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Posts posted by capt4fans

  1. I honestly think I'm going to try and get my PFT done during the deployment. We've got a few PTLs around the squadron, and I was definitely in better shape after six months in the desert than I am now that I have American restaurants and fast food available and a desire to see my wife and kid for more than an hour a day.

    I know, I know...excuses excuses. But in the desert, I was running on a daily basis. I often find it hard to make time for that at home station with all the other queepy shit going on at work and maintaining some kind of family life.

    You shouldn't have any PTL's now right? All civilian all the time? just curious.

  2. we've got dudes in my sq who scored in the mid-high 90s and still FAILED because of the bullshit waist measurement.

    Even the AF can't come up with a logical explanation for why there's a waist measurement in our FITNESS test. The "official" reasoning behind it is that waists greater than 40" are predictors of future health problems. My contention is that if it's HEALTH based, put that in my PHA when you assess my HEALTH, and let me demonstrate my FITNESS during the FITNESS test when you're assessing my FITNESS.

    The PT test is bullshit, and leadership's excessive focus on PT is bullshit as well. We're retiring planes and firing airmen because we're broke, but we're going to stand up an entire new division at the HAWC and hire a bunch of civilians to give freaking PT tests? How does THAT make sense? Our first core value is INTEGRITY, and the service is not only calling our troops liars, but they're spending a LOT of money to do it. I'm not going to say there wasn't some fudging with PTLs, but there are ways to correct that within the system that don't cost a dime more than the way it used to be.

    "2" I love that my wing is now adding PT score to their "Rack and Stack" It's not enough that I've busted my ass to get my PME done, upgrade in my weapons system, get my masters, and work my ass off every day I come in. If my PT test show that I've got a 79, and the other dude who may not even have half of that done, but scores a 90 gets the better jobs/assignment preference, then we've totally lost our focus.

    "Rant off"

  3. You can want (wish) in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first.

    And in from left field with the third most useless comment on this post is busdriver.

    busdriver, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

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  4. He ran 1.5 miles in 8:30, and lost 13 points on the waist? I'd have to see it to believe it.

    Edit: dyslexia

    Unless he's about 65 years old, it's impossible to get those numbers. You'd fail the PT test by simple measure of having a 41 inch waist.

    Try again and next time, give us the whole story.

  5. Don't hold your breath. Your need for an apology reminds me of Vincent Vega's need for a "please."

    "I'm very sorry we didn't catch this mistake for several years, now pay your fu*king bill."

    Do any of you actually read? I never said I wanted an apology from DFAS for missing a debt that I might or might not owe that's over 4 years old. But when I walk into Finance with a 1 inch stack of papers to show them how they tried to fuck me out of over $5,000 and I get a deer in the headlight look, then I'd like a small, "I'm sorry."

    Or I expect some effort from my local finance office when I ask to trak down LES's from 4+ years ago about a 4+ year old debt, and instaed of getting that information, they tell me they checked my pay records and see no debt for the last 3 years. Last I checked, 4 doesn't equal 3.

    Then again, with math skills like that, maybe that's why all my travel vouchers keep coming back fucked up.

    Again, since neither USAFpilot, or Rainman have any command of the english language when you see where I say, "I'd like" that doesn't mean "I DEMAND"

    Back to your regularly schedule lives.

  6. Are you really looking for retribution on Snuffy? That's a bit of a power trip.

    Of course you can do their job better than they can. That is true for just about any job on base. Fuckin A, you need to realize that and chill out if you're really expecting everyone on base to be as smart and motivated to high performance as the pilots (and navs) in ops. That is never going to happen. Never fucking ever. Face it.

    The key is to work to fix the process and definitely recognize the folks that do a good job because they are probably getting shit on by the rest of the monkeys who are threatened by their performance...if you really want to make things better for everyone.

    You will be better off facing up to the fact that you will have to do their job for them vs blowing a nut by getting pissed at their incompetence...if you don't give a shit about making things better and just want to get your own shit squared away.

    Technique only.

    BTW, it took me a long time to learn that technique but my life got better when I stopped being a victim and just made the decision that I was either going to do their job for them or take even more time to try to improve the system. FWIW, most of the time I chose the former option because I didn't have time for the latter.

