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Posts posted by capt4fans

  1. That's actually pretty standard and there's a good reason behind the seperate colors. I know that during the ORI they press the "one team" concept, but you also have to remember that each wing is getting it's own grade. You'd hate for some doucebag unit from another base to royally fuck up your wings grade. The seperate colored belts help the inspectors know which wing has its shit together and which wing doesn't.

    Or you could take the appropriate notes, check with the people you're grading later via face to face contact, and get the answer that way.....but what do I know. RB's for everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :vomit::vomit:


    Any smack from your leadership yet over this? It looks like the "group starter" name has disappeared. Probably a very good call.

    Back to work and not a peep, an email, or an LOR. Fly safe and Vive la Resistance!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. capt4fans,

    Any smack from your leadership yet over this? It looks like the "group starter" name has disappeared. Probably a very good call.

    I've been away from work for 7 weeks, so no idea, but the phone hasn't rung yet, so my thought is no news is good news.

  3. This post brought to you by the IHRB Group on Facebook.

    "This conversation took place between 4 Air Force Security Police and 1 Marine at Al Udeid AB last week...

    AF: Hey man, you know you can't eat in here (Dining Facility) without a reflective belt at night.

    Marine: No. Why?!?

    AF: There's a sign on the door, I know you saw it.

    Marine: Nope, must have missed it.

    AF: Well you have to leave until you get a belt.

    Marine: Can I just finish my food.

    AF: No.

    Marine: Well, I'm just going to sit here and finish my dinner, then I'll leave. It's a ridiculous rule anyway.

    AF: You have to leave now sir, its an order.

    Marine: What's an order?

    AF: You can't be served food at night without a reflective belt.

    Marine: That makes no sense.

    AF: If you don't leave immediately, we will have to arrest you.

    Marine: Are you f*cking kidding me?

    AF: That's it, stand up.

    Marine: You guys can go to hell (leaves his tray on the table and storms off)."

  4. This post brought to you by the IHRB Group on Facebook.

    "This conversation took place between 4 Air Force Security Police and 1 Marine at Al Udeid AB last week...

    AF: Hey man, you know you can't eat in here (Dining Facility) without a reflective belt at night.

    Marine: No. Why?!?

    AF: There's a sign on the door, I know you saw it.

    Marine: Nope, must have missed it.

    AF: Well you have to leave until you get a belt.

    Marine: Can I just finish my food.

    AF: No.

    Marine: Well, I'm just going to sit here and finish my dinner, then I'll leave. It's a ridiculous rule anyway.

    AF: You have to leave now sir, its an order.

    Marine: What's an order?

    AF: You can't be served food at night without a reflective belt.

    Marine: That makes no sense.

    AF: If you don't leave immediately, we will have to arrest you.

    Marine: Are you f*cking kidding me?

    AF: That's it, stand up.

    Marine: You guys can go to hell (leaves his tray on the table and storms off)."

  5. I'm in the same boat, except my Det never asked for the belt back...officially. So I've still got one. Is red ok for everyone or is there some kind of rule about who wears what color? Nah, it can't be that gay. :bash:

    Yep..Bagram is that gay...from the Facebook page...

    " I'm stationed at Bagram A.F. and here on Bagram A.F. the only authorized color reflective belt is yellow/orange. Apparently it's more reflective? I guess I was wrong about the white stripe on mine being the reflective part."

  6. sometimes no, oftentimes, yes... TECHNICALLY they're not supposed to mandate something you have to buy out of pocket, but good luck getting 2, 3, 4+ belts issued... at least in JSTARS land

    Or you could just continually collect them as I do and never plan on wearing one of them. I think I have enough to wrap a C-130, and yet I went an entire 4 month rotation at the Deid without every having put it on my reflective PT Gear.

  7. For what? Starting a group on facebook and expressing an opinion that other people happen to agree with?

    Sorry...sarcasm was lost on that one.

    On a positive note, we may hit 10,000 members before Midnight Eastern tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! :rock::rock::rock:

  8. I had a decent rebuttal to the Stars & Stripes article posted on the Wall. The Army seems to have overrun the Wall, and now it's buried. Oh well...

    PM me your actual name and I'll get it put back on. I think I know the admin. He's a guy by the name of reflective belt.

  9. capt4fans--Just think...with all of this press, and the statements that have been requested from the Pentagon, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force probably knows your name. You're famous.

    (...er, notorious?)

    You know it's funny. The group just picked up a new Admin today. His name.....is Reflective Belt. I hope he enjoys his time and I'll check my work email when I get back from leave.

