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Posts posted by Jaded

  1. End of FY14 Retention Report up on Myers. 53% take rate.

    Edit: 59% if you don't include all those individuals that separated voluntarily under the FM programs.

    Still the lowest it's been since FY02.

    Wow. 46% take rate for fighters? 101% losses of eligible mobility pilots when including VSP? Overall Continuation rate of 35% for 6-14 year groups? This report looks really bad.

    Maybe this means some of the career progression and quality of life issues will be addressed, right guys? Guys?

    Also, the 59% is bogus logic, since a person choosing to VSP wasn't going to take the bonus if not allowed to separate. Looks like a statistic cooked up to make AFPC look better.

    Can someone tell me how this isn't a huge problem?

  2. John Q public's blog mentioned that he talked to AFPC and was told that they have a huge backlog they are still working through. He received numbers, did the math and it looked like the take rate was going to be about the same as last year. I don't know how this is going to actually turn out, but let's wait until the final numbers are in.

    Was anybody around in 96/97 when the take rate fell off a cliff?

  3. Well, re-read my comments a page or two ago about dudes whose ADSC expires EARLY in FY15. Before this year, guys with those circumstances who wanted to take the bonus and were eligible for 9 years of cash money got screwed out of ~$12K because AFPC would wait until halfway through the FY to offer the bonus.

    My ENJJPT ADSC expires in December of this year, so I'll get my bonus well before I would have if I had to wait until summer of next year.

    With a training ADSC that takes me to January of 2020, I'll gladly take the $225k for something I was planning on doing anyway.

    I don't feel like a sucka, bro. But if you think I am, well...that's just your opinion, man...

    Usually I think Karl is way too negative, but I think I agree with him on this point. I think you were a sucker to take the bonus. I know you, and you are intelligent, competent, and in an organization that will waste your talents. You have colleagues at Standford Business School, with full time gigs in the guard and reserves, and starting what will someday be extremely cush jobs in the airlines. Because you are not a patch wearer, you will spend the next 10 years wallowing while doing things like:

    -wing jobs (Yes sir, I'd love to be the chief of IGI!)

    -getting passed over for O-6 because of your lack of staff experience (thanks 11F)

    -a 365s as the OSS/CC to Djubouti (the Died... etc)

    You will be 43 years old at 20 years in looking at the exact same decision about whether or not to fly for Delta with a pension check that will barely feed and house your family (assuming you don't get fired at 18 based on trumped up bullshit your WG/CC decides is unacceptable). You will fly less, see your family less, and be more vulnerable to deploy to shitty assignments. You had the potential to do anything you wanted, but chose not to for an extra $18k a year after taxes. The bonus, as I see it, is an awesome deal only for those who have no potential to succeed outside the military.

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