    Ultimately it made more sense using my energy being fired up about the real enemy vs the local enemy.

    Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning Rainman? I don't have the best command of the English language, but the word retribution is no where in my post. All I'd like is an apology. And most of the time, I don't get that. I know I have to do their job, I came to terms with that at my first operational assignment.

    Fix the process? Did you actually say fix the process? If finance could fix the process, we wouldn't have a thread dedicated to http://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/index.php?/topic/618-temporary-duty-tdy-info-claims-vouchers-rentals-bah/ that is 11 pages long. Yes there would be questions, but the majority of the posts on that thread are bitching about how finance (and lodging) continues to try and screw up paying what are legitimate claims/vouchers.

    I don't expect everyone on base to be as smart or as high speed as OPs (your words when theis comes back to bite me) but I do expect that there is at least 2-3 people in every organization who will go out of their way to fix problems, and when they've taken care of it, and see that it's a continuing problem in their unit, try to get it fixed so the next guy doesn't get fucked over like the rest of us have.

    I've been around the block long enough to know how to handle myself around these situations. And a last clarification, what I meant by remedial training was to be taken care of behind closed doors. Misplaced the qoutes. Sorry about that.

    • Upvote 2
  7. No, there's always a reason to gripe.

    The best solution is to make a point of recognizing high performance when you see it. An email to the commander CC/the high performer and your own boss is worth the 6.9 seconds it takes to fire it off.

    I do follow up with that. The problem is that when the system bends you over and has it's way with you, even if they're wrong, you don't get a "Sorry we screwed up. I'll make sure (insert rank here) Snuffy is given additional training." You get a scowl and a dirty look that I actually took the time to do their job and did it better than they could.

  8. I know that there are some good troops in Finance. It's just that they are few and far between. Of my 6 bases that I've been at in 10 years, there's only one that cuts the mustard. And that's Little Rock. Now if only they could send some of the troops from LR to Pope and fix the mess that exists there, I'd probably have no reason to gripe.

  9. If you want to base it off of quarters, like MWR stuff and the like, and I"m totally serious here. Thumrait goes to option ZZ. There's nothing there, and it's in the middle of BFO (Bum Fuck Oman). I hate the Deid with a passion however, it's got the best of everything you're looking for. Ali would be my first choice, but then again, I don't have to drink in the desert, most people love the idea of still having beer and liquor, which is why they pick the Deid. I hear that Salem is getting to be as bad as it is out here at the Deid (aka Land of the Shoe Clerks) but have no conformation of that.

  10. As requested. I post this fully knowing that I don't care who downloads it or who sees that i put it up here. Download away.IC-2 AUABI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance for Air Force Personnel.pdf

    Just to ask this question for those of you out here. Do we really need a "Hail and Fairwell" in the desert? Only been here for 4 months, and you need a parrty to tell you that you did a good job? Really? How about a pat on the back, 6 beers your last night here, and maybe a medal if you deserve it, not just because you were out here.

    Hail and Fairwell in the desert.....I hate to ask this question, but what's next?

  11. Dudes at the Deid - while I'm sure no one would admit to having a copy, if you could post the latest AUAB 36-2903 supp I'd appreciate it. Some of us are passing back through, and we've been having a talk about fighting fire with fire (i.e. being able to cite their shoe clerk BS to refute some extra shoe-ness.)

    We want to see if some stuff is actually in there - like not having a headlamp around your neck in the dark.

    We're betting it's not. Yet.

    I'll have to work tonight to get it. If you need any hints on how to really screw with their heads, PM me and I'll check my account in about 10 hours.

  12. I can only guess that the water shortage is due to the Qataris having to refill the river that runs through the mall down in Doha, after it was drained to repaint/reseal.

    Any sense of "combat zone" I might have had was completely shattered late last week when I discovered that we are, literally, a 20 minute drive from a totally modern city of 1M+ people who couldn't give two shits that we are here (and likely don't know that we are, either).

