the data can only capture in the short-term at present.  It is a literal unknown of any long-term effects these shots will have.

    The variety of, and number of, side-effects are larger than they should be for a well-tested and deployed vaccine.

    For me, having had Covid, the natural anti-bodies produced suffice for my risk mitigation assessment.

    You may not like my decision, but that's on you.  I'm not against you getting as many 'vaccines' and boosters as you desire.  Same thing for any children you may have.  You knock yourself out.

    Leave me the fcuk alone.  I am quite capable of making my own decisions.

    And Trump didn't institute mandates that have cost people their jobs.  Imagine the sturm and drang if he had've.

    But dementia Joe, with his "I've got a plan to stop the virus," can't seem to do much at all.  Even his kindly, knows what's best for me get a inefficient vaccine is getting slammed in multiple levels of courts and states that aren't cowering seem to be doing pretty well.

    Color me shocked.

    As for a military order, it is supposed to be lawful.  Takes a lot of courage to fight an order that one considers unlawful so most don't - lack of financial resources to survive, to fight, etc.  But some do.  If they lose, those folks will face administrative and judicial punishment.  Again, takes a lot of guts to push back.

    They should've never been put in that position.  The pool of eligibles isn't that big.  Despite the diversity push, this order probably discourages a not insignificant number of people to not raise their right hand.  It will be interesting to see how many currently serving, but refusing this order, are actually punished/discharged.


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