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Posts posted by Jaded

  1. The f-16 was supposed to be a day only VFR interceptor. It's good if we build our aircraft to be flexible enough for unforseen circumstances. 


    Also, there aren't going to be any legacy aircraft left - that's the whole point of the f-35, right? 

  2. Dude, stop giving people bad gouge. Just because you hate flying AF jets doesn't mean we all do. My current assignment feels like the best job in the world. I've got a great family and a nice house in the mountains and the flying is amazing. Would I rather be a 767 bus driver for 50% more pay? No, not at this point in my life. I love this job.

    I'm not in AMC anymore so maybe that's it. But seriously, in the grand scheme of things, the Air Force can be pretty awesome. The real world sucks.

    What are you flying and where are you stationed, if you don't mind me asking? 

  3. From what I've heard, a longer UPT ADSC is the only serious option being considered by HAF to "fix" the pilot retention problem.


    For the cadets reading this, don't sign a 13 year contract or a 15 year contract. According to this year's retention statistics, > 50% of you will regret it.

  4. If you PM me I can give you the contact info for a guy that just did it. He was HUGE into fitness and still said that the physical tryout portion was pretty intense. I seem to remember him saying that some of the guys that tried out with him didn't make the cut for that reason alone.

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