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Posts posted by capt4fans

  1. Here is the one I sent good ole Sallie Mae and it worked. 6% on private loans after I got my flight commander to sign some paperwork that they emailed me.

    24 Jun 07

    To: Sallie Mae Servicing

    ATTN: Correspondence

    PO Box 9500

    Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773-9500


    Dear Sallie Mae Servicing:

    On 20 February 2004 I was called to active duty in the United States Air Force,and I have been continually serving on active duty since that date.

    Under the Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act (SCRA), 50 United States Code Appendix Section 526, I should receive a maximum interest rate of 6% on all account balances incurred before I came on active duty. Under the SCRA, I understand that any interest due above this 6% rate is forgiven. Please refund my account any excess charges and change my account to reflect the requirements of the SCRA, and adjust all monthly payments to the 6% interest rate.

    I have enclosed a copy of my current active duty orders and my active duty orders calling me to service for your reference.

    I will notify you as soon as my active duty ends.



    I have to ask, why did you put Section 526 in the letter. From looking at the SCRA, I came up with a different section that addresses the maximum indebtedness percentage. I think it was 206.

    Thanks for the answer, and you can PM me if that's easier.

  2. Okay...I know I am not the only one to gripe about this, but here it goes

    I am sick and tired of you FAIP tools and active duty IPs treating UPT students as inferiors throughout training! Not only am I an officer, but I have earned my right to be here just as you did...what gives? And its not only the IPs that do it, but also many of the enlisted people around the base. I have had countless two stripers completely blow off saluting me just because they don't see wings on my chest. Another example...the MPF "customer service" representatives have been overheard saying "why are you calling him sir? isnt he just a student?"

    Dont treat us as inferior, treat us as your peers. Your job is to train us as pilots, not to be our drill instructors throughout an already stressful year of our lives. You are no better, just more experienced!

    Rant switch...off

    Rant switch on....

    Grow a pair, stfu and sit down and listen to the men who have flown is sometimes for almost as long as you have been alive on this world and think you might learn a little.

    It's a humbling experience gonig to UPT as a LT....a little bit more as a Capt. Espically a prior rated Capt. I suggest you do the following and things will go a lot smoother.

    1. Sit down

    2. Shut up

    3. Color

    4. Repeat until you're through with UPT and have wings.

    Or here's the better option.....

    SIE and go be a REMF or a shoe clerk so we can really make fun of you.

    PS that other thread you started.....LMAO....I'm missing my anniversary for the 5th time in 10 years and my kids first birthday this deployment, so go f#ck yourself you sh!tbag!!! :flipoff: :flipoff:

    Rant switch...off

  3. Next thing you know we'll be known to cadets and everyone else memorizing their warrior knowledge as the Aero-Cyberspace Force, but we'll still be called the USAF. Everything seems so futuristic now. It's almost as though the heritage of the Air Force is, "To infinity and beyond."

    Don't give the REMF services division something else to change. Next thing you know that will be on our PT Gear!! :thumbsup:

  4. For those of you who are about to get incredibly pissed because I am posting here, I just want you to know that I have searched, talked to other people and thought long and hard before actually wasting your time with this question. Get pissed

    For everyone else, I have some questions on what is going on with KC-135 navs. It is no secret that navs are being replaced by PACER-CRAG and that navs are getting the boot. However, they are still dropping out of Randolph and going to McConnel. My questions are...

    -I hear that the navs do ALOT of mission planning and not so much of the actual flying. Is this true, so they plan, brief, and then say "go have fun"?

    -I guess they need a nav for SOAR missions. Are these common, is this what is happening in the AOR?

    -How bad are you really shooting yourself in the foot by being a KC-135 nav?

    -Does the Nav kind of have trouble earning his keep and getting any respect from others in the SQ?

    -I've heard that they were making navs write a letter as to why they DID NOT want to go to pilot training? Do they want to get rid of them that bad?

    -Is McConnel the only base to go to? I've heard they shut down WR and Fairchild has no navs.

    -Seems like a nav would have alot of time on his hands to maybe hang out in kansas and get a masters?

    Just a few questions I had, serious inquiries only please, Thanks

    OK my take is biased and old since I'm no longet a Nav and went through Randolph in 00-01. However, even in that time frame the only Nav slots to 135's were to McConnell.

    So to answer the questions as best as I can.