    Edit for bad spelling

  10. 4 Fans, Just out of curiosity, has your leadership discovered that you are the "Leader" of this group yet, and if so, what have the results been. Just wondering... I would hope they would be members of IHRB too, but ya never know.

    Discus....Have no idea. I've been TDY for about 6 weeks and totally out of pocket with the squadron. I'm on leave this week and won't get back to work until Mon. The best thing is now I'm attached, so might not be seen that much.

    I have a bunch of friends in the squadron that are all members, and that was what I originally had intended for this group. Just a bunch of squadron mates that had a similar hatred. Never expected to have this go "viral"

    And a PS on the ugly side. I just got a message from a guy claiming to have been given an LOR for his posting on the group. Apparently some people at his squadron saw it. Don't know that I totally believe it, but just thought I'd share.

  11. I was checking out the facebook page and out of curiosity, I refreshed every few seconds. The member count jumped every refresh.

    Nice work, capt4fans!

    I am mearly a cog in the wheel.

    P.S. 5,769.......and counting. :rock::rock::rock:

    Here's to the DD's and the Chief's group at the Deid. :flipoff::flipoff:

  12. haha! This is awesome! My husband showed me the group on FB last week, i think. He and about 5-6 of his friends joined. Not sure If I want to or not, seems more for the AD members then family members :-) But, if you want extra people, lemme know.. I have a LOT of spouse's on my FB that would join :)


    I'd be happy to have you and your friends as members. The more the merrier. Thanks for the invites you send in advance.

  13. Joined yesterday +15 invites. But, please tell me that before you booted Chris Heaney and Benjamin Karl Rostel Reid that you explained to them why the belt is f'n retarded. I'll hold off on making fun of Benjamin Karl Rostel Reid's name.

    Sorry. I had a few beers in me and one of the morons wife's was spouting off before I booted both of them and the wife. But they are both work to fix internet/some crap I don't care about. So, the terms Shoe Clerk and REMF most definitely apply.

    Just bringing up the fact that Baseops was getting represented on FB since there are a lot of non-baseops folks joining that group.

    It's one thing to come and thank us here, it's another to thank us in front of people not part of the Baseops community.

    Group is pushing 2500, I especially enjoy the "great moments in reflective belt history" pics.

    Keep it goin folks!

    Just added a huge Thank you to the wall on the group. Thinking about sending it out group wide as a message in the inbox. Don't know just how well that would be received though. Let me know your opinion.

  14. HOSS: I need 250 "IHRB" morale patches, pronto.

    Just make them pen patches so the flyers can wear them as non-approved morale patches. You know, come to think of it, I might have to get with someone on this. Start selling the pen patches that have "IHRB". Kinda like the "LPA" pen patch. But what the big question is, what color? Do you go subdued, so it doesn't look like it's there, or do you try and make it just like a neon yellow RB?

  15. Interesting that they haven't made any attempt to replace the sign since that pretty much obscures their DB message.

    I want to know why that sign is still there. Why doesn't it disappear every time an aircrew member walks through the door. Then you could simply say..."What sign?"

    edit cause me no spell good.

  16. You sir are a great example of leading the fight, keep it going. If we ever meet in person, your bar tab is on me.

    Toro, so who buys drinks when we meet. I'd never let you pay for a round either. That could get to be a problem.

    The best thing is one of the clerks wife's commented. She's gone as well.

  17. This is going great. The shoe clerks are already out of the woodwork and trying to make us feel bad about this group. Here's the quote from Mr. REMF himself....

    Chris Heaney

    "The only way for me to comment on this pathetic group is to join. This is stupidity at its best. Regs and Standards are out for a freaking reason. To even have a board and complain about how dumb something so small and insignificant as a reflective belt shows that none of you have anything else better to do in your life."

    Chris, you're a REMF, a shoe and have now been blocked from posting anything further in this group. :flipoff:

    He's now been blocked from the group. And his crony who had this to say...misspellings left for effect.

    Benjamin Karl Rostel Reid

    "I have to agree with Chris and here's why; While on deployment to a multinational base (where the only people who had to wear reflective belts were USAF personnel) 1 person got hit by a vehicle. A guy from CE who wasn't paying attention and wasn't wearing his belt. The AF recruits alot of really bright kids, the flipside of that is most wouldn't recognize common sense if it hit 'em like a 6pax. If you wanna complain why don't you ask why we wear high tech camoflage? Is it to blend in to the office/ airfield/ bulldozer/ bus/ ATC tower/ BX/ hanger/ maintianence bay/ manhole/ GATR site/ F16/ chow hall/ etc. etc. etc. etc.?"

    Benjamin, you're in the same boat. Banned for being a moron and a shoe clerk. :flipoff:

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