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Posts posted by LookieRookie

  1. 19 hours ago, H_G said:

    What is the possibility of dropping B-1's out of T-1's? I am of the understanding that it has been done before and it possible, though extremely rare. How has the career of those who did this pan out? 

    Zero. The recent B-1s were T-1 FAIPs.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Vito said:


    “ We are sending studs to a contract multi program. It is happening right now. They will be taking FAA checkrides.”


    Can you explain?, where, who, what?

    AETC is. In Georgetown north of Austin. 35 students. A SGTO right now.


    Contract initial pilot training (ipt) then a short T-6 syllabus. That means a super DOSS for ppl, ifr then multi tickets then go to a UPT base after.


    This isnt a PTN/19 AF thing. It is straight from COMAETC.

    Although congressional approval would be required to move ton this model and there are a whole lot of risks associated with it.

  3. 3 hours ago, Clark Griswold said:

    Yes but …
    I’ll still make my argument on BO in the hope that it reaches someone with authority, gives a damn and decides to act based on my eloquent rambling in the manner I advocate for

    Honestly, after T-6s for the heavy tracked studs, just send them to an civ school if the AF is too cheap / myopic / cliquish to properly address this…

    Riddle, All ATPs, UND, etc… somewhere with a large aviation program can give multi eng training and experience 

    The USAF wastes money in any number of frivolous ways, even at say $100k a student in total costs for a 4 month multi program (civ plus a type program) and with a 1500 per year going thru, that’s only 150 million a year, the AF could afford that, own no new iron, divest infrastructure, not have to man any AF billets to fly this training iron and get a better product

    We are sending studs to a contract multi program. It is happening right now. They will be taking FAA checkrides.


     I’ll restate this. You cant read.

  4. On 4/15/2024 at 5:37 AM, FourFans said:

    Interesting.  No offense to you personally, but I have never, and will never trust a single word concerning real world level details I I hear from any staff...because I worked on multiple staffs.  As of 2020, the line guys doing sim cert for the C-130J sims at both LRF and BIX disagree with your assessment, seeing it's was possible to gain and maintain currency in the sim.  Granted, that USAF checking USAF and the FAA doesn't care.  However that was backed up by the FSDO at both Little Rock and Birmingham as I asked them that exact question in person.  However, I don't doubt that that they could have been wrong.  I've met more than one federal staff expert who knew nothing about C-130J stuff while being responsible for C-130J stuff.  Is your work AMC wide or specific to an airframe?

    Beyond that, I completed and passed eight airline interviews from 2019 to 2021.  Sims and sim training came up in three of them and I asked the exact question about sim time counting, and one guy told me that if he saw nothing about sim time in a logbook he saw it as a sign the applicant was either fibbing or lazy.  The other guy in that interview agreed and acted as though the other guy had just given away a secret.  That's where I come up with my 'log your sim time' advice.  It ain't total time, but it is training.

    It is what it is, but C-130J sims are currently still the best I've ever flow, and I got a different type rating in one FAR worst while training at MIA.

    I reserve the right to be  corrected.  What exactly do you do on staff concerning simcert?

    The military determines is own qualifications for currency.

    That has nothing to do with valid FAA hours for an ATP.


    As well, to have the legal ability to count as hours for an ATP, the device needs an FAA ID, which C-130 sims dont

  5. On 4/13/2024 at 12:58 PM, FourFans said:

    C-130H and C-130J sims are certified Cat C or D (Full Flight Sims) sims and count for sim hours in the civilian world for maintaining currency.  Yes there is a civilian type for the C-130J (L-382J type rating is different than the L-382 type).  Yes, there are civil carriers that operate the C-130J.  They exist, the end.  If you doubt the certification of all the C-130 sims, go look up the Sim Cert folks at Little Rock.  Certifying our sims to an FAA standard is literally their entire job.


    This is completely wrong.

    I work SIMCERT stuff on staff.

    AMC self-certifies its sims to level C+/D “equivalency” (AMC has its dets go to the FAA course) but none of it is FAA certified.

    The time counts for nothing and do not put it on your apps.

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  6. 15 minutes ago, Dapper Dan Man said:

    Shooting from the hip. I like how they didn’t even socialize this with the HASC/SASC before because there still is no real plan.

    Just like getting after bureaucracy in accelerate change or lose.


    ”Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin acknowledged both the missing details and the need for congressional buy-in Feb. 28 during a speaking engagement at the Brookings Institution.

    “How we engage Congress, how we engage the stakeholders, how we look internally to our Air Force in different ways to accomplish this that aren’t fiscally intensive is going to be key to this—which is why it may be unsatisfying to some because we’re rolling this out without having the actual signed official document on what the end state looks like,” he said.”

  7. On 1/18/2024 at 8:37 PM, mightymighty said:


    I always love the irony of Shooter stud patches.


    Shooters have nothing to do with guns, it’s because they are camera shooters.

    And I was in the Shooters.

  8. 5 hours ago, NoFlyZone said:

    I'm seeing buffs dropping from T-1s in the last few drops. Do you think this is a new normal or just special circumstances/a weird coincidence?

    It is a new normal. Per HAF in coord with AFGSC, B-1s and B-2s are FBF/T-38 drops.

    B-52s are AMF-F/AMF-S drops.

    J-85s can’t support Buff drops and fighter production is prioritized and the B-52 isn’t a fast jet and doesn’t make A model IPs straight out of UPT.


    cue the wailing of B-52s being even more a red headed stepchild.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 38 minutes ago, ViperStud said:

    I think I struck a nerve with Bashi, she’s lashing out at me. 

    Don’t get me wrong AETC-types, there’s nothing bad with doing the heavy lifting of instructing. I do it. I argue there’s something bad with getting so caught up in that environment that you lose sight of what’s going on in the MAF/CAF worlds. Even if family makes long deployments untenable, there are a lot of meaningful PACAF and USAFE TDYs that can keep you grounded. Take part, lest you lose touch and become a dinosaur. 

    I understand what you’re saying, but you aren’t some bastion of geopolitical wisdom.

    You thought Libya was a US win and there was an active nuclear program (there wasn’t). It is a failed state and a breeding ground for terrorism.

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  10. 1 hour ago, ChiliDawg said:

    Hey I'm still slightly drunk/hungover from last night out in NOLA in the French Quarter (in town for the Sugar Bowl, GO HUSKIES!) and figured it was time to start '24 w/ a bang on baseops! 

    Here's to 2024 being the year we start disposing of dictators starting w/ the guy cowering behind the Kremlin's walls!



    Because history shows how great it’s been with the US deposing strongmen.

    Oh wait, it is a total clusterfuck and causes a power vacuum.

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