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Posts posted by Jaded

  1. I figure that there is some sort of stat out there like class A's per flying hour or something. To me, it feels like there have been more crashes than normal even though we're not flying as much. I don't know if that's true or if it just feels that way.

  2. Hell yeah. Finally some relatively good news.

    2013 has been rough.

    Has it been rough? Is the accident rate actually bad this year or is this just how it always has been?

    I echo the sentiment though; thank god he's all right.

  3. I tried looking earlier in this thread for the answer but couldn't find it. I apologize if this has already been answered.

    Can you start the AU OLMP on the leadership concentration, take the core courses, and then when you become a major select "switch" to the joint warfare concentration?

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  4. In the viper world, you're also ineligible for WIC, on a "fast track" to BMC, and were probably passed over for major on the last board. But yeah, you'll stay in the jet.

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