    1. Don't know. I do know they use navs at Whiteman in that capacity. Then again, the B2 never had a nav on board at all.

    2. Yes. Don't know. Yes in OIF from where I flew from. (Nav at that time)

    3. I'd have to say you need to be the top of the top since they're headed the way of the dinosaur. And possibly look at moving to another MWS if posible after a tour there.

    4. Not in the squadron I was in. Again, not a 135, but a plane with 2 GPS and 2 INS. You are the mission planning expert. That's where you earn your keep. I never had a problem with respect. Here's my one good story. I was still a young Nav(by my accounts) and the AC went to the back for a piss break. As he left the flight deck, he looked my straight in the eye and said, "Make sure he (Copilot) doesn't do anything stupid." That's when I knew they thought I was good at my job.

    5. Never heard that, and no they don't want to get rid of navs, it's just the way things are going.

    6. Yes. And that was the case in 00-01 when I went through Randolph.

    7. I wouldn't hang out in Kansas, I'd drive elsewhere....but definitely get the masters early. It's no fun as a senior captain trying to get that and SOS and all the other responsibility that comes with age and rank.

  5. yeah dude,

    i have to agree with cam on that one. at moody (which doesnt matter anymore because the fires are out now) even thinking about going out of the area was cause for hookage....

    signs you hooked your ride in upt:

    -your faip instructor is joking with other faip instructors about "a kill"

    -you hear any variation of "my hands are tied"

    -your instructor takes shots of tequila in the debrief... (witnessed that feat twice)

    -you are having a good day/week and are feeling great about that particular ride

    -it is your birthday

    -you hear any refernce to mexican food/taco's/hot sauce

    -your instructor asks, "do you even know where you are right now?" (even if you do... you will not win this argument.

    at least not in a t6, in the 44 you can look the ip in the eye and say yes, right here).

    -your instructor has "something going on afterwards"

    -you cracked a joke/walked down the hall smiling/seemed to be enjoying yourself

    -you see your IP at waffle house at 0230, drunkenly offer to buy his breakfast, he refuses, then you throw a 20 spot at him, say i wipe my A$$ with fifties!, and end up flying with him 30 hrs later...(my old roomie, not me)



    Add to that

    -your EP says something about ok, let's get this over with

    -your EP "has to go see the flight commander" (had that one)

    -your EP "needs to go check the books on a couple of things"

  6. Roger.

    We used to laugh at all the bozos that would come into Bagram, spend less than one hour on the ground, buy a bayonet and a T-shirt (no shit) and leave. I had to meet the GOs that would come in (mostly on C-17s as "augmented crewmembers") and more than one of them said to me "hey,uh, I'm just here to fill the Afghanistan square...where can I get one of those bayonets?" In the early days 90% of the airlift came in at night. The generals would be pissed when I would tell them the kids who sell the bayonets weren't normally around at 0200 but if they could catch a hop during the day next time they might have better luck. A couple of them even tried to give me money to buy one and send it to them.

    That "BTDT got the T-shirt (and bayonet)" crap was standard, I shit you not.

    That is so funny and true. Excpet in my former life, the BTDT t-shirt was to send as many people on a Tailswap into the Tax free zone. Makes a TDY that should only have 12 people on it interesting when it all the sudden becomes a 35 person TDY with triple coverage every crew position.

  7. Yeah, I know all the things that you told me about moving around every few hours and the like.

    Thanks for the help. That puts my mind at ease that I can go talk to the flight doc about it without having to turn in my wings.

    And RedCross.....thanks for nothing.....your advice was less than worthless. I would have gotten better advice had I asked my 7 month old the same question. :flipoff:

  8. I'm hoping someone here can help me find out about a possible problem I have.

    Here's the background, my dad was a pilot in the Air Force, and has been retired for quite a while now. He recently had shoulder surgery, and developed a blood clot after the surgery. :darkcloud:

    It took forever to try and get his clot taken care of, and it's never really gone away. Along the way in his treatment, he had a blood test and discovered he has what is called Factor V Leiden gene mutation. Basicly it means he's at a higher risk for blood clots than the normal person.

    Here's my problem. It's hereditary. And I may have it as well. Well, as luck would have it, I just got my pilot wings, and am worried that if I do have this blood problem/gene mutation, it may be a disqualifer and possibly could end my flying career right as it starts. :bash:

    Does anyone know if this blood disorder is a grounding issue? Is there anything in the regs about it. I haven't been tested, and I'm afraid to since it might end my flying career.

    I'd apprecite any advice that someone might have. Thanks.

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