    The only reason no one knows we're here is because the trees that are put up to block the site of those aircraft and the base that can be seen from the major highway. I’m sure that no one who works here (TCN) ever talks about the “Huge American Flying Base” that is located here.

  13. So whose doing their best effort to conserve water? Combat 3-5 minute showers while the plants in front of the BPC continue to be watered.

    Only commenting because of my frequent misspellings.....if you mean who's as in "who is" versus whose, as in "whose shirt is untucked" then you would be right.

    And I love the fact that we're too fucking cheap to actually fix broken door knobs and shitters without seats, or bolts to hold those seats in place, but we've got the dollars to spend $3,000 a piece for new solar lights between the CC and the Better Person's Compound. Oh yeah, and the walkway as well......I love misplaced priorities.

  14. Dude, take some Midol and STFU about the asswisery. Have you been here before? We give each other shit all the time. I'd think that someone with several hundred posts has actually seen this happen...

    I understand that humor and the asswisery here. Hence the reason I didn't comment on M2's post. I also know better than to question a Mod as well. However, when a SNAP like Learjetter pipes in with "Well if it;s legit, why not pay it", it kinda begs a reply that I'm trying to find out if it is legit. I'll take the Midol and gladly pass them off to your Mom. She was complaining about cramping after I had my way with her last night. Must be that she's not used to something so big. :rock:

    Have a great week.

  15. Sounds like someone was using one of the back doors for a smoke break, or someone opened a SCIF without punching their code in correctly. That happened a few times while I was out there.

    It's gone on more than a few times. The brief that everyone gets about how to get in and out wasn't enough. We had to all get mandatory retraining, which amounted to a signature on a worthless piece of paper. That and the full size sheets of how to get in and out posted at every door now. Once again, a few people crap their pants, and the rest of us suffer.

    Why don't we actually make the people who screw things up worse off instead of the rest of us? What every happened to holding a person accountable?

  16. That's weird. Sounds like you got screwed. We just got back from there and it was only two to a room. I saw a sign posted on a door saying they were moving all of them to two to a room.

    I saw her...ewww. :vomit: She was so excited in telling us how she collects squadron patches and scans them for her gay little poster board at her desk. She's definitely a few french fries short of a happy meal.

    Is she really a few french fries short, or has she had too many orders of the Double Whopper with cheese AND french fries at Burger King?

  17. I realize they mave taken it out already. That's what I'm still trying to track down. Again, if they've already taken it out, then it's not a legit debt. If they actually (legally) can't ask for the money back, it's not a legit debt. Apparently that train of thought has left the station for some people (Learjet). I know it's hard to follow that logic, but I understand how the system works. I'm hoping to get the rest of the answers soon.

  18. Well, what's the answer?

    $100 says you have to pay it back.

    If I'm wrong and there is a "statue" of limitations, I'll pay you in 4 years. :thumbsup:

    Well, I said "think I have my answer" Still waiting on the rest of it. The first part is there is no limitation. But, don't have and LES's from that time frame to make sure that they didn't already take the money and are trying to get it again. Because that has never happened. Big Blue never makes a mistake when it comes to money.

    And, no, I'm fine. Been away from home too long and need to get back. Learjet is an asshole and I can't change that. Ask a simple question, and get a jackass response.

  19. I'm pretty sure I was overpaid. I've got two deposits in my electronic checkbook. I was far away from any Air Force base with support to get any help. I'd like to thank all of you for weighing in with the smartass comments, I think I've got my answer. No, it's not a hardship, but if I don't have to pay Big Blue, I'm not going to pay Big Blue. Just thought there would be someone with more information out there than I have.

  20. If it's a legit debt, how about just paying it back?

    Fly safe!

    Learjettter.....Hey SNAP, go back into the corner and drink your Kool-Aid. I'll call you when I want the answer from the person who live in a bubble and can’t think outside the box. How about I'm trying to find out if it is legit? How about if they can't actually try and collect, then there's no reason to pay back something that I was paid 4+ years ago? How about if I’m not legally responsible to pay it back? I realize you can’t think that way, but I was asking a perfectly legit question. Go back to your Lear hauling around people who out rank you by about 6 levels and when you’ve grown up we’ll talk some more.

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