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Posts posted by HerkDerka

  1. Corpus is a different world than you're used to Kayla. The Navy doesn't care about timelines. Some people graduate from Corpus in six months and some graduate much later.

    So the answer to your question is yes if that's what you want to do.


  2. You guys have all been there though, was there some moment when you're no longer getting sh*t on?

    There are several instances where you will notice people are no longer looking at you as a green LT:

    -Deployment under your belt

    -Upgrade complete

    -Not your first assignment in the MWS

    -Pinning on Capt

    That's a short list. Remember, in UPT you learned how to keep an airplane from crashing into the ground. In FTU, you learned the basic combat application of an MWS. There is still a lot to learn before you are looked at with respect by those already established in the MWS. The quickest way to end the act is to know your place, study, understand that there are things you don't know, and never pass up the opportunity to keep your mouth shut. The flying world is a good ole boys network. The more people like you, the easier life will be.

    If all else fails, use the advice I was given as a young LT: "Welcome to the squadron. Keep your mouth shut for a year. After that year is up, when you think you have something to say, wait another six months."


  3. There's always going to be some butt-hurt over the MPD program because it's a change from the way business was done for fifty years. But the program is past it's infancy. Besides the majority of the last traditional co's are already AC's. So the difference probably won't be visible for much longer.

    Don't worry about what the MPD program is/isn't teaching you. The schoolhouse will teach you how to fly the herk. All the little lessons on how to be a good crew dog are learned through experience.


  4. I am still thin. Not cocaine-era Rick James ("I'm Rick James, bitch!") thin, but still thin!

    That's the great thing about retirement...extra time to pursue the goals you haven't accomplished!


    Cocaine's a hell of a drug.


  5. I can't believe this fatass.

    Three men in the family at 200+ lbs a piece, a wife who's "a little plump", and a daughter in training to become "a little plump".

    How about instead of bitching about losing four ounces of your precious sausage, you either

    a) Buy a second 12 oz. roll (Bonus: 24oz total means eight extra ounces for your pig-chowing wife)

    b) Find something else to eat with your two dozens eggs and T-bone steak every morning? (Fruit, cereal, bread, or something else that didn't have parents)

    And people wonder why they can't lose weight.


  6. Seriously, what benefit can be derived from the name change?

    From what I read, it sounds like Big Blue doesn't even have an answer....

    This redesignation effort marks the implementation of the chief of staff of the Air Force's direction to establish an Air Force component organization that is structured to operate and train every day in its wartime configuration.


  7. On Monday, the students assembled as a school and were asked to take an hour out of their studio time to pick up installations on the exterior and visible interior of the building because they were not "aesthetically pleasing." Students were particularly upset about their window boxes being removed from the windows. They said Foglesong also wants certain beams in the building to be painted brown.

    According to several architecture students, Foglesong was on his morning run on Feb. 9 and he noticed the displays. They said he called provost Peter Rabideau around 6 a.m. Rabideau said Foglesong asked him to talk to dean of architecture Jim West because it was following the appropriate chain of command.

    It sounds like Combat University didn't work out to well. WTFO, it sounds like absolutely nothing changed.



  8. Don't worry so much. On day-one they will give you a schedule of what you will be doing. You don't need to prep anything before hand, they are going to show you how they want you to plan missions. You won't be doing any SKE. The purpose of St. Joe's is to make you better at tac, not SKE.

    Other than that, it is guaranteed to be some of the best flying you will ever do in the herk.

    Make sure to set it up with the other crews that the worst drop score per run-in buys a round